Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 676: Golden City

Through the difficult Howling Corridor, the eyes became suddenly bright, but it never made people feel excited.

The Gobi desert, the gravel wilderness, there are no trees at all, even the thorny plants are sparse, the sky is turbulent and rolling, as fast as a horse, but it will never be exhausted, the sun can only reveal a short moment from the occasional gap, see The ground, the light of the sun and the shadow of the cloud form an irregular veined light wave flow that is easier to see on the sand and stone surface of the river bottom projected by the sun, and together with the strong wind create a strange and alternative atmosphere.

When faced with such a landscape, any life will inevitably produce the feeling that it is a forbidden place of life.

Then the knights were under the dark clouds, at the end of the field of vision, and saw the glorious eyes of Carlock? Sh, even in the daytime.

The reason why the Yinyan Church is willing to send a knight to come here is mainly directed at it. This is an irrefutable miracle. The Holy Flame Fountain of the Great Flame Great Church is dwarfed by comparison.

The team's senior priest Hilma Rahzan confirmed: "It is indeed silver flame, magnificent and unmatched, like the light of the sun, which is the characteristic of the eye that truly views eleventh-level spells."

In the world of Dragons and Dungeons, all spells reach the apex at 9th level, and the 10th level is a legendary spell. Of course, the most famous one is the 12th-level spell. The first magical goddess of the world.

Lifting the whip to drive the horse, the wheels rolled, the riding team headed in the direction that the Silver Flame Church called the Eye of Holy Light.

Two days later, Dazhebao gradually revealed its posture on the gravel field.

Its majesty is not only in itself, but also in the contrast of the surrounding environment.

If it is in the shadow and cliff area that rises to the cliff of Wancheng, it does not matter in height or volume, but it is a wilderness, common gravel, the largest is only the height of a person, a few meters in diameter, against such a background Next, Dazhebao looks super majestic.

"Where did the creator get the boulder to build such a behemoth?" Graverson couldn't help sighing.

"I heard that the creators have the skill of turning soil into stone. This kind of stone is different from rock in the true sense. They are stronger than steel, and they can also absorb magic energy to a certain extent and further strengthen it. The longer the years, the stronger. "The accompanying investigator Gado Elsen of the Fort Corland Library said.

The Fort Corran Library is an organization, and the Ombudsman is a unique occupation in the world of Eberron. They are particularly good at solving mysterious events.

The Ombudsman is considered an advanced profession, and at the same time has a specific full-time scope. Elson belongs to foreign affairs, has some characteristics of an explorer, and has a higher ability than the Ombudsman.

Level 7 rogue, Level 5 ranger, Level 4 investigator, Gado has a total level of up to 16, and has become one of the first-class strong creatures in the world.

The Fort Corland attaches great importance to the creators, so he did not hesitate to ask for a seat from the Yinyan Church and send her to come.

Gravesen and Hilmar also hope to see the creator. Although they are both members of the church, they have different starting points. Graverson is military-oriented, and Hilma is religious.

The Knights were welcomed by the Gashkar tribe, and the newly added sand lizard cavalry greeted them into the city.

Gaskara has always had a tradition of feeding giant sand lizards, and the Harrow tribe also has, or rather, most of the intelligent creatures living in the demon wasteland have this tradition.

It ’s just that conditions in the past are not allowed, and that Gaskala is mainly guarding the entrances and exits of the Majestic Mountains and patrolling the valleys. Unlike the Haron tribe, they live a nomadic life, so the number of domestication is limited.

Now with the logistics system provided by Kane, raising sand lizards is a matter of course, so the samurai formed the first tribe of Shashgo knights to ride sand lizards.

Paladins are good at using multiple weapons and can make better use of armor. At the same time, most of them have received riding training. As a church knight, they are still qualified.

The Silver Flame Knights also have to admit that, under the premise that their hardware is guaranteed, the entire system of the Turtle Brothers has also been improved, and the performance in all aspects is no worse than them.

Of course, the Silver Flame Knights can still teach the Gaskar tribe, such as military knowledge, riding skills, combined strike skills, and combat skills. The skills used by the members of the Gaskar tribe are still too rough. .

In the face of the same faith, the warriors of the Gaskala tribe are still able to accept the Silver Flame Knight, but they also have not always looked up to each other, thinking that they are mostly small white faces with only flower fist and embroidered legs.

The misunderstandings between the two sides have obviously subsided with this exchange. In general, the silver flame knights are more shocked. The skills of the Gashkar warriors through blood and fire are indeed more practical, and their The teamwork is also outstanding.

In comparison, the battle skills of the Silver Flame Knights are more used to deal with a large number of enemies with similar strengths, or even generally inferior. This Gaskar is generally not used.

They hardly have a large-scale battle with the Harrow tribe, and the most common enemy that needs to be dispatched to deal with it is often the kind of powerful BOSS monster. The Silver Flame Knight has not made much achievements in this regard, and even Not as good as the Gaskar tribe.

To put it bluntly, the Silver Flame Knight is used to winning by defeating the weak, while the Gaskala tribe is often the weaker side of the battle, and is good at fighting under adverse circumstances, even in a desperate environment. This situation did not change until the Green Umbrella Group stepped in.

Today, the changes in Gashkar have been widely spread in the demon wasteland. The Harien tribe once organized an attack against Gashda, and ran away after half of the battle. 'S experience, the defensive heavy firepower was revealed prematurely, although the people of the Harien tribe are bloodthirsty and perverted, they are not lacking in heart.

What was more lively was the attack by the sand master against a fangfang.

The sneak attack turned into a raid, the raid turned into a tough attack, and the tough toughness turned into anger. In the end, most people in the fangfang were killed in battle, but the price paid by the sand master was also shocking. 2. The sand master used to change 1 to 7 or even 1 to 10. In the end, when the reinforcements of the Gaskala tribe arrived, the sand masters could only retreat unhappy, and finally failed to win their fangs. Fort.

Watching for help, this is also a new change that Kane brought to the Gashkar tribe.

Before, they just had this heart, but basically had no such power.

In response to this lack of strength, Kane had to divide troops into a large area, and every time he used his face to kill him, he was too lazy to vomit.

After his team provided it with a steam-powered airship, both Gasdar and Makruda had the ability to support Fangfang in their respective jurisdictions. The Fangfangbao is warned by magic fireworks.

When Hilma, Mark, and Gado asked Sussa and Tokahn about the creator, Sussa said that the creator did not live in the Dabaobao.

"Why?" Hilmar said: "I heard that you have a good relationship with the creator."

"His Highness Kane believes that he will affect the development of Gaskara here. He feels that we will try our best to reduce this impact and let us find and solve problems ourselves."

Mark Graverson interjected: "I have discovered this situation through observation these days. Those flesh golems, in addition to providing technical teaching and professional services, will not answer any other questions and will never go out. Related facilities. "

Susha told Hillmar: "I need to talk to you separately about the creator."

Later, Hilma learned from Susha that Kane had asked before trading with the Gashkara tribe.

As a secular mentor of the Silver Flame Guardian of the Silver Flame Church (equivalent to the Virgin, not the Indian Virgin), Gila Dylan (became a guardian at the age of 11, within the scope of Silver Flame Fort, equivalent to the 18th-level priest), Hill Ma's cultural heritage is much higher than that of Susha, and she has tasted more from what Isen said at the time.

She said to Sussa: "This is indeed a Highness. The angle he asked is not an extraordinary perspective. It is thorough, higher than the population, and is a perspective measured by the length of a hundred years. Unfortunately, your answer at the time was Did not satisfy him. "

Susha sighed: "We didn't know at the time that His Royal Highness existed at that level ~ ~ Hillmar gently said:" I'm not complaining about anything, just regretting. The current overall situation is not good at all, and we need strong allies. "For this purpose, Hilmar and Mark deliberately went to see the creator that day, and Jiaduo also followed, but she was asked to be an observer and not allowed to speak, because this is the silver flame church and the creator. Meeting, Hillmar hopes that the creator can make a good impression.

About 100 kilometers southwest from Marukda, there is a place called Baishayuan.

The legend here is a piece of land purified by feather snakes, and there is also a legend that it is a place of curse. In short, there must be something weird here, otherwise why is it always cloudless and white sand?

They also had the honor to witness the spectacle of Baishayuan, whether it is white clouds or dark clouds, they are on the horizon, and Baishayuan's head is always blue.

This kind of blue can only be seen in the depths of the desert. The beautiful color is touching.

White sand is also very rare. It is not visually misleading in the context of the environment, but it is really white sand, not pure white, but grayish white.

It was in this white desert that the Green Umbrella Group built a group of buildings that featured ancient Egyptian temples.

This is the first use of the remaining capacity after the establishment of facilities for the Gaskar tribe. After that, more than 10,000 weavers of the Construction Engineering Corps were pulled out of the core and sealed with construction equipment to prevent awakening.

The architectural complex of ancient Egypt is naturally magnificent, the key is the rich cultural atmosphere, and it is very suitable for the desert environment. Especially Essen specially chose dark gold as the main background color of the entire architectural complex.

With such a color and a certain amount of old treatment, the senses will have a long-term precipitation.

Graveson also asked Hilma for this: "Is this ... the temple ruins?"

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