Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 594: Eating fish and fishing

The heroic team of mages fights against the Nether Dragon at Karazhan Observatory. The highlight is how much capital can be used in the battle by several big-time coffeemen in the future.

Kael'thas relied on his greedy desire for power to create the green orb of magic in advance.

This is obviously more helpless than the original historical line, leading the clan to make a dog for Kil'jaeden, and finally casting magic orbs with evil energy. Even the dark side of the temperament is also multiplied by the influence of evil energy, becoming the master personality Further fame, tragic death is much stronger.

But Kane is still not very optimistic about the prince.

Unlike Alsace's youth, Kael's youth is only relative to the elves. In fact, his three views and habits have already been shaped.

Behind the gentleness and even pretentiousness, this prince hides shortcomings such as arrogance, paranoia, and careful eyes.

However, this does not seem to be the biggest problem for Kane.

He felt that Kael's biggest problem was lack of emotional intelligence, which led him to fail to maintain a better mentality when solving his own problems (mainly self-decompression) and external problems (to deal with sinister hearts).

Kane feels that, like Jaina, Kael'thas is not a political-government material, and can even be said to be quite low-energy, without consultant guidance, and even ordinary people-level relationships are not very good. .

Such a person becoming a leader is simply a disaster. The more dedicated to the people, the worse. After all, true feelings can easily infect people, and then be trusted by people, and then ... be pitted.

Of course, I am not optimistic, but I do n’t care too much. All the wizards present today, including Medivh, and Kane are not particularly concerned about them.

Not because he is too self-confident, but he thinks these people are emotionally fettered, they care about their family and friends, and even the people. As long as such people are not overly exaggerated, they will not go bad, and they will not embark on an evil path against humanity and society.

As long as he recognizes the basic system of an orderly society and has a basic moral outlook, Kane will regard it as an object that can be united, even if it cannot be united, it is also a low-harmed person, not a main target.

Kane did not believe in fate, but awed it. In his eyes, the people in front of him were all a collection of thousands of causal lines, which implicated a wide range. This is why they are here, not others.

As for whether he can become an important 'horn child' in many major events in the future, he is more inclined to some of the latter because of the success of people and adults.

Therefore, his mentality is still relatively peaceful, and he has not deliberately approached these original historical bulls, but if he has the opportunity, he will not miss the early investment and help, so as to let the other party owe a lot of opportunities. .

Many friends have many ways, and he is fighting in this kind of storm, and he is not allowed to turn the world because of a small person who usually receives good karma.

Small people can become key roles. Like this kind of big background, the probability of becoming a booster is naturally higher. This is why he took the opportunity to give these people the opportunity.

The Void Nymph was showing great wickedness, the Void Flame's dragon breath looked at the observatory to be destroyed, but Kane saw the end of his crossbow.

"It's almost ..." Thinking of this, he asked the dragon in soul language to confirm the situation.

In fact, it has been prepared for a long time. Under Kane's staff, the best person to deal with is this kind of "large energy user".

Cooperating with Kane's spellcasting, the huge space in the entire planetarium was suddenly replaced by deep and dark space.

This trick is quite a bit when Kane's body confronted Nerva and his party at the Nozawa Garden at the time when he performed the demeanor of "deep streamer".

It's just that it's a technique of partial illusion, but it's partial reality.

This is no longer Karazhan Tower, and certainly not the deep space of the universe.

Comparing the cosmology of the original world with the cosmology of wow, you will find that there is no strict universe in this sense, and it is more inclined to the star world of the dnd cosmology.

This is the astral world, but there are inextricably linked with Azeroth, which belongs to the outer plane.

Here, the super huge space seems to be a hungry beast. Almost in a flash, the magical power dissipated in all directions in a nearly explosive shock wave.

This situation has little effect on Medivh.

They didn't have a down-to-earth ground before, either hanging in the air or flying around.

More importantly, Kane sent equipment before the adventure, and the kind of situations to be guarded include now.

Under the effect of magical equipment, weightlessness, low temperature and other problems can not bother people.

The Nether Dragon is extremely tragic. It is like the deep-sea creatures were suddenly transferred into the air. The external pressure suddenly dropped, causing the internal pressure to expand extremely quickly, like a stepped bladder.

It seemed that it was a very spectacular scene. The Void Dragon exuded an unprecedented purple light. The color difference of the light was distinct and the magnificent eye-catching hairs were all erected.

It's just that the bright light of this illuminated area is a round-second counter, just like a super large magical fireworks bullet, and when people are shocked by its dazzling, it is also the end of it.

The Nether Dragon became dull and dull, and the strong contrast of light before and after, even made people need to gaze carefully to find out its existence.

Only a thin layer of shiny skin is left, and it would be harder to see if it had dark and deep background.

At this time, Kane had already exhibited several methods one after another, and he saw the holy light shining around the body of the Void Dragon, and the body continued to shrink.

It howled reluctantly, but soon made a soft ball, and the silky light cloud was pulled out, that is the soul of the Nether Dragon.

In the end, Kane imprisoned the soul in the body of a mana pterosaur that had already been prepared.

Essentially, the Void Nymph is highly similar to the mana floating dragon's life characteristics, so it is easy to merge with the spirit.

The Void Nymph had controlled its new body almost for the first time, but it was useless. By relying on the body of the mana pterosaur, it would be able to rule in front of snakes, worms and ants.

Medivh, they hadn't had time to communicate with each other, and the scenery before them changed again, and they returned to Karazhan Observatory.

Kane's voice sounded: "A short astral banishment achieved its purpose. Thank you for your help. You have effectively consumed the Nether Dragon."

Medivh they naturally knew that Kane was taking care of their face, in fact, with the characteristics of the Nether Dragon, even without their help, if there was an exile in the astral world, they would watch a few seconds of fireworks.

Balati thanked very bluntly: "His Royal Highness, I seem to have gained a great benefit this time, thanks to His Highness's overall planning and asylum at a critical moment."

Kael'thas saw Balati's body radiating a flame that was not yet stable. The whole person was radiant and attractive. With his professional cultivation, he naturally knew that Balati had gained great benefits.

This time he compared his income. To be honest, he has some taste. It's not because the opponent has gained more power. It is because he has a high self-esteem, and he belongs to the position of a professor and a talented student with Balati. It was originally his skill, but the talent is not good luck, which is the key point of his taste.

Medivh also took advantage, but to be honest, he is not a belligerent. This is diametrically opposed to his mother, Aegwynn. The killing techniques taught by Aegwynn to him are already very powerful. To make up for his mage's crisp shortcomings, but he has become more extreme, and he is not planning to be a spell-casting assassin. He is not particularly enthusiastic about this harvest.

But even out of politeness, Kane thanked him. This matter is indeed Kane's strategy.

After a few words of politeness, Kane said: "There is still something to be done."

With that, Kane nodded to Velagosa.

Vera Gousa took out an exquisite source soul box from her arms. After activation, a humanoid light and shadow were projected and appeared in front of people.

"Let me introduce to you, members of the Blue Dragon Legion, the guard of the Icecrown, Sapphiron!"

That's right, it is the famous ice dragon Safiron who guarded the inner temple of the famous Naxxramas fortress in the original historical line.

In the original historical line, Safiron was killed when Alsace and the Lich King were united in Nordson's infrastructure. Specifically, his lair prevented the Lich King from building a big house, and tragedy.

In this world, perhaps because of the lack of interaction between Veragossa and the wanderer, Saffiron is so bored that he challenges the Lich King to defend the territory.

The result is also tragic. It is just that Northrend is active with the Freemasonry supported by Kane, and Safiron has a record in Kane's small book, so he has been secretly concerned.

It was a pity that the Freemasonry was still too weak at the time, and some of the reactions to Safirón ’s death were not timely enough. In the end, it only saved his soul from being enslaved, and the body was still used by the Lich King, resurrected as a minion.

Sapphiron has been missing a suitable body, and now he has.

Kane finally confirmed: "Safirion is expensive, you have to think about it."

"It's been several years, and I think it's clear enough." Sapphiron still seemed a little irritable.

In addition, there are some stupid, and they said hello to Medivh just perfunctory. It seems to be selling Kane's face.

Medivh, Kael'thas, and Ronin, who knew Blue Dragon's urinary properties, were used to it. Balati was a little unhappy. But she is in a good mood now, and has Kane's face.

In fact, the bad luck of the Blue Dragon family is also related to their inability to be human, uh ... to be a dragon.

Faye is a group of stupid people, and indeed has the capital of stinky farts.

The blue dragons are the lords of the lord of the law, and the more they smell, the more they go too far.

Kane originally wanted to add contacts to each other and deal with each other in the future. As soon as he saw the situation, he quickly entered the topic.

The related orbital arrangement has been prepared for a long time, and the operation is quick ~ ~ But this is only the first stage. Kane must not be able to adapt Safiron to the void for better spiritual integration. The dragon's body, but strengthens the blue dragon bloodline in the body of the Nether Dragon, making it more suitable for Saffron. This cannot be done in one go.

In addition, Kane must inevitably study the talents of the three types of alchemy energy of the Nether Dragon. This will inevitably delay the complete fusion of Safiron and the Nether Dragon's body no matter from the step or the time, so the following paragraph Over time, Safiron also cooperated with the research team and was studied.

With that said, Kane's harvest seems to be greater this time, because Medivh got fish, and he got fish.

Saffiron all left wearing the vest of the Nether Dragon, and Barati asked with some surprise: "What about Jaina?"

In fact, Medivh had noticed for a long time. Only Baratti, immersed in the joy of breaking through the big breakthrough, failed to notice that Jaina had not been present.

"I'm coming!" Jaina's voice sounded, revealing the coldness she hadn't had before.

People's eyes were turned to where the sound came out, and they saw the purple light spread like wings, pulling a beautiful light curtain, and Jaina walked out from inside.

Jaina changed a lot. This change originated from two places, mainly temperament, as if she had matured all at once. The second is the power attribute, with the icy cold trait of the water, which has become a deep and cold temperament, just like the ice of the abyss.

What Kane noticed was that the wavy gray hair on the forehead that appeared when Jaina became the aunt (returning to Kul Tiras) had already existed.

This lock of gray hair means experience, growth, and scars of the years. The little girl became an iron lady. I just do n’t know if this kind of pulling seedlings will help out, will it just show itself ...

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