Infinite Legend: The Mechanic

Vol 2 Chapter 431: Meat mountain devil

431 Roshan Mountain Demon King

Boom~~~! ! A roar of car engines came. With a cry, a car swept across the road at high speed.

Tang Yu sat in the car, anxious. In order to save time, he flew directly into the Japanese volley in order to save time. As expected, he was targeted by the Japanese Air Force Self-Defense Force. So he had to abandon the aircraft and take a car instead.

Now D.VA and Kristina are unable to contact, making him very anxious, and the information received by Zhou Qing is also unclear. What he is most afraid of is what is wrong.

Suddenly, a request came from the photon computer in his head. This made Tang Yu stunned, asking? Not a written request or a linguistic request, but a computer program request. Just like when you play a game, the game's program asks for this action of calling the graphics card.

But how can it appear in his own brain? Who will send this request? And, the target of this request seems to be the black day code? ?

"Is it the core of the black sun? Shouldn't it? The core of the black sun has not been completed yet!" Tang Yu said to himself, and the core of the black sun could not find him, so... Is it... Christine? Na? ? Indeed, the intelligent robot controlled by him in the mechanical field will have a trace of contact with him, even if this robot does not use the mechanical field to talk to him!

Tang Yu thought about it and directly agreed to the request.

At this time, he felt that somewhere in his mind, the black day code suddenly became active, and then a piece of the black day code was sent remotely!

A moment later, he sensed through the Black Day code that a huge cluster of computer hosts was in the distance. Tang Yu’s current photonic computer, controlling the army of Guardian Type IV combat robots who were marching towards Shimada City, had reached its limit. So he directly removed the authority of the remote computer host cluster, and then disconnected.

After doing all of this, Tang Yu was also a little surprised. In the situation just now, Kristina is letting him send the day code remotely! what does this mean? This means that Tang Yu can use Christina as an intermediate node, greatly expanding his control range! I just don’t know what state Kristina will be in. If it is necessary to insert the KLD universal repeater into the computer that needs to be controlled, then the new operation method in this mechanical field is still very powerful, but it is inferior A lot.

Shimada Castle was right in front of me, and the smoke billowing from Shimada Castle could be seen very far away. Obviously, there was a fierce firefight inside. His heart sank straight down, and it was obvious that Shimada Castle had an accident! After sensing for a while, the guardian of the fourth type of robot robot closest to Shimada Castle has begun to enter Shimada City, but he can’t wait to merge these forces, he drove directly into the car.

Entering the giant torii gate of Shimada Castle from Hanamura, no soldiers were seen. There was a panic all over Shimoda City, and a large number of civilians ran out of the city. Obviously, the news that the army of robots without any cover is moving towards Shimada Castle has spread throughout the city.

Coming straight to his residence in Shimada Castle, Tang Yu was shocked when he saw the apartment building that was almost completely scrapped. Not only that, but he could also see a lot of blood everywhere, as well as many bullet marks and shells. .

Tang Yu picked up a shell and immediately recognized it as the shell of the pulse gun mounted on the D.VA armor. Obviously, there was an extremely fierce battle.

"Asshole! What enemy did they encounter? Why was it exposed? There were a lot of casualties on the scene. Obviously not D.VA and Christina's handwriting, so who would be so unscrupulous to kill in Shimada City? Can't it be the Shimada family?” Tang Yu said to herself in doubt.

Suddenly, a loud noise! ! An apartment building next door suddenly burst open, and countless slender tentacles shot out towards Tang Yu! Tang Yu's response was also extremely fast. He immediately took the AT-6 from the four-grid bag and took it up, followed by the AT-6's engine running at full speed, violently surpassing the back, and suddenly out of the attack range of these tentacles!

Not only that, he also threw out several boxes containing the Guardian Type IV combat robots. These boxes immediately unfolded, each containing four combat robots. After activation, these robots carried the assault rifle towards the ruins of the apartment building that had just burst.

Da da da da da da! ! A blast of gunfire was quickly heard in the dust flying around the ruins of the building. Obviously these combat robots have found the target!

Tang Yu frowned, he set the mecha detector to the thermal imaging mode and looked towards the middle of the smoke and dust. This was a surprise! The thermal energy reaction between a small hill is in the middle of the ruins of this building!

"Asshole! What is this thing?" Tang Yu exclaimed in silence. No, he couldn't be blocked by this monster. The most important thing now is to find Christina and D.VA! And the humans around him seemed to have been emptied by this monster. He couldn't ask someone to ask.

After sensing the position of the army of Guardian Type IV combat robots who have entered the city, Tang Yu immediately ordered these robots to come here! At the same time, all of the 80 combat robots carried in his four-box bag were released, and the monster was surrounded in the middle. Dozens of assault rifles poured bullets towards this monster all the time!

"His~~~!!!" The monster was obviously hit by intensive bullets, but its mountain-like body could not move, and could only resist these bullets!

boom! boom! ! Countless tiny tentacles extending around the monster began to attack these fighting robots like a whip! Boom! Boom! The simple-structured combat robots have been broken up, but these robots are just shooting unstoppably, even dodging!

Tang Yu then saw the disgusting rotten mountain-like body of this monster from the gradually dissipating dust.

"Tentacle? Why is there such a thing in the Shimada family?? In other words, you can't stay here in such a disgusting thing, why do you run here? You went to the wrong studio!" Tang Yu scolded. , Direct the battle robot to continue to approach the monster, and try to take advantage of firepower. Now he is not afraid of losses, because there are already fighting robots coming into the city to come to support! There will only be more and more combat robots joining the battle group. No matter how big your flesh is, you will be trampled to death when you step on it! !

Tang Yu thought this turned and drove the AT-6 and wanted to leave. Suddenly, the disgusting Roshan suddenly made a high-pitched hiss: "Tang~~~~~~煜~~ ~~~"

After that, it became apparent that in this state, it was impossible to seize Tang Yu under the circumstance of more and more combat robots. The shape of this meat mountain suddenly changed! !

I only saw that Roshan started spitting out countless tentacles. These tentacles grew more and more and longer, growing to the point that even Roshan could not effectively control the tentacles. At the same time, with more and more tentacles, the body of Roshan is getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared directly, leaving only a black heart-like core and countless tentacles in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, these tentacles began to rotate rapidly, began to wrap together, and the tighter the wrap, the more slowly they began to form the body and limbs! Finally, a human figure wrapped by countless tentacles appeared there! !

Numerous tentacles wrapped into this humanoid head suddenly cracked a gap, and a scarlet light cluster appeared in the dark gap, it seems that this tentacle giant's one eye! !

"Tang~~~煜~~~~" the giant tentacle roared.

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