Infinite Legend: The Mechanic

Chapter 376: Xingshi guilt

Chapter 376

"Grandpa Kong? He...?" Hearing Zhang Feng's voice, Peacock felt a little bad. M.LWxS Lovin Mobile Network

"I'm sorry...Peacock, you were arrested." Zhang Feng made a sad look, but he didn't hesitate in his hand, gently waved, and several military police came forward.

"Arrest me? I think you made a mistake! Zhang Feng!" Peacock's eyes narrowed, exhaling a burst of murderousness, she almost said the word Zhang Feng with her teeth.

"What are you talking about? Arresting the peacock?" Kong Xiang also froze, looking back at Zhang Feng.

"Grandpa Kong was killed. From the scene, the person who killed him was very close to him. Because Grandpa Kong invited this person into the inner room to talk, not in the parlor. And we found the peacock on the scene. Trace." Zhang Feng said.

Peacock suddenly felt a buzz in his brain, an uncontrollable anger almost swallowed her reason, she immediately appeared in a teleport in front of Zhang Feng, Peacock Ling fan held in her hand, she was going to kill Zhang Feng! Kill this traitor who pushed the China branch into the abyss! !

However, Zhang Feng was not afraid at all, not even hiding.

"Stop it!! Peacock!!!" A majestic voice came suddenly! When the peacock suddenly suffered an electric shock, he stopped.

"Liao...Grandpa Liao? Why are you here too?" Peacock froze.

"Master Kong was killed, and Kong Liu was also kidnapped. Counting the previous hijacking incident, if I don't do anything, the Huaxia branch is really over..." Liao Lao said sadly.

"Zhang...Zhang Feng, is what you said just now? The peacock that killed my father?!" Kong Xiang's trembling voice came, his face pale and trembling, as if he could not accept this fact.

"No, I also think this is not possible. But we did find the traces of the peacock on the scene, so the necessary investigation should still be done." Zhang Feng said calmly, then he approached the peacock and said softly : "Don't worry about the peacock, just do some investigations, and you are not at the scene at all, maybe it's just someone else's mischief. Just swear I will give you a clean innocence."

But the peacock looked up at Zhang Feng, his emerald green eyes were full of murderousness, and he looked at him for a while, and he stepped back involuntarily.

"Okay! Peacock! Don't complicate things! Zhang Feng is right. No one of us believes that this is what you did, but now this matter, you better not continue to get involved." Liao Lao said, and then he He sighed again and said, "Peacock... I can also feel that a boundless darkness is looming over our heads. I only hope that we can survive this disaster. Now things can't be complicated, you Come back with me."

Peacock nodded and got on the bus.

Suddenly a figure stood in front of her, and with a click, the pistol was loaded and a black barrel pointed at the peacock's forehead!

"Did you kill my father!!!" It was Kong Xiang who was holding the pistol! His face is distorted, his eyes are bloodshot, and he is staring at the peacock: "Is it you! Do you want to kill my father, then kill Kong Liu and me, and then take charge of the China branch and the entire Kong family!!!" "

The peacock gave him a cold look and said, "No."

"You..." What Kong Xiang wanted to say, Liao Lao suddenly shouted to interrupt him.

"Kong Xiang! You immediately take someone to chase the mysterious man who kidnapped Kong Liu! Now! Now!" Liao Lao said sharply. He stared at Kong Xiang, and he was forced to take two steps back with a force!

"Kong Liu!!" Kong Xiang suddenly awakened and greeted an armored vehicle in front of him: "Depart immediately! The first team, the second team and the seventh team fanned out in front!!! The third team and the fourth team followed me!!!"

Watching Kong Xiang get in the car and leave, Peacock continued to prepare to get on the bus. Zhang Feng hurried up and reached out to support the peacock. He said softly, "Don't worry, everything is mine. All this will be fine after all."

The peacock flicked his salted pig's hand away and turned his head. The verdant eyes were gloomily indifferent: "I suggest you stay away from me." Immediately the fluctuations in the surrounding space began to appear, and Zhang Feng suddenly felt heavy Strike, his face pale away.

Hum~~~~~ Peacock accompanied Liao Lao in an armored vehicle and drove directly towards the base of the China branch.

Zhang Feng lowered his head and carefully concealed the resentful look in his eyes. Now even a dull person can perceive that the peacock has begun to doubt.

"This can only be blamed on yourself, Peacock... Could you crawl up to my bed early, and then join me to turn the China branch into an underground empire? Wouldn't it be possible to look back now!" He used only I can speak to myself by the sound I hear.


Huh~~~嘭~~~~at-ts The faults that occurred under the high temperature of Eurok's Flame Angel have not been repaired. Tang Yu just glided more than ten meters, and suddenly a burst of black smoke came out, he quickly stabilized , And found that the engine could still be used temporarily, so he continued to rush forward.

Da Da Da Da! ! There was a gunshot in the distance behind him, but this light weapon was not a threat to at-ts. What made him a headache was the soldiers of these Chinese divisions. They were clearly well-trained and had a very quick understanding of the situation. After shooting several times into Tang Yu's mechanical field, he was stuck in the trigger, and even after the battery exploded, he began to stand in the distance and shot and harassed, which made Tang Yu tireless.

Tang Yu clamped Kong Liu's body under his arm ~ ~ constantly using the terrain to distance him from chasing soldiers. However, at-ts is a fighter armor after all, although the explosive power is far better than ordinary vehicles, but the endurance and endurance are too different. Time and time again, he had just pulled away some distance and was soon chased back.

The news of Kong Liu’s death cannot be heard by the Huaxia branch for the time being, otherwise the peacock will be very passive. For this, Tang Yu already has some concerns. But the problem now is that this forest should soon be at the end. Once it runs out of the forest, the addition of those aircraft will make him more passive, so you must find a way!

"You bastard! Let go of Liu Liu! Otherwise, I will cut off the flesh on your body piece by piece!" A sulking voice came from the dozen or so armored vehicles behind him.

Tang Yu's eyes narrowed. He didn't know Kong Xiang, but at this time, it was their senior leaders who could speak through a loudspeaker! And from this stupid shouting act, this guy is a rookie! Shiyou* is a civilian official.

A smile appeared from the corner of Tang Yu's mouth, he already had a plan. Master Jing said that he would like to thank the 6,000 starting coins for the reward of Tun Tian Wo Ri Ho Dog Egg! ! Thanks to Shao·Remnant Soul and Lie's main reward of 500 starting coins! ! Thanks to Tang Chao chestnuts for the reward of 100 Yuan coins! !

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