Infinite Legend: The Mechanic

: Today there is 1 more, and it is free. Explain the issue of bursting yesterday

Because yesterday's Chapter 242 was issued repeatedly because of network problems, today Xiaojing's original intention was to directly modify one of the chapters repeatedly to Chapter 243. But then it was discovered that because the two chapters 242 were released at the same time, it seems that the point system is a bit confusing and cannot be recognized. So it has been infinite loop in chapter 242. After much discussion with the editor, one of the chapters was deleted, and then 243 chapters were republished. As a result, some readers repeatedly bought 243 chapters, and Xiao Jing apologizes here.

In addition, I still have to explain that there is no cost for the modification, so it is not that some readers think that the repeated purchase of three times does not exist. In fact, only some readers have purchased 243 chapters twice.

Therefore, in order to express Xiao Jing's apology, the next chapter, Chapter 246 will be posted in the free. Everyone can watch it at will.

Finally, in order to thank ‘my daughter for being generous’ for his generous reward, and the support and understanding of the readers and friends, Xiaojing has one more chapter today and four more today.

Because Xiao Jingmu has manuscripts, the fourth is to say the limit...

So that's it. "Overwatch" is about to usher in the world. Let's continue to support "Machinist" together! (To be continued.)

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