Infinite Technology Domination

Chapter 168: Mysterious crystal creature

In the world of "Can Be Out of Control", Qin Tian is hidden. ??? August 1 Chinese? W? W? W ?. ㈠8㈠1㈠Z? W. Com, he is not the other traverser, giving Andrew a good identity and changing the life of the other party. Those are meaningless, and there is no need to contact the so-called protagonist.

The most valuable thing in the whole world is the mysterious crystal creature hidden in the cave. In the past, other traversers mistakenly thought it was a power crystal, but it was not a power crystal, but a mysterious cosmic creature.

In a cafe in London, England. Qin Tian was drinking coffee and eating breakfast, watching newspapers and savoring life.

"It's rare that during a break, there are too many things in the main world." Qin Tian drank a cup of coffee and murmured.

"Sir, your bacon and sandwich. It's ready, please slow down." The waiter followed a gentleman's etiquette and said respectfully to Qin Tiangong.

Britain is a country that pays attention to etiquette. The etiquette of this country has already penetrated into the bone marrow. You can see them all the time and treat others with courtesy and greetings.

"Thank you, give you a tip." Qin Tian handed the waiter 3oo pounds and said to him with a smile.

"Thank you, sir." The waiter looked at Qin Tian with gratitude and continued to say: "Wish you a happy meal."

Qin Tian looked at the headline of the newspaper and the meteorite fell into London without any impact. This title reminded him that the crystal creature originally seemed to come to this world, and it didn't take long.

"That thing seems to be the culprit of ability production." Qin Tian is clearly aware that the story of the advent meeting of the meteorite has a very deep relationship.

And as the protagonist of this world, Andrew not only did not enjoy the luck, but has always been doomed. Being taught by his father at home and being bullied by his classmates at school, unfortunately can describe the current situation of Andrew.

In the evening, they came to the party as usual, but Andrew had nothing to do. Bored to send a female, but only by the boyfriend of the other party, Andrew was unfortunately taught a lesson.

"Hi Andrew, I have something for you, do you have time?"

While Andrew had a swollen nose and a swollen face, and was doing it on the ground, playing with the camera, a clear voice sounded.

"Hello, it's you! Steve."

Andrew clearly saw a black guy named Steve. They didn't know or were too familiar, but the name was still memorable in a school.

"I need to use your camera. I have something amazing. If we take it, the harvest should not be small." Steve patted Andrew on the shoulder and said inducedly.

"Yes, as long as you need my help."

Andrew said in a low mood that he has been hit recently, which has almost put him at the root of the explosion.

"So let's go together!" Steve said happily, and continued to say to Andrew: "Matt, just now with me, now you join, our adventure will be more interesting.

"Well, I will follow you." Andrew replied affirmatively when he heard Matt say this.

Andrew carefully followed where Steve was behind them. It is the cave with mysterious crystal creatures, which can replicate cells to achieve the point of creating replicators. The research value of that mysterious creature can be imagined.

Andrew and Steve walked to their destination, only to see Steve beckon to Matt. Loudly said: "Matt, wait here!" Also turned his head and said gently to Andrew: "We are somewhere, your camera will make us different places."

Steve and Andrew, they are still waiting for Matt, here is deserted. There is a huge pothole on the ground, there is a loud noise from time to time, obviously there is something unusual in it.

"Why is there no one here, the rest of the party?" Andrew asked Matt in doubt.

"They all left, it's too late." Steve looked at Andrew and said seriously.

Unlike Andrew ’s concerns, Steve and Matt were both excited and crawled in front of the potholes and said aloud: "We are going to go in, maybe there is something different. I remember yesterday, it seemed that a meteorite fell Come down. "

"I feel that it's unusual. We still don't want to go down." Andrew refused and said to his two friends.

"We're going first, I'll stay here, be careful of the wolf." Matt said to mocking Andrew. The purpose of this scaring is to let Andrew go down.

"Okay, okay, I'll go." Andrew finally worried about himself and reluctantly went on.

After the three of them went down, a burst of purple and black light flashed, and Qin Tian came to the potholes here.

"Can the world be out of control, hidden mysterious creatures? Not crystals of abilities, non-mimic creatures with energy."

Qin Tian had no doubt at the entrance of the cave, everything here. Although he may be puzzled, it cannot be too long. You have to know that Qin Tian has been to a lot of the world, and there are even more plundered things.

In front of the potholes, from time to time, there was a constant riot of energy. The energy and disordered thoughts contained in it made Qin Tian feel different places. All the energy around him was quickly attracted and gathered in a certain place in the pothole. ~ ~ Regardless of the energy produced by physics or the energy dissipated in the air, the energy is completely absorbed and strengthened by the mysterious creatures.

How big the universe is is not known at all. Different planes have different advantages. A parallel world like the sentinel world can unexpectedly appear as the ultimate creature. In addition to the mysterious creatures that appear in this world, many secrets are hidden in the universe.

"What is valuable in this world, when you are fully present, I can do it if I want, what I want to do."

Qin Tian looked into the pothole and did not enter in a hurry. It ’s his idea to wait a moment to get in. Mysterious crystal creatures have absolutely no weak power. Using energy and cells to create replicators with the power of thoughts proves the advantages of mysterious creatures.

"I actually felt the desire to swallow, it was really incredible." Qin Tian is good at absorbing the advantages of various organisms or viruses. When he feels inside, his cells tell himself to swallow quickly.

Qin Tian itself has absorbed a lot of advantages, the DNA of the cells in the body is becoming more and more complete, and the strength he owns is getting stronger and stronger.

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