Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 642: Take care of your self-esteem

The place where the broken people live is in the northwest corner of the Grief Marsh. The north and west are the rolling mountains. They built a few Eredar traditional houses at this corner. Not to mention the grand and magnificent, it can only be said that it is characteristic, covered by dense plants and rugged mountains and rocks, and it is completely invisible from the side of Zedi.

Forced by the need for survival, the breakers have developed two hunters and stalkers that did not originally exist. There is not much orthodoxy, but after more than ten years, I have adapted to this land. After using the herbal equipment, it can effectively hide, even most of the dragons have not been able to find the broken person hiding less than 10 meters away. Scout.

Fortunately, Kane is in charge of "knocking bricks" and can avoid touching nails or even red tape. After a happy drama, the greetings were omitted.

Vallad, the acting leader of the breakers, asked Kane and his entourage.

The draenei is still well-educated, very talkative, and tactfully refusing the words. The general meaning is: we are exiles, just better than nothing, I am afraid that we cannot help you. In addition, we are also satisfied with the present day and do not need cheap mercy.

Kane looked politely at Alexstrassa and Ysera. Both queens said: You come, today you are the protagonist.

Kane did not give up, and went directly to dry goods: "I came in and noticed the energy-gathering crystal on the top of the room. Obviously, because of the lack of equipment and even the loss of technology, there was a problem with your magic purification system. Of Arcanum. "

"I think you also know that you are now like this, which is caused by the long-term lack of qualified Olympic supplements. Your research conclusions about this are about irreversible distortions. I can tell you very well, the situation Not so bad. "

With a finger on Kane's left hand, a deformed person with a deformed polio-like characteristic beside Wallard was wrapped in a haze of light.

There was a shattered shattered person who exclaimed, but before they responded, the fog gradually dissipated. Look again, the former freaks have returned to normal Eredars.

The dragons also saw it for the first time. They said that the original Eredar people were like this. There was still a little difference from those of the Burning Legion changed by the evil energy. It seemed a bit cold, but not evil. .

Kane said: ‘Attention, this is not a demonstration, the normal recovery process is much slower than this. I just use special power to tell you everything is possible. ’

It was only then that the broken man woke up and looked at his hands and feet, jumping and jumping, cheering loudly, all gone.

People can understand his excitement. After all, he was a deformer who was worse than the ordinary broken one, and now he has returned to his former form.

Walard smiled bitterly: "It seems that even if we want to stay out of the business, you will not agree."

As an elder and one of the most wise men in the group, Varad knows that there is no free lunch in the world. If he was rescued before, it can be said to be a charity for the strong. Then, with this extraordinary magical power, restore the deformed people, and promise that all broken people can restore their original appearance, which must inevitably require them to pay something.

Kane said frankly, "We are fighting against the Burning Legion. In this world, the Burning Legion has failed twice. They are so angry and angry, and the capital investment for revenge is increasing. Of course, we have not been embarrassed to let you This small group of less than 500 people is destined to fill up the anti-magic cause. However, this is now your home, and with a little effort, I think you can and should do it. "

The broken people's expressions were tense, and they knew that the highlight was coming. What does this person who can speak directly in their hearts and have a strong mountain of supremacy want to get from them?

Just listen to Kane said: "In Draenor, the draenei who believe in the light are still resisting. But it is also in the final stage, and the failure is almost at hand. The burning legion paved the road with countless draenei bones , Successfully angered a part of the blood-stained but suffocated draenei, causing them to walk out of the dark and die in vain, and at the same time, it also made some timid draenei lose their fighting spirit. More importantly, The Draenei can no longer see any hope, and their fighting spirit is quickly disintegrating. Even the Holy Light is difficult to save. "

"And I, how to say, I do n’t want the war to ignite in Azeroth, and I do n’t know that the enemy is cheating on the door, and I do n’t have the habit of crying back until I am beaten up. The world of Draenor is already stupid because of the orc ’s stupidity Torn with the viciousness of the Burning Legion, where it became another Argus, which was quickly and comprehensively reduced to the fiery nest of the Burning Legion. I was going to open up the battlefield there, and I would cast a devil's head to make Wanjing Guanshan. And before that, I need to establish a stable space-time channel, which depends on your help. "

Wallard was shocked by Kane ’s ambitious goals, and he said cautiously: “But we had escaped through the slack management of the Dark Portal, and there were no phase technicians among us.”

"I know. I don't need your technology. Besides, our technology has barriers, and it is not easy to transform. What I need is your people. You have lived in Draenor for thousands of years. For me, you have the space-time imprint of that world, which can be extracted, parsed, and used as coordinate parameters. "

"And you will get paid to restore the original form for this, and the other is that I will provide the Austrian system so that you can maintain your state." Having said this, Kane's topic changed, saying:

"You're right, you don't need cheap mercy and charity. Anyone who has dignity and the fire of struggle has not extinguished is ashamed to live by begging. So we are a deal, but this time for Opening up the situation, I made more profits for you. I am waiting for your feedback. When the stable channel opens, I hope to see a capable research team appear in front of me, and I hope you will do well here. Ready to receive more compatriots. "

Okay, the breakers were moved. Once glorious, and now at the bottom of the valley, such people are often extremely sensitive, and Kane gives them the dignity they want most.

Others did not say that they would not pay for it. They just took it when they were the worst and waited for the investment to make a profit that far exceeded the average transaction.

Well, since they are very self-respecting, they take up this challenge and believe that they have the ability to repay, and believe that they can use facts to prove that the other party has not looked away. They are all good.

When you think about it like this, do you still feel that you are being pitifully and alms?

At this stage of the negotiation between the two parties, the tone is set, and the remaining details do not need Kane, and his people can do well.

However, the careful Kane still gave the Brokers a little bit of benefit, which is to send warmth, that is, to cure the leader of the Broker.

Wallard is just a leader. In the memory of Kane ’s prophet, there is a certain impression of this person. It was after the crash of the Blue Island in the Exodar of Velon and others, and later connected with the night elves and humans to join the alliance.

As the Alliance and the Horde targeted each other in order to draw the ground, the war also burned into the Swamp of Sorrows, and then the Broken One was discovered.

Wei Lun sent representatives to communicate and brought the broken people into the alliance family.

At that time, the broken person was even worse than now. Although there was no thigh-level demon like Kazak, some of the orcs defeated in the Second Orc War also became new residents of the Swamp of Sorrows and became indigenous after ten years. After receiving the support of the tribe, they need to pack up their old opponents. There are few living people. Where else is there any force.

In that historical line, Wallard opened a hotel here and was responsible for dealing with outsiders. It is considered to be more open, open, and easy to get along with among the broken ones, willing to interact with the outside world.

Most of the other broken people are physically and mentally handicapped. They seem to have autism one by one. When outsiders talk to them, they are usually not heard or seen.

The real leader of the breakers was Magtur, the founder of the escape, who had come up with the golden idea to use the chaotic and chaotic characteristics of the orcs and the Burning Legion to lead his compatriots across the line of fire and run through the door of darkness. To Azeroth.

The broken people believe that Magtur's wisdom can lead you to a better life.

Magtur is more sick than starving.

After all, he is older and he is more demanding about Olympics. He has not been able to get qualified Olympics for a long time, and his physical function has been declining, so he looks sick from the outside. What's inside is that he couldn't do it himself, and encountered a large hunting team that was betrayed by a traitor and suffered heavy losses.

If Kane doesn't come to ~ ~ it is estimated that he will be alive in the past few days. Whether he can wake up and explain the future is a problem.

Kane carefully noticed that Magtur might be in a hug from a word of "generation", and said a lot of words, and Wallard fell down the donkey, and Magtur's life was drawn.

At this point, each other's atmosphere has reached a climax. Kane knows that the rapids retreat bravely. It is the right time, this will make the other party feel more comfortable, rather than he is threatening.

Kane is so empathetic, non-sticky, and the broken people rarely offer good words. The interaction behind them is between them and the dragon. The dragons were not radical, and under Kane's guidelines, they also paid attention to the long stream.

After this, Kane's image became more three-dimensional in the eyes of the dragons. Just as the original history line famously said the famous celebrity of Varian Wrynn, who had been a death gladiator in the name of ‘Logash’: “My open hands will not only reward friends but also make the enemy chill.”

Of course, Kane prefers the famous saying of his hometown: warm like spring breeze, cruel like harsh winter.

Out of the Broken Refuge Camp, it was not too early, and the sunset was over.

Kane said: "The place we are going to is an underground palace, day or night, there is not much difference."

The dragons did not object, in fact, they had long been thinking about the main play. This is based on Kane's pretense. Their prelude overtures with green leaves as the main tone are a bit unpleasant for them, especially Kazak's chopping. Now there are still shocks and wonders.

Kane saw the thoughts of the dragons, smiled slightly, and said, "Then it really belongs to you, but are you really ready to perform a tragedy?"

Of course, it ’s malicious to say that it ’s better not to be prepared, so that it ’s shocking and impressive.

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