Inherit For Three Thousand Years

Nine hundred and twenty third sympathy

Today Chu Yunwen is coming to visit at home, Xiao Yao deliberately sorted out a few of his works, put them in the study.

At half past nine, the doorbell rang, Xiao Yao opened the door, and it was Chu Yunwen standing outside the door.

"I've been waiting for you, come in quickly."

Chu Yunwen didn't come empty-handed, he still had two things in his hand.

"Why are you still carrying something? We don't need to be so polite."

Chu Yunwen handed the two things in Xiao Yao's hands, "It's not expensive. I'm also a calligraphy lover. This is a picture I made last year. I think it's okay. Please appreciate it. The one in the box It’s the seal of Fangtian Huangshi, the original stone I found by myself when I was young, I didn’t expect it to be good, I’m giving it to you as a souvenir.”

Chu Yunwen dared to give Xiao Yao his calligraphy work as a gift, obviously his level is not bad, otherwise, he would definitely not present such a shame.

Xiao Yao is particularly interested in this calligraphy work of his, and can't wait to appreciate it.

"Let's go to the study, the table in my study is big."

Although it has not been opened yet, this calligraphy work by Chu Yunwen is obviously a long scroll, which cannot be placed on an ordinary table.

Chu Yunwen followed behind Xiao Yao and walked into the study.

This study room is very large, about eighty or ninety square meters, and the bookshelves on both sides are full of books.

His eyes swept over these books, and what attracted him most in the study were the paintings and calligraphy hanging on the walls.

But now is not the time to appreciate these works, Xiao Yao has already opened his calligraphy on the long case, and the handwriting on the long scroll is slowly revealed:

In the ninth year of Yonghe, at the age of Kuichou, at the beginning of late spring, I met at the Orchid Pavilion in Shanyin, Kuaiji, to do auspicious things. A group of virtuous men arrives, and young men and women gather together. There are lofty mountains here, lush forests and bamboos; Although it is not as prosperous as silk and bamboo orchestras, a glass of wine and a chants are enough to narrate the quiet feelings...

The work that Chu Yunwen gave him turned out to be an imitation of Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Lanting Collection".

Xiao Yao really never thought that Chu Yunwen would give him such a calligraphy work.

When the two were chatting, Chu Yunwen once said that he had appreciated Xiao Yao's "Qianyan Jingxiu" at the Han University Academy of Fine Arts? Naturally, he also understood Xiao Yao's calligraphy level.

Knowing how high Xiao Yao's calligraphy is? He dared to bring his own calligraphy works for Xiao Yao to appreciate.

And it is the most prestigious "Lanting Collection Preface" in the calligraphy world? It can be seen that Chu Yunwen is still quite confident in his calligraphy skills.

If he thinks that his calligraphy works cannot be sold, he will definitely not give them to friends as gifts.

Open the whole long scroll? Xiao Yao appraised it carefully, with admiration in his eyes.

The full text of "Lanting Collection Preface" has 28 lines and 324 characters. Since the sage of calligraphy, all those who have some attainments in calligraphy have basically copied this article.

Want to copy the handed down masterpieces of calligraphers? Be sure to understand the essence of this calligraphy.

Everyone's fonts may be different, but copying this work? Be sure to do it: the text is not flashy; the quality is not wild;

The masterpiece of the calligrapher? The brushwork is firm and soft, and the lines are flexible?

Copying this article does not lie in its similarity in shape? The criterion for judging whether a good work is good or not is the understanding and display of the beauty of neutrality.

Chu Yunwen's calligraphy in this volume is calm and gentle, full of vigor and concentration. The layout is sparse and well-organized, the brushwork is varied, the wind is upright and elegant, and the posture is free and vertical. The whole article is graceful and elegant, and the characters are exquisite.

Just looking at the richness of its brushes, there are various wonderful changes such as Tibetan front, decoration, hanging pen back to the front, thread drawing, tape reflection, square to circle, and circle to square. Meaning, obviously in order to obtain the samadhi of the original work. And on this basis, there is a strong personal style, that kind of elegant and free font, unrestrained, wanton flying.

Xiao Yao admired it for a full quarter of an hour, and then praised: "This writing is elegant and charming, calm and gentle, with profound skills and extraordinary charm, it is really a rare masterpiece.

Brother Chu, I didn't expect you to be so proficient in calligraphy. At your level, there are not many calligraphers in the world who are more skilled than you.

You are really deep enough. With such great calligraphy attainments, you are so lonely and self-admired. If you communicate with other people more, I am afraid that you will be praised as a calligraphy master today. "

Xiao Yao had already guessed that Chu Yunwen's calligraphy attainments were not low, but he did not expect that Chu Yunwen's calligraphy attainments were so high. The level of his calligraphy is not inferior to any living contemporary calligrapher. As long as he communicates with people in the industry, he will already be famous.

There is such a powerful calligraphy attainment, but there is no name in it. From this, it can be seen that Chu Yunwen must have an aloof temperament.

"Although I don't like doing business, my main business is business investment after all. I'm a businessman covered in gold, so I'd better not get in touch with those artists, so as not to tarnish the art in their hearts."

Xiao Yao raised his head and glanced at Chu Yunwen, "Why do I hear that there is something in your words, there should be some story in it?"

"It's not that complicated. Even when I was young, I also met several so-called calligraphers. The level may not be very high, and each of them has a good temper. I am not in the art circle, and I can't talk to them. One piece, and I stopped touching them later." It was already ten years ago, although Chu Yunwen had already let go of it, but he had prejudice against those so-called artists.

"Art is a display of individuality. It cannot be said that artists are not gregarious, but it is true that most of them are not easy to get in touch with. But you can't kill a group of people with one stick. There are always calligraphers who can chat with you, just look at Are you willing to contact me?" Xiao Yao explained.

"When I was young, I had a relatively high pursuit of art, but I did have this idea. After so many years, when young people mature, those thoughts before fade away. For me now, art creation is pure It doesn't matter if anyone recognizes and appreciates your self-entertainment." Chu Yunwen has indeed looked down on these things.

"I know your indifferent temperament. But people are social, and so are artists. Otherwise, we can't just hit it off when we first met. Art also needs more communication, even if it is a hobby. It is also a pleasant thing to discuss with a group of like-minded people.

Our temperaments are similar, and I will introduce you to a few friends in the art circle in the future, and I hope we can chat with you. "

"The friend you introduced must not be wrong. If there is such a party in the future, please remember to call me."

Chu Yunwen does not have prejudices against all artists. He is not from the art circle, and his main focus is on investing in companies, so he has been wandering outside this circle.

If he can really chat, he is of course willing to have more like-minded friends.

"This work of yours is a rare masterpiece. I have to collect it carefully. As the saying goes, it's not rude to come and go. I accept your gift, and I have to give you a gift in return. Why don't I write a picture for you? Sample?"

Since they are friends, it is normal for them to give each other their own works. As for the value, there is no need to care about it.

Of course, it also depends on what kind of friend you are. Although Chu Yunwen is a friend you just met, Xiao Yao hit it off right away. The gift of the work is just a wish, and he doesn't consider the value at all.

"Then I can't take it. If I accept your calligraphy works, it's not obvious that I'm gaining fame. It's fine to take advantage of it. Even friends have to pay attention to it. Everything is too late. I can't take your calligraphy works." I dare not ask for it.

If you really want to give me a gift in return, draw me a sketch, maybe I will be famous in art history for it. "

Chu Yunwen has his own rules of conduct. Although he really wants to collect a calligraphy work by Xiao Yao, he will never accept Xiao Yao's gift.

Although Xiao Yao's calligraphy works have not been published yet, his inscriptions in "Qianyan Jingxiu Picture" have fully demonstrated his calligraphy attainments.

His calligraphy attainments are the same as his painting level, and the charm of Tiancheng has far surpassed these contemporary artists. Once Xiao Yao's calligraphy works are put on the market, they will inevitably be expensive.

Chu Yunwen gave Xiao Yao his calligraphy works entirely out of friendship among friends, but if he accepted Xiao Yao's calligraphy works in return, the nature would be different.

Although friendship is priceless, valuable works cannot be accepted with peace of mind just because of the word friendship.

Xiao Yao's attitude was very frank, and he couldn't just refuse so bluntly, so he simply made a request himself.

Compared with Xiao Yao's calligraphy works, Xiao Yao created a sketch for him. The meaning of the two is the same, but the value is very different.

Even with Xiao Yao's reputation, if one of his sketches is put on the market, the price will be several million or more at most. This value is not very high, and Chu Yunwen can accept it with peace of mind.

"Then it's settled, I'm very inspired now, why don't I draw a sketch for you now." Xiao Yao has always felt that Chu Yunwen's temperament is very special, and he has the desire to use him as a model for creation.

"What I wish for is whether the time will be too long?"

"I draw rough, half an hour is enough. The drawing is too detailed, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait, and being a model is quite tiring." Xiao Yao started to prepare as he said.

Chu Yunwen is looking forward to it very much. He is not only highly accomplished in calligraphy, but also has a wide range of artistic hobbies. He has dabbled in both piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and his attainments are not low. Although his oil painting level is not as high as that of Chinese painting, it is still at a professional level. He is eager to see Xiao Yao's sketching level.

Although sketch is only the basis of oil painting, it can best show a person's skills. He really wants to appreciate what Xiao Yao's sketch portrait will look like.

Xiao Yao's speed was very fast, and he stopped what he was doing just after half an hour.

He handed the sketch paper in his hand to Chu Yunwen, "Is it okay to see?"

Chu Yunwen took the sketch paper in his hand, his eyes fell on the portrait, and he couldn't look away.

After all, half an hour is too short. He originally thought that the portrait would be rough, but things were completely beyond his expectation——in such a short time, the sketch that Xiao Yao drew for him was very fine.

If he hadn't seen Xiao Yao bring over a blank sketch paper with his own eyes, he would definitely think that this sketch was drawn by Xiao Yao in advance.

Xiao Yao's results in half an hour, even if he was given 5 hours, he would definitely not be able to do it so finely.

He was very curious, how did Xiao Yao draw so fast?

This extremely fast speed is supposed to affect the quality, but it's not the case—his portrait is simply amazing!

Not to mention the solid foundation, for Xiao Yao, this is just a basic operation, there must be a lot for him to learn, but there is no need to be amazed.

What really shocked him was the indescribable charm revealed in the portrait. He couldn't even believe that the handsome middle-aged man with calm eyes and indifferent aura was actually him!

He really couldn't understand why different compositions and different light and shade treatments showed such charm?

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