Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 426: Play as the top hero unit

An unconventional method was used to open a gate leading to the interior of the Seblos. As a result, across the door was a gang of Kalai Xingling.

Faced with the sudden opening of the gate, they could literally describe it with cheering and overjoying. The specific expression was that a swarm of bees rushed out.

Kane looked at such a script, and immediately learned Anarak, with a tongue-tongued, "The years have passed, but you have remained the same, so stupid and cowardly!"

The Carlisle Stars focused their attention on Kane. The dress of Roshanda Kane highlighted the style of the Kadarin clan. The armor was iron gray, as if it were made of cast iron, and it was layered and scattered. There is no shortage of suspended parts, and there is the scar beauty of the long battle.

The style is heavy and grim. All the energy hubs that emit auras are all bright red like blood, and they are also wrapped in red mist and black smoke. A blood rust breath of steel war blade comes.

More than one Protoss exclaimed "Tadalin!"

There are still some people who only hear their names, but the Protoss who has n’t seen him sighs in a complicated mood, "So this is Tadarin!"

Mainly because of the extremely strong aura of Los Angeles Kane, that trace of divinity unconsciously affects intelligent creatures, which makes people feel awe. This is different from the strange shadows that give people a strange and mysterious feeling. This feeling is much stronger.

Some Protoss almost subconsciously said, "The Zebulus is over, the purifier has been controlled by the evil spirit!"

Kane thought about it, and he thought about it, cursing "Idiot, if it is really controlled, will the Zebulos still be here? Will you still have the chance to board the ship? Blink, dare to block, whether it is Whatever, I will shred him in Luoshanda! "

In the race of Protoss, Carlisle is the mainstream, and Kane won the purifier, but only to have more chips in his hand, and then after integrating into this mainstream system, he has more autonomy and voice.

So although he was abusive, he said something, reminded Carlisle Starling, rather than mocking and pulling hatred.

Sure enough, listening to Kane said, some Protoss clearly showed the characteristics of thinking, and the light in the eyes flickered.

But it is useless to flash again. The leader comes from the Supreme Council. It is like the key political bureaucrat in the source world. In the peace talks, there is a sense of truth and a set of truths. Really speaking, the actual operation is immediately empty of mind. Too.

This is the case now. He has lost his nerve. He was thinking of calling for reinforcements. He also said a little curse in the Kara network. "Let that insidious Tadarin die, he did n’t know what he was going to face. What is it ... "

Kane watched the group of Protoss contact their own ship, and then used the small star gate summoned by the probe to leap away. The heart said, "It's enough not to hit Laozi's ship."

Looking back, the gate is like a giant mouth of a monster, and the inside is dark and dull. Unfortunately, for him, darkness is a help, not a constraint.

He seemed to be drifting inwards quietly, perhaps because the light of the energy hub of the armor was more striking, and the attack soon appeared.

In the darkness, a scarlet light knife lit up abruptly, wiping out several bright arcs of light. The momentary light could vaguely reveal what seemed to be cut off, but there was no sound.

Purifiers don't need to breathe. The vacuum environment in the Cerberus avoids problems such as oxidation and is suitable for long-term maintenance. This is not bad for purifiers.

And Luoshanda can also tolerate the vacuum environment, including the ice cold in the deep space, provided that there is enough energy to supplement it, this is very prosperous.

Kane did n’t look into the details just now. It does n’t feel like a metal, but a kind of composite material. It does n’t matter. Anyone who dares to claw at him can just chop directly, no matter from which direction or existence.

The interior of the Zebulos is very grand, but it is not complicated. In general, it is divided into four sections, each section has an energy hub, and activation is equivalent to liberation.

Kane still knows about this place. With his past memory, he first went straight to the core of the center.

There is the power system of the Seblos, and it is also the energy supply source of the space-based weapons of Purifying Light. If it is destroyed there, there is the possibility of a big explosion. Otherwise, even if it is riveted with a nuclear bomb, it will have to It took some effort to dismantle the behemoth.

The landing point he chose was not far from the core, and now this way is one of the shortcuts.

Along the way, dark vision allows him to see the layout of different floors through the patio-like area, just like standing in a high department store building and squinting the balustrade below.

Even if there is no light source, the scenery is not bad. Each columnar container stands like a capacitor on the circuit board, forming a dense forest. It is easy to think of the arsenal.

This is also a kind of stagnation sac for long-term preservation of creations.

"Hundreds of thousands of various types of combat units were mass-produced, and then said that they were more dangerous and exiled, and they were not destroyed. This kind of logic can only be understood if there is a bag in the head.

Kane sneered at Yu Ming and ignored other secrets, but accelerated his pace and strode the meteor straight ahead.

Then more blockers appeared.

These are very representative, alert and inspiring, that is, fans and dragon knights of the purifier series.

As the most basic combat units of Protoss, the fanatics use the psionic cones fired from the upper arm of the armor. They are all good at fighting and can hit opponents at high speed.

The guardian that Kane encountered this time is the most different from the ordinary Protoss fanatics, not that it is a more burly block, but instead of the psionic cone is a double-stranded energy cone.

This light cone was supposed to be a stream of high-energy particles, but now together with other energy hubs, including its eyes, it emits an orange-red light, reminiscent of the color of lava, full of evil feelings.

"It's not the old one ..." Kane ushered in one of the large charge attempts to knock him over, and the light flashed at the moment of the collision, and the vigilante could only hit the scarlet image he left behind.

Of course, there is the color he still used, a touch of scarlet awn.

Unlike the general Protoss, he still uses lightsabers, or lightsabers, after all, this beam is roughly sheet-like, not a cylindrical body like the Jedi lightsaber.

The choice of such a weapon is naturally because it is displayed by the hand, which is more flexible and changeable, because the wrist is turned over.

Correspondingly, this also has extremely high requirements for skill manipulation. Can this thing be played in the style of night battles with all kinds of hidden knives? There is no knife back that rolls against your body. Varying different skills will definitely hurt you.

With a stab, the guard's energy shield exploded and his body was cut in two.

The next opponent is an inspirer, using the most commonly used tricks of the Dragon Knight, first flicking in front of the target, as if to attack, and then moving in a flashing phase, appearing at a tricky angle toward the target shooting.

As a result, the instigator came out, but when it reappeared, without waiting to shoot, Kane ’s power arrived first, like the Jedi Knight ’s grip of the original force, and it seemed to be a giant of mind, the body size and the standing beetle. The inspiring difference between the cars seems to be squeezed into a twisted residue.

Next is a few inspiring players to play Flash Slash together. It is rare that they can master the spatial orientation in this not-so-wide channel. There is no overlap due to the space, and they pit each other during the flash, but instead they have a bunch of flowers. , Dazzling people dazzled.

Kane did n’t panic at all. For ordinary people, he did n’t have time to respond quickly. For him, it was n’t too slow. He just needed to be patient and steady, and he could pinch them one by one. dead.

As for the light beams from the inspiring people, there is no need to avoid them all. It is critical to master their shooting trajectory at the critical moment, and they can be resolved by the beam knife in your hand, just like the Jedi Warrior uses a lightsaber to fight back with a beam gun.

So the inspiring people flickered frequently, but Kane still steadily moved forward, taking the scarlet afterimage from time to time to take a few steps, waving the light knife from time to time to block a few times, the other hand was the claw of death, the frequency was not high, but every two In three seconds, you would hold a grip in the air, and then an inspirator was transformed into a mass of metal scrap.

But this kind of fierceness could not shake the determination to block, more inspiring and vigilant rushed up.

These dedicated villains set their hands on their hands and kept their mouths open, playing from start to finish, full of sincerity and acting with life.

However, in a vacuum environment, the sound can not be transmitted, and it is extremely dark. The special effects cannot be displayed even if they are great. A fierce battle is just like a nightclub.

"Since this is the case, let's die together!" Kane laughed in his heart and launched a scarlet tide towards the large number of dead men who were rushing towards him.

This skill is to imitate the annihilation wave of Anarak, activate the secret energy, and hit an energy wave with a width equal to 10 equal-lengths (10 people standing side by side) and a length equal to 10 heights (about 18 meters).

The targets in this area are all subjected to shock wave-like blows, and will appear to be directional blown as if they were affected by the explosive gas wave.

The scarlet light surged suddenly, and from the perspective of Tenjin, the main hit area appeared exceptionally bright.

Then the person opposite turned over.

Kane was followed by a flash that imitated the phase movement. This move was n’t Anarak ’s, but it was from Nerahim ’s Advanced Dark Templar. The flash was said to last up to 7 times, matching their favorite psionic powers. The sickle is very powerful, especially for light armor units, such as ordinary marines wearing power armor suits.

Kane was in 13 consecutive flashes. He was ranked 13th in the upgrade chain, and many settings were deliberately pursuing consistency.

In addition, Kane can also imitate the mind burst and psionic storm of high-level templars, but the former is very good, but the latter he does not like it very much, it is too energy-consuming, and the visual effects are good. Just stay within the scope of the attack and do n’t leave? So the actual injury is too much to see the face.

A group of vigilants and inspirators were removed, and Kane, who continued to move forward, encountered the colossus and the immortal.

"Hoo!" Kane smiled inwardly, and said, "This makes me catch the little tail? I thought I would go through nine bends and eighteen bends, the speed of life and death!"

It turned out that he believed that this phenomenon of not placing the strong units on the front line for the first time was not a matter of military deployment, but that the other party also needed time to deploy. More simply, it took time to transform these machines. It's not that he didn't want to come to a mixed army and directly beat him to death, but when he fought against the vigilantes and inspirators, the other party had just converted these heavy units, or almost did not.

This also means that he is not far away from each other. No soldiers can be dispatched to get single-digit heavy units up. It is already a part of the central hub hall. There are more than a dozen squares. It really needs a lot of power. It is not a few of these kittens.

The main weapon of the Colossus is a high-energy hot-line gun. It can be said that the light armor unit killer, two light beams, can not only melt gold and iron, but also create a burning belt, plus its huge and strange shape, it is a nightmare.

But in front of Kane, such a big guy seemed too clumsy, the hotline gun dodge with flash, moved under him, the other party had not adjusted the muzzle in place, and the slim legs that were extremely slim relative to the body It was cut off, and the huge and heavy body had not landed. Following the sword, the powerful and expensive war weapon was ended.

This weapon is actually not suitable for walking alone, but with the assistance of a large number of light infantry.

In the eyes of Kane, this thing is actually very tasteless, too high and too big to become a fatal injury, these big guys who can engage in the play of the Afghan guerrillas want to cry without tears.

It's an immortal, this guy is like a heavy artillery tank, with thick skin and thick meat, and great weapon power. Kane knows that the scarlet tide can't blow it ~ ~ The wolf bites the turtle, nowhere to feel the mouth.

Of course, it was eventually destroyed, avoiding the hard shell, starting from the gap in the joint of the parts, and then stabbing inward.

There is even simpler, destroying the arm cannon, the immortal becomes an iron pimple that will go.

In short, these heavy units are still heroic in the face of special combat units, and they are not superior.

Especially Kane, who has displacement skills and penetration skills, even if they are facing the enemy, they are farther away from each other, and a few flashes have crossed. There is no problem of short leg heroes being baptized all the way by remote artillery fire.

This is also the ubiquitous detection device inside the Sabros, which offsets his stealth ability. If it is encountered in the wild, even if the other party has some detection devices, it can be defeated by various methods, but these heavy units are not It is a fat pig that is bigger, waiting to be killed.

"Mortal tactics can't stop me, get some dry goods out, if you have!" Rapidly rushing, killing all the way, watching the center is near, Kane is so secret ...


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