Infinite King System

Chapter 565: Mountain people have their own tricks

"Inside trading between politicians and the military?"

New York Times.

"The magical Lin Feng? Or a fake superhero created by the screen?"

Daily Mail.

"We need the truth, please don't murder our soldiers!"

Daily statesman.

Public opinion was raging, and even the New York people who love Lin Feng began to doubt. Some people even held a demonstration sign saying "Don't murder our children".


Lin Feng lay in the office to sleep.


A newspaper fell on the table.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and saw Carter angrily: "What's the matter?"

"Read it for yourself? This is today's newspaper."

Carter sat in the chair angrily.

Lin Feng picked up the newspaper and read it. He was hacked again, and he was happy: "It's all bad reviews."

"Are you still in the mood to laugh? You don't know how unfavorable the masses are to your public opinion. The president also specially invited Colonel Philip to go to the White House!"

"There is no way," Lin Feng spread his hands, "after all, the masses are stupid."

Carter had a headache on his face: "Although I don't like your statement, it is true this time. I actually think of the epoch-making M14 so unbearably... It stands to reason that the military senior should be able to recognize the M14. The value is right."

"After all, it hasn't been fully installed yet," Lin Feng said indifferently. "Therefore, the national debt that needs the support of the people is more important than the good idea of ​​the future. How can we fight without money? So things will develop into this way. As expected, but..."

"What's the matter with this Rogers Armory? Why does he always have him?"

Lin Feng curiously pointed to a name in the newspaper. This has been several times, and I can see the name every time.

"Northern Rogers, the leader of the Armory Factory Alliance, he was the leader who tested the M14 at the Armory last time."

Carter said irritably, obviously disgusting Rogers very much.

"There really is a Rogers? Go tell Colonel Philip, Uncle Rogers has found him, and let his son recognize him!"

Lin Feng laughed loudly. He didn't expect an "Uncle Rogers" to appear. Now the reason for the eldest son Howick to betray his father can be found.

Carter couldn't understand Lin Feng's cold humor, and frowned, "You can still laugh? Don't you know how bad public opinion is to you now?"

"It's okay, just a group of clowns. Although they only dare to attack the shortcomings of the M14 and avoid the advantages, as long as they take it out to test it, they will slap themselves in the face," Lin Feng smiled, "When it's not good, Shanren also Have a clever plan."


Carter thought for a while. It is indeed the case. The M14 leads all countries in the world in using weapons for at least ten years. Although there are certain shortcomings, the advantages are sufficient to cover all the shortcomings.

Moreover, even though Carter didn't get along with Lin Feng much, during this period of time, Lin Feng couldn't help but his temperament had deeply infected Carter.

"Then let them be so unscrupulous?" Carter still couldn't be mad at this group of people attacking Lin Feng upside down.

Just as Lin Feng wanted to answer, he heard the system prompt.

"Brigadier General Randall's conspiracy!"

"Col. Philip's enemy, Brigadier General Randall, has always wanted to destroy the Strategic Science Reserve Corps project. Your appearance and scientific talent made him extremely disturbed."

"For this reason, Brigadier General Randall and the munitions merchants who also hate you for appearing and ruining everyone's profits, began to join forces to discredit you."

"Strong face slap, reward: 1,000 to 3,000 experience points, according to the score of face slap."

"It's been a long time since you have seen the system lord!" Lin Feng was slightly overjoyed. It has been a while, and the **** king system has finally given experience points again. Now his experience reserve is seriously insufficient. If he encounters some trouble in the future, he has no experience to upgrade. "Title" is a big trouble.

"Brigadier General Randall, right? So it was you."

Lin Feng sneered.

Now, I finally found the real murderer behind the scenes, and I will never bypass you.

"Don't you want to slap me in the face? I let you know how to call an instant anti-kill, a strong face slap, and an IQ crush.

Lin Feng stood up, Carter was taken aback, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I've decided, just skip to the trick part!"

Carter blinked: "Is... what?"

"Of course-it is to develop a new weapon that doesn't even have the shortcomings of the M14, making them invulnerable!"

Lin Feng smiled, as if inventing a weapon is as easy as drinking water and eating.

"Invent a weapon?"

Carter was dumbfounded. If it was so easy to invent a weapon, it would still need to invest so much money every year and find so many scientists to do?

But seeing Lin Feng's "natural" expression, Carter hesitated again.

Is Lin Feng really genius enough to develop a cross-age weapon, so he can develop one immediately?

Does this world really have this level of genius? !

Carter's eyes widened and asked Lin Feng, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and stretched out, "I'm so sleepy, it's time for a nap, why don't I take a nap first and get up to talk later."

After speaking, Lin Feng found a reclining chair, lay down comfortably, and soon fell asleep.

Carter glared at Xiu's eyebrows, almost not being angry with Lin Feng.

Bastard, it was you who said you wanted to develop a weapon, but now you don’t develop it, what the **** are you doing!

"Developing weapons is not so easy after all."

Carter breathed a sigh of relief suddenly again. If Lin Feng really turned around and drew the drawings three or two times to develop and produce them, then she felt that she could not accept it and would have a heart attack.

Seeing Lin Feng who was sleeping, Carter shook his head helplessly, turned and left the office.

However, she couldn't help wondering whether it was really the right choice to include Lin Feng in the Strategic Science Reserve Corps?


PS: Where to go in the next world, it’s useless to just say in the comment area, because it’s very complicated and not good for statistics. I finally decided by the voting results_(:зゝ∠)_..

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