Inherit For Three Thousand Years

One hundred and ninety eighth confession

"Is Huang Lao's experience very rough? I really don't know, can you tell me?" Facing Xiao Yao, Cheng Yu didn't hide her curiosity.

Xiao Yao briefly recounted Huang Lao's experience when he was young, which aroused Cheng Wei's sighs.

When the big boss comes to the restaurant for dinner, the relevant service staff are all cautious and strive to perfect all the details.

Xiao Yao inquired about Cheng Yu's taste, and learned that Cheng Yu had no taboos, the two of them discussed it, and quickly ordered Songhua Fish Skin, Braised Shrimp Tofu Egg, White Jade Steamed Fresh Crab Claws, Spicy Wagyu Beef and Red Mushroom Maw soup.

"Another bottle of red wine, what do you like to drink?" Xiao Yao asked Cheng Yu for advice.

"You can do whatever you want. I usually don't drink alcohol, and I don't have much research on red wine."

Cheng Yu's answer was a bit unexpected to Xiao Yao, "I thought you had a deep research on red wine, but it seems I took it for granted."

"I don't come from a rich family, so I must have a deep research on red wine. I don't like drinking, whether it's white wine or red wine, I don't drink it unless necessary. I like tea, and coffee is okay, maybe It's because my mother is too deeply influenced, and my mother doesn't usually drink." Cheng Yu explained.

"Then what do you drink? Is freshly squeezed juice okay?"

"Drinking alone is boring. Although I don't like drinking, it's not that I can't drink. I'll just have a drink with you. It's up to you to decide what to drink." Cheng Yu was very understanding.

Of course, ordinary friends would definitely not be treated like this, and Cheng Yu was willing to accommodate only because this person was Xiao Yao.

"Then have a bottle of Chateau Latour in 2005. The Latour in 2005 has a very high score, and the major rating agencies basically give it a score close to full. You can try it." Xiao Yao recommended. .

"I'm fine. Latour is relatively hard. I really haven't had much experience with this kind of wine." Cheng Yu said indifferently.

"You know Latour very well, don't you dislike red wine?"

"Although I don't like drinking, I still need to know some basic knowledge. I can just say a few words on paper. Because I don't like it, I can't taste the differences and characteristics of various wines. I just know a little A layman with basic knowledge." In front of Xiao Yao, there was nothing to hide, Cheng Yu told the truth.

After the dishes were served one after another, the red wine had already woken up. The waiter poured a glass of wine for each of them, and then walked away.

"We've known each other for a long time. Today is the first time the two of us have dinner alone. I feel very honored to have a friend like you. Let's have a toast together for today's reunion." Xiao Yao raised his wine glass.

Cheng Yu also picked up the wine glass and took a sip, "I am also very honored. I have always been a very proud person. No matter what I did or studied since I was a child, I was basically the best one. But today I was hit by you."

Cheng Yu looked at Xiao Yao with burning eyes, "One cannot choose one's origin, and the same is true of appearance. I am very lucky. In these two aspects, God particularly favors me. But this is destined by God, and I am not worthy of pride." , I am most proud of my talent. Many people say that I am very talented in painting, and I think so myself, but after seeing two of your works today, I realized how shallow I am. You even It directly deprived me of the right to be envious and jealous, because the gap between the two of us is really too big... Do you know? I adore you very much now!"

Cheng Yu has always been gentle and elegant in Xiao Yao's eyes, but at this moment, her eyes are so hot and compelling.

Xiao Yao was a little surprised that such an aggressive gaze appeared in Cheng Yu's eyes. Such a gentle and watery person has such a fiery side, which gave him a better understanding of Cheng Yu's character.

"You don't need to worship...but I don't mind if you like me. If that's the case, I'm more than happy to cooperate." Xiao Yao said half-jokingly.

What Cheng Yu plucked up the courage to say,

Being pointed out by Xiao Yao in this tone made her feel very sweet, but she was more shy, "Have you always been so thick-skinned? Isn't it proud of you to be admired by a beautiful woman like me?" Is it? If you want me to like you, you have to be even better."

"Your requirements are too high. If even I am not good enough in your eyes, then there will be no better man in this world. A beautiful woman like you will not even have a crush in her life. Really What a pity."

Xiao Yao sighed, "I've always been a soft-hearted person, and I don't want my friends to be unhappy. When necessary, I can sacrifice. You can imagine me as a boyfriend, and maybe it can cure your pickiness."

Being caught by Xiao Yao's words, Cheng Yu didn't dare to continue discussing this topic.

Cheng Yu's appearance is gentle and demure, but in fact she is a very arrogant and strong person. People with this personality are not easily moved by emotion, but once they are moved by true emotion, it must be strong and hot.

From the first time she met Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao left a very deep impression on her. In the previous few meetings, her impression of Xiao Yao has always remained at a favorable level. But today's meeting, after seeing Xiao Yao's unparalleled talent, she quickly fell without warning.

Although this change seemed too fast and too sudden, Cheng Yu didn't feel it.

Xiao Yao's conditions in all aspects are very good, and he is impeccable. The reason why Cheng Yu's favorability has not reached the level of liking is just that he lacks a little spiritual touch.

After seeing Xiao Yao's talent today, Cheng Yu was not only touched a little, but a little too violently.

"The market price is about 12,000 a bottle, and the price of Hanting is 20,000 a bottle. This year's Latour is really worth the price. Latour wine was once favored by US President Thomas Jefferson, and I personally like this A wine."

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