Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 359: Salute to the Warhammer Spirit

Liberty wearing Abyss II carries a comprehensive self-rescue backpack with tools, rations, first aid kit, etc., and also carries an energy pistol and energy cone. The battery of the energy pistol can fire 20 standard energy bombs, but if adjusted, it also Can be used to stun. The energy cone can spray the energy stream of the thumb length, which is quite sharp.

Finally, the optical camouflage cloak, as long as the power is connected to the socket on the armor, optical invisibility can be performed. And it is double invisible, armor itself is also possible, the name of the abyss is so, black enough.

Then Kane Zhao and several gray-bearded backbones appeared.

Every time Liberty saw them, they couldn't help but sigh for the bag and the turtle.

These gray-bearded backbones are very vulgar, which is the set of ancient human armor carved dragon and phoenix.

Take Kane as an example, his armor is scarlet, his shoulders, elbows, and knees are all lion-shaped, even his face armor, and the seven-headed lion is not too bad. The edges of the armor are all wrapped. Phnom Penh, as well as coiled cloud patterns, leaf patterns and other decorations, real red cloak, golden ribbon, white shirt with gold characters, the one hanging on the crotch, like a long scroll of scripture.

All the commanders on the front line are free of salute. They are afraid to be identified and snipered. The backbone of these gray beards is good, I am afraid that others do not know themselves, how to recognize them, and how to come. It is like the ancient Dahu flag. Under the Dahu flag, it must be the commander. The soldiers will know when they see the Dahu flag. The commander-in-chief is here, the commander-in-chief is not down, on the contrary, it is easy to collapse morale.

Lions, tigers, eagles, bears, wild boars, crocodiles, poisonous snakes, etc., anyway, the decoration of the gray beard comes from the fierce beasts of the earth age. Traditional traditional stage plays are rare.

Liberty didn't know how their brain circuits were, but thought of such a gameplay.

In fact, this is Kane's tribute to the Warhammer world. Whether it is the Warhammer of the Middle Ages, or the Warhammer 40K, humans have this tradition of gorgeous decoration, the higher the end, the more gorgeous, I am awesome, I am proud, I am the elder brother, to fight to find me. This kind of overwhelming look down on everything is great.

Kane is also playing this style, not afraid of exposure, Lao Tzu is the commander-in-chief, Lao Tzu is the best to fight!

In fact, this style is not even available on the body side. Although the main body can open up when it needs to go to death, in essence he still let his subordinates die, consuming the commander type of a strong enemy.

What a regret in life, the regrets of the commander type include rarely taking the lead in charge like a brother.

Coming to the SC world, Kane's personal force is high enough, so he can pretend to compare this, and this is up. It is also a kind of ‘foot kicking the Beihai nursing home and punching Nanshan kindergarten. ’

This time I went out, scouting, reloading assault soldiers, shield soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, and a few bosses, that is, a company with more than 100 people.

The main vehicle used is a large ground effect aircraft produced by the refuge ship dock. It looks like a hovercraft enlarged to a luxury cruise ship level. Of course, it is not actually an air cushion, but a magnetic levitation.

It must be pointed out that in the SC world, the reason why the human production system can be so sharp is because it has long since got rid of the model of tens of hundreds of upstream and downstream industrial chains.

Raw material mining, rough processing, this is one piece, to make a finished product, this is one piece, just these two parts.

The former is relatively nothing special. It is nothing more than mining and smelting, except that the intensity is stronger and the smelting method is more arbitrary. The latter is basically 3D printing. One thousand parts and ten thousand parts can be printed directly as needed on the assembly line. As large as the keel and shell of the ship, and as small as the screws, it is nothing more than a few sets of 3D printers of different models. These devices can also copy their own.

This means that, unless it is a device that has not mastered the blueprint and various technical parameters, as long as there is a MCV base car level, a complete industrial system must be established in a short period of time. And according to the need for continuous self-replication, expand production capacity.

The technology that Kane ’s body gave to Kane Zhao is actually this way. It ’s just that the level of command and conquest technology is more obvious but unique, and the highest commander is an absolute high-end. Is the interchange between mass and energy, as long as there is one of them, the other will not be lacking.

Of course, this technical ontology didn't give Kane? Zhao, after all, Kane? Zhao came here to benefit, not using diffusion technology.

Even if it ’s incomplete, it ’s enough for Kane? Zhao played it. On the advanced level of engineering biology of green-skinned humans, it ’s not inferior to that of Zerg, and in terms of technology, it can compete with humans on the earth ’s body, and become one. There is no obvious shortcoming.

As for energy technology, Kane Zhao's magic system is no less than that of Protoss's psionic system. If you can't get results, then you can just roll back.

Kane Zhao pressed the treasure on the drone system. Because this is a strong point of the blood worm group, and the strongest commander department in the technology system he masters is the drone. Its logistics technology is a quantum holographic printing that is one level higher than 3D printing.

It is really printing together inside and out, which is a bit exaggerated. If necessary, even the driver prints it together. And simplifying the complexity, the raw material collection has reached the atomic level, what is lacking can directly call related atoms, build a molecular system, and form matter.

The highest commander is the highest-level Shiva host, which can instantly turn a planet into a glass ball, and then shape the mountains, rivers, cities and villages at the physical level according to the planned blueprint. The use of energy and powerful computing power of all things is not enough to describe horror, it is a miracle.

Of course, Kane Ontology failed to obtain this level of technology. After all, Vientiane Gate lost its position in the high-end battle, and it worsened, and its reincarnations were not eligible to participate in too high-level universe invasion.

The highest commander technology mastered by Ontology is also the legacy left by the previous generation.

Kane Zhao is mainly waiting for the drone system to take shape, and then he can exponentially replicate and explode soldiers. It is not like how much, the blood worm group and the worm insect group, see which one is more.

Waiting for almost a year, sometimes the days are so difficult.

Three large ground effect aircrafts departed from the top airport of the shelter.

Asylum is a large fortress city that uses space efficiently. From the perspective of Tenjin, it is a bit like a quadrangular pyramid in Central America, with a clear large level.

The ground effect aircraft took off from the first large platform. Like a glider, it first dived and then stabilized its altitude. It always maintained a relative height of about 100 meters from the ground and began a cruise at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour.

This is not the first time Liberty has taken this vehicle. It can only be said that the tools produced by the Grey Beard technology are not compatible with the qualities they show.

These tools are unexpectedly comfortable. He dare to say that he can make people who are critical of him feel good, then most people will not feel bad.

And with the gray beard attendance, there is always an unspeakable sense of generosity.

Rich enough, not bad money. In the words of some people: "More like an official."

Mercenaries are more like regular soldiers than regular soldiers, and the pattern is the same. It is interesting and full of irony.

Liberty also carried professional photographic installations this time. This device is expensive and worth a third of the ground effect aircraft. It must be known that this is a big guy with an empty capacity of 200,000 tons (submarine algorithm).

The ephemeris in December is also winter for northern Marsala, but it is also one of the two months with the most precipitation in a year. The broken snow is flying and the wind is not strong.

Unfortunately, in the face of a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, it is more difficult to shoot natural scenery.

Liberty filmed the equipment in Gnakuri and explained the report.

The liquidator armored vehicle and the Bawang locomotive are all gray-bearded old equipment. The audience is familiar with it. The new equipment is the harvester drone.

Although it is on par with the federal notorious reaper plan, the two are not the same thing at all.

The Confederate is a warrior built with the most vicious criminals, using a jetpack and deuterium 8 explosive.

The gray-bearded one is a rotorcraft. It can carry a standard box. As long as the box meets the size and the weight does not exceed the limit, then it can be anything.

Therefore, the harvester drone can complete a variety of tasks including fire support, mine laying, reconnaissance, and rescue. It is difficult to imagine such a small thing, you can easily lift an adult oxen (not more than 300 kg).

In addition to this kind of weapon that looks like a big toy, but actually has a powerful effect, the Northern People's Democratic Union has some new toys. Such as the magic eye bomb.

This little thing looks like an iron tuft, stupid, but it is actually much lighter than it looks, and it can fly like a scarab.

This gadget is a combat weapon. As the name implies, it is against oncoming targets. With the use of power armor, it can be locked with a glance, and then the bomb flies over by laser guidance.

There is also a four-legged machine called a military mule. This long and ugly thing is a good helper for the infantry squad. It bears a heavy load. The mules can pass through the terrain, and the name comes from it.

The military mule is not only capable of carrying things, but also the sharpest class support firepower. It can mount two hexagonal barrel-shaped metal storm launchers and can launch special metal hydrogen projectiles. The area turned into an exploding sea, and the test armored vehicles (all sides are as thick as the front armor) were distorted in this explosion.

In addition, in order to deal with the enemy underground, the gray beard also invented the shock wave nuclear bomb.

When in use, you need to use Luoyang shovel-like equipment to detect the local geological structure, and then fine-tune the weapon according to the deconstruction. In fact, there are only a few options, basically covering all common geology.

Once selected, a resonant shock wave can be created. What kind of cavities are there under the ground?

These fierce inventions have given Grey Beard a reputation for killing specialization. Many audience members said that gray beard has reached its peak in terms of **** targets efficiently and cruelly.

Kane was slightly satisfied with this. He secretly said, "How can humans lose with those bugs? It's so ugly. My big toys are not new ideas, they already existed in the age of the earth. On killing life, human beings whose history of civilization is equal to the history of warfare ca n’t accept any race. Our ancestors are thinking of Fa’er ’s research on weapons of war. We are the devil imprisoned in the blue prison. . "

Grey Beard's outing this time was the last time he did his best to visit the free people.

There are always those who are clever and clever, but not too clever.

This is what Kane said. Liberty remembers it very well. Kane said: "If they are really smart enough, they will understand that they use each other a lot, and sometimes they take advantage of losing money."

The person who refuses to eat at all is the one who is most likely to make the mistake of 'the organs are too clever and they have mistaken Qingqing's life'.

Just like those who still live in Ansom. These people did see through the grey-bearded trick early in the morning. There happened to be such a foolish ~ ~ Speaking of their itch, so they refused to give up, refused to be sold by the gray beard, and counted their money to help them make money.

So they play independently.

Liberty remembers Kane telling him this: "I admire the spineless. The woman named Shirley Bass, if she takes those people to an abandoned town to build themselves, I will do it for them. Thumbs up. But they chose Ansom. "

"Ansom is less than a hundred kilometers away from the refuge. It can be said that it is just under our eyelids. Are they playing self-sufficient there, are they playing against us? I think there is one thing, but more importantly, they feel that There, even if there is a situation, you can quickly come over and take refuge in the refuge. Can the refuge be rejected at that time? The Pakatan Rakyat will stigmatize its reputation for less than two hundred people? This little account is too shrewd. "

"Freedom and autonomy, anti-exploitation and oppression, this slogan is nothing new. They think they are very high-handed, most people are insensitive, silly by the rulers bullied by the rulers. In fact in this era of developed information Are there really stupid people? Most people just prefer to spend seven cents in the face of this catastrophe instead of taking thirds. Living is the biggest truth. "

So are the people in Ansom still alive?

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