Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 658: Zuatu

The gods in the agricultural department of the department have always been the most important gods in the divine system.

In Azeroth, Freya, the king of life, played the role of Titan **** of agriculture.

As far as Kane knows, there is no such **** in the Loa system.

A very important reason is that the troll civilization is not a cultivation civilization, but a hunting civilization.

Kane even believes that this characteristic of the troll civilization is also a major reason for its decline from victory to decline. Because there is no agriculture, and fishing and hunting alone is not enough to support a large number of people.

In fact, at the peak of the troll empire, food problems broke out, which also prompted the trolls to strengthen the breeding and taming of beasts, even intelligent, free, and fierce raptors, and fierce, proud overlords. Longdu surrendered and driven by it, showing its advanced technology in this area.

In addition, it is precisely because of the characteristics of hunting civilization, the beast gods are quite popular in the trolls' belief in gods.

In the forefront, many believers are basically beasts. And like the fine jaw dragon, frog, etc., obviously have a good magic gift, but still niche.

Gaialai is considered to be the more advanced **** of Loa, unlike Equilson, the **** of falcons. Gaialai's divine attributes and even divine gifts are more inclined to spells than combat skills.

Like the well-known dragon eagle breathing, it can be as long as the dragon breath. Its high-temperature flames, even the fire element elves, and even the flame walkers, such as swimming in lava, can be killed.

It is precisely because of this that Kane felt weird and strange when the information was first that Gaiale worked part-time as the **** of agriculture.

Azeroth also has crops such as corn, and Gaialai ’s agricultural priests mainly care for such crops called gold grains by the trolls here.

If the Kane deity is present, knowing this information will inevitably make you laugh. Because the Mayan civilization of the origin world is corn-based, and its status is equivalent to wheat of the pasta nation, and rice or millet of the grain-eating nation.

Kane Sun didn't know the information, but he knew what corn was. I can also figure out why an agricultural **** dedicated to corn crops popped up.

They walked all the way and they didn't see any big beasts at all.

If the trolls here are still known for his well-known hunting, it means that the food chain is broken.

Kane believes that it is precisely because of demand, or to survive, that the trolls here have completed the transformation and changed to farming instead of hunting.

In addition, the memory of the team of trolls also explained the existence of the small settlement.

There is the edge of the city state of Zuatu. The troll is a perimeter patrol and will check the situation from time to time.

Their main thing is not to prevent the invasion of other city-states, but to check the erosion of evil. Because it is walking around the outer periphery of the city-state, it is quite hard to walk a lot of roads a day.

But this is very necessary. The evils have been advancing, threatening their survival, and they rely on belief in God, so that God has enough power to support the circle of refuge.

If the refuge circle is reduced, it will be blamed on the lack of faith. Further speaking, it is that some people are not religious enough, and then religious persecution, such as sacrifices, is born. The blood clan, how can it be worthy of the clan name without playing snow?

In addition, some scattered information about the city-state Zulkin was collected. For example, they have mining areas, trade areas, and even commercial roads, etc.

By the time Kane had digested the information, they had walked out about 3 kilometers. From afar, they could already see the outline of the city of Zuatu.

This city is not majestic, but it is still distinctive, but it is not a big deal for Kane. What's more, he used the magic flying eagle to overlook the sky from breakfast.

Now he is concerned about the corn fields developed by the trolls. Through the details, we can see the quality of agricultural technology, such as whether it is intensively cultivated, whether it is canal irrigation or more drip, whether it is farm manure or grass ash, etc.

All of these are closely related to crop yields.

As the saying goes, the people take food as the sky. Regardless of whether the troll is fishing, hunting or farming, if you can't figure out people's belly, there will be a big problem.

The situation in the field proves that the way of farming is quite primitive and bloody.

Kane saw some half-buried bones, if he was not disappointed, those should be trolls.

Serf, this is also very Mayan.

According to the relevant information memorized by the patrol trolls, in Zuatu, after the slaves were killed, they would be directly chopped as fertilizer. Even the free people, after death, are said to have fat beliefs and money.

Belief in fat is that the soul goes to the kingdom of God, and the body donates as fertilizer. The money is for selling corpses, but of course you can also use it for your own use.

Both Alexstra and Ysera felt that the trolls doing this were brutal and cruel.

Kane could be more considerate. This is not a psychological distortion for abuse, but for survival. People who have n’t tasted long-term hunger, it is difficult to understand how tormenting it is, and how much bottom line people can break to solve problems, including moral conscience.

Thoughtful. Contrary to this, in the event that even the most basic food and drink problems are unclear, it seems a bit rude to say any etiquette.

Of course, understanding to understand, but to allow Kane to fight for the well-being of the trolls, he refused. After all, he is a selfish person, not an internationalist, no, interstellar fighter.

So Tanaka buried his bones, but his mentality was very good, did not say oops you are really pitiful, I want to play the savior to help you out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Without this thought, even the trolls of Azeroth included the waste utilization of some experimental projects on them, before they were placed instead of watching them being slaughtered.

Here, Kane feels that he has been distorted cognitively, and the training is too difficult and not cost-effective. What's more, he hasn't escaped himself now, so he doesn't want those that are missing.

From a distance, the most prominent of Zuatu is the dozen or so pyramids of different shapes and sizes, which are basically step pyramids, and the top of the tower shines with divine light, which is the same as the spider **** Yazma Temple There is a clear difference in what you see.

Moving on to the city, the troll slaves worked hard in the continuous farmland.

The shape of these slaves is generally thin, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the shape of the bones is not excessive, and their skin quality is obviously relatively poor. Although stone gray is the common skin color of blood trolls, there are also differences in smoothness and delicateness. These Rough as rock skin, and dull color, revealing unhealthy yellow-gray, naturally means that its condition is very problematic.

There is also a way to tell the health status of the trolls by looking at their fangs. Poor origins ca n’t provide big, smooth, beautiful curvy tusks. This is for the trolls to match the dwarf ’s beard. Is an important benchmark for beauty and ugliness.

Kane couldn't appreciate this, so the troll he played, the fangs were more biased towards female trolls, that is, the ordinary lion tiger level, rather than exaggerated than the wild boar or saber tooth tiger.

At the end of the farmland are the city walls and the moat.

It may be because the temples are built like fortresses, and they are not badly protected. The trolls are not very enthusiastic about the city walls. They are generally relatively low, but they are generous, and they like to decorate. Glory deeds or something.

About 100 kilometers southwest from Marukda, there is a place called Baishayuan.

The legend here is a piece of land purified by feather snakes, and there is also a legend that it is a place of curse. In short, there must be something weird here, otherwise why is it always cloudless and white sand?

They also had the honor to witness the spectacle of Baishayuan, whether it is white clouds or dark clouds, they are on the horizon, and Baishayuan's head is always blue.

This kind of blue can only be seen in the depths of the desert. The beautiful color is touching.

White sand is also very rare. It is not visually misleading in the context of the environment, but it is really white sand, not pure white, but grayish white.

It was in this white desert that the Green Umbrella Group built a group of buildings that featured ancient Egyptian temples.

This is the first use of the remaining capacity after the establishment of facilities for the Gaskar tribe. After that, more than 10,000 weavers of the Construction Engineering Corps were pulled out of the core and sealed with construction equipment to prevent awakening.

The architectural complex of ancient Egypt is naturally magnificent, the key is the rich cultural atmosphere, and it is very suitable for the desert environment. Especially Essen specially chose dark gold as the main background color of the entire architectural complex.

With such a color and a certain amount of old treatment, the senses will have a long-term precipitation.

Graveson also asked Hilma for this: "Is this ... the temple ruins?"

Hilmar can only know that it is not ancient through the priest's magic.

Gado said: "The creations of the creators are full of the precipitation of the years and the beauty of art. Both the buildings here and the fortresses built for Gashkara have strong cultural characteristics."

"Well, there must be a civilization behind the creators ~ ~ It may well be more than a civilization, it is difficult to estimate what changes their arrival will bring to the world."

Graverson frowned: "Isn't it a believer in the Avenue of Light? The relationship between Half Dream and us is not bad. Although they have a strange way of thinking, they obviously hate morally corrupt people."

Hilma explained: "Most dream spirits are lawful and kind, but the Avenue of Light is lawful and neutral. This means that the creators may not necessarily agree with our values ​​and the universal morality of the Kovalai."

Gadot smiled, not much talk. In her opinion, Grafson's thinking is still too narrow, or most of the church knights have such characteristics.

Named Karnak by Kane, in fact it does not faithfully reproduce the Karnak Temple, and there are other gods such as Abu Simbel, Hatshepsut, Namtis, Del Baihli, Philae, etc. Elements of the temple.

It can be said that this Karnak is the concentration of ancient Egyptian civilization in architecture, but there is no pyramid. A real pyramid needs a lot of astronomical data assistance. Ethan is not interested in building a pyramid that has its own appearance.

The entire building complex covers an area of ​​2 square kilometers and is square. It is built on a pedestal stone platform more than 30 meters high. The perimeter of this pedestal is 6 kilometers. On the stone wall is a relief map of the magnificent chapter, which describes the ancient All major events in Egypt, until their demise.

Under the entrance steps, Hilma and they met the guard of Karnak, dressed in ancient Egyptian style, with a bronze toned body, wearing a fancy gold falcon helmet and a jackal helmet.

Falcons and jackals are two of the most representative animals in ancient Egyptian culture. Others, cats, crocodiles, vultures, etc. are not as distinctive as the two, and their meaning is profound.

Soon after learning of their intentions, the party was taken directly to the place where Ethan was, and played in the martial arts stadium.

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