Infinite Legend: The Mechanic

Chapter 248: still have a chance

248. There is still a chance

After the core of the Black Sun suddenly took its place on the sixth day of the Demon King and took over the super-giant mecha, Tang Yu could understand the end of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces outside without looking. *W.suimeng.lā But he can’t take care of so many now, he must stop the core of black sun! Otherwise, the consequences will be unbearable! Just look at the more and more controlled tank mechs and planes that snowball around the devil on the sixth day.

"In this case, let's smash all the computer terminals here." Tang Yu frowned.

"No, the terminals of the command center are all for our operation, even if they are all smashed. The cabin where the control core is located is where its host is!" said an operator.

Tang Yu thought about it and said to the operator: "You, and you and you. The three of you are now going to the toilet and brought the **** guy out of the room just now." Christina said: "You go together too, Christina."

Christina nodded and took a few people away.

Tang Yu rested his hands on the console, annoyed. He is almost helpless now! Because he does not have the strength to collide head-on with the Black Sun core in its core world! When his ability affects those machines, he also gives those machines a channel to influence himself.

Before, his confidence was a little inflated, but now I understand it. Previously, he used the mechanical field to face mostly unconscious ordinary machinery, or t-800, tx, which have not yet awakened God's code, can not be regarded as real artificial intelligence. Furan may have awakened, but she was in a state of damage. So he gave him an illusion, making him feel that his ability is omnipotent.

However, t-1001 clearly awakened God's code, so he could resist his control. If at that time he still had some ignorance and did not know the reason, then now there is a black sun core! Your own mechanical field is not unfavorable! Tang Yu was thoroughly taught a lesson!

"Hahahaha! I heard that the devil was out of control on the sixth day? Hahahahaha! The result is still the same!" The whispered voice came from behind Tang Yu.

Tang Yu narrowed his eyes, raised his fist and turned back 180 degrees, which was a heavy swing! Snapped! With a punch, Martin Hlavford flew three meters away, his cheeks swelled up suddenly, and a big mouthful of blood was spouted with his mouth open, and a few teeth were mixed in it.

Tang Yu could only see this person clearly. He was wet, only wrapped a large towel on his lower body. Tang Yu punched him dizzy and couldn't crawl on the ground.

Walking to the table, Tang Yu picked up a bottle of mineral water and fell to Martin's face, saying, "I'm not interested in knowing who you are, you just need to tell me if there is another set of this mech controlling device!"

"You...I..." Martin Hrawford lay prostrate on the ground.

Tang Yu stepped up and lifted him up by the neck, shouting, "Say!"

"I... I said... On the sixth day the devil... There are three sets of systems. One set of manual operation, one set of computer automatic operation. There is also a set of backup system, just in case, this system is stored in the armor chest armor The thickest part... When designing, it was considered that if the Devil King was forced to use the third system on the sixth day, most of it was also desperate, so the mainframe of this system did not consider maintenance issues at all, and directly locked Die inside the armor!" Martin said hardly, and the shy towel fell off and he couldn't care anymore.

Tang Yu threw away Martin and asked back, "Christina, will your nanovirus be used by the other party when it is used?"

Christina tilted her head and said, "How can the virus deflect my system? It has no connection to my system at all? Only after the invasion succeeds can I choose to remotely control the invaded object."

Tang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he judged Christina by his own standards. That’s right, a computer virus is a computer virus, such as a panda burning incense. Your computer can be invaded by it. You can also clear this virus, but it is impossible to black out the virus maker’s computer through this virus!

But after all, the third system is independent, and the second system has been destroyed by Christina's ion cannon just now. Then you can only see to what extent this manually operated system can be achieved. Thinking of this, he turned to Christina and said, "You stay in the control room and inject the nanovirus into the system to infect the entire system as much as possible. By the way, see if you can invade the third system. I went outside Go, and I will inform you if I need to cooperate."

Christina nodded.

Tang Yu suddenly thought of something, he asked: "Will you still talk to me through the communication of my abilities?"

"Huh?" Christina tilted her head and looked at Tang Yu.

Ok... It’s my mistake to expect this silly girl’s IQ, even if she awakens the God code...

Tang Yu took out a rope from the four-dimensional space installation and directly opened the cabin door and went out. In the cockpit with soundproof function, I still don't think that Tang Yu felt the whole world was noisy after coming out.

Woo~~~~~~ A shot down fighter jet roared down from high altitude and blasted! ! After a severe impact, the martyrdom of aviation fuel burst into flames more than ten meters high.

Hoo~~! ! ! ! On the sixth day, the devil's eyes were launched by two ion beams! This time I don't know which place was affected. The mech is now steadily advancing, and the huge body can span a distance of one or two hundred meters in one step!

boom! boom! Although the Japanese Self-Defense Force's counterattacks are somewhat sparse, they still have shells or unguided bombs coming from time to The energy shield is rippling.

Tang Yu looked at the hand on the left side of the Devil King on the sixth day. The hand in front of its left side had been interrupted before, and there is now a hand behind the left side. Because of the need to take care of the head ion beam, the left hand moves relatively little.

Tang Yu gritted his teeth, carried the rope on his back, and began to crawl towards the upper arm. Because of the constant burning and explosion, and now that his position is at least ten stories high and more than thirty meters above the ground, the wind is very strong, so he has to lower his body and move forward on his stomach.

His goal is this left hand. According to the information he saw at the command center just now, in addition to the hand holding the knife on the sixth day, the other three hands were equipped with 460 mm cannons. This giant cannon was salvaged from the super battleship Yamato during World War II, and then cast back into the furnace. Mostly for the purpose of inspiring the military, but it also shows that these three cannons that imitate the structure of the World War II period are purely mechanical structures! The core of the Black Sun cannot be taken there! Then such a field of machinery can be used!

However, in the face of this giant machine, in order to ensure success, Tang Yu must still be close enough. Soon he climbed onto the shoulder of the sixth day Demon King! It's nearly fifty meters from the ground! The wind is strong, and there is no place to support!

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