Infinite Technology Domination

Chapter 132: return to the past

The universe is the process of continuously expanding from a singular point of great mass to the limit and then contracting again into a singular point or tearing it into multiple universes. ? Eight? One Chinese? Net? W㈠W? W. 81ZW. In the process of extreme expansion, the COMM universe may also tear into multiple universes, with no material areas in between. It can be imagined that everything is such a singularity of great quality at first, and it will tear into countless parallel universes through expansion and expansion. At a certain moment of a certain day, such a Marvel main world universe with reasonable life will be born .

When a different process of an event or a subsequent development of a different decision exists in different parallel universes. This theory is also often used to explain other paradoxes, like some paradoxes about time travel. In addition, it can also be interpreted in parallel universes, according to the interpretation of parallel universe theory. This ball hits itself and not hits two different parallel universes. The situation in the sentinel world and the main world of Marvel is also similar.

If, as long as this law is extended indefinitely, there will inevitably be a world in which the constant is not the constant we know. For example, use "1" to represent the constant value of the world we know as "Planck's constant". If the value of the constant of another world is "2", then the other world is built on the constant of "2" Based on. And from 1 to 2 there are countless possible values, so the world that may exist in parallel should be endless. The reason why we ca n’t see parallel worlds is that they are parallel to each other, but the chances of connecting are relatively small, and they can only be intertwined for hundreds or tens of thousands of years.

Although theoretically such a space-time can generate an infinite number, it cannot really take multiple values ​​from it like odd and even numbers. Usually only a few reasonable solutions to the equation can be derived, from which several parallel spaces that may exist can be constructed. However, under the influence of uncertain factors in quantum physics, these parallel spaces may also be unstable. If a parallel space composed of these uncertain Planck constants, there is the possibility of extinction and integration.

In the sentinel world, the war between Qin Tian and Bolivar continues. In this world, Bolivar is too confident in his sentinel robots. He is so confident that he uses a large amount of nuclear materials to make energy for sentinel robots, so that the world's powerful and destructive weapons are extinct. That is to meet the most powerful and dangerous enemies without the power to fight back.

The Phantom Cat returned to the past with Wolverine's future consciousness. The body is almost the same as the original, but consciousness is no longer in this world.

When Wolverine regained dominance in the body, he woke up and looked at everything. At the moment, he was sleeping with a woman in bed, looking at the familiar and strange woman in front of him. Wolverine didn't care about that, just looked at the mirror in the room as if thinking about something.

The timeline of Marvel ’s main world is 1973, and when he is sure to go back to the past, Wolverine wakes up as if he had been poured over by cold water. The development of history is almost unstoppable and reversible, just like the flash point refutation of the dc world, but if consciousness traverses back to the past, then there will be a solution.

In 1973, everything seemed to have returned to its original point, without sentry robots and nothing born. The dazzling light is still shining on the earth, there is no haze and terror in the future world, killing and cold, just like a new world.

Wolverine knew nothing about the past, and when he wanted to pick up his clothes and left, three bodyguards appeared inappropriately. With a hostile look, he told Wolverine that he was in trouble.

"Hi, there seems to be something to tell me!" Wolverine questioned the other party's hostility, but still asked calmly.

The biggest feature of Wolverine is that it causes trouble. Fortunately, relying on the self-healing factor that can be used there, you can always live.

"Miss Gwen, please put on your clothes, and the boss wants to find you." One of the bodyguards said to the woman next to Wolverine.

"What the **** are you for?" Wolverine is puzzled but not stupid. Such a thing is closely related to himself.

The fat bodyguard's eyes showed cold, angry and shouted at the Wolverine: "What matter, this should be me to ask you! Please come to protect the boss's daughter, not make you his son-in-law."

"No! I promise." Wolverine scratched his head and explained helplessly.

He came back from the sentinel world, his mind was not sober, and the questions of those people made Wolverine puzzled.

"No? Haha, you are kidding." The bodyguard frowned, looking at Wolverine with scorn and scorn.

"My meaning is very simple, I will have a good relationship with her, but ..." Wolverine tentatively persuaded these people. After all, he has important things, and he can't continue to talk to those people like this.

"Don't say Jimmy." Wolverine's loyal boss, his daughter had a different relationship when Wolverine was protected.

"I use my personality to guarantee that that is not me. That was me before, really." Wolverine explained more and more darkly. The bodyguard even put the pistol, and if he didn't agree, he might get Wolverine early It became a sieve.

"Oh, how do you explain your clothes here?" The fat bodyguard questioned Wolverine, they were almost impatient ~ ~ Then I can tell you for sure that I am from the future world Come over, will you believe me? "Wolverine looked at their eyes after he finished, not explaining anything. He clearly saw the killing intention of the bodyguard."

"Bang Bang Bang !!!" The three bodyguards took out their pistols and quickly pressed the trigger, the bullet in the magazine hit the Wolverine.

"This is really a beautiful day." Wolverine stretched out his bones and claws and stabbed a bodyguard fiercely. The remaining bodyguards saw that Wolverine couldn't stop them, so they didn't attack. They quickly ran out.

The power of Wolverine's self-healing factor began to play its role, and the bullets of countless pistols quickly squeezed out of the muscles. The jingling sounds on the ground made the bodyguards fear for a while, and they met the iron plate this time.

After the Wolverine solved the annoying bodyguards, he began to look for the people he wanted to see. Professor x and Magneto, those are the keys to changing the future.

In the sentinel world, Qin Tian still competes with Bolivar. Bolivar's first target is still a mutant, and they immediately rushed to their destination. The best result was that the mutants became extinct, and Qin Tian and Bolívar again clashed.

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