Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 503 Mercenary Throne

Although Cedric had no time to restrain Freddy's behavior before, but now it seems that it is a wonderful move by accident.

The group of mercenaries is very strange. They envy power, but at the same time yearn for freedom.

Therefore, the camp of mercenaries is generally the chaotic camp.

If Cedric appoints a leader, even if the leader is a powerful saint like Aiolia, although these mercenaries will be physically honest, they will definitely not be convinced in their hearts.

This may not make any difference to ordinary rulers, but it is different for true gods like Cedric who need faith to condense their priesthood.

He needs the mercenaries to be convinced and fully agree with the unified leadership of the mercenary union.

Only in this way can the scattered mercenary groups be truly integrated into a powerful force.

So this requires a mercenary king who can stand out from the mercenaries.

Aiolia's personality is absolutely inappropriate. Cu Chulainn was originally the most suitable candidate, but he is still fighting in the bloody battle of the abyss, and Cu Chulainn's starting point is too high, which will make the mercenaries disagree. feel.

And the Freddy in front of him can completely fulfill the image of Cedric's ideal mercenary king.

First of all, although he is from Faerun, he came to Dawn City with this wave of mercenaries, so in the eyes of the mercenaries who have just arrived, he is not an outsider.

Second, the tavern opened by Kurzick and Cain allowed Freddy to meet a large number of mercenaries, and his bold personality gave him a good reputation among these mercenaries.

Thirdly, Freddy's own character is suitable for the mercenary business, and with a little bit of leadership training, he can be qualified for the position of mercenary captain or even the mercenary king.

Fourth, Freddy has a legendary life experience and extraordinary talent, which is also very important.

As I said before, although mercenaries hate the constraints of the system and yearn for freedom, at the same time they are a group of people who yearn for power.

If a mercenary who stands out from them is legendary in itself, and even has a "legendary adventure mission" waiting to be developed, then young mercenaries with great ambitions will join him without hesitation.

This is similar to the mentality of players in previous games, Cedric concluded.

Generally speaking, the most direct way for the true god to promote the favored of the gods is to bestow divinity and priest ranks.

However, this does not conform to Cedric's idea of ​​Freddy becoming the king of mercenaries step by step.

He took out a white gold heavy sword with a simple and solemn color from the void.

The moment the epee appeared, the dwarven blood in Freddy's body boiled. He wanted to reach out and touch the epee, but he realized that his behavior was a little too ignorant.

Cedric smiled and threw the epee in his hand to Freddy. This behavior made Kain and Kuzik look at Cedric gratefully.

These days, there are really not many easy-going bosses like Cedric, and they are really generous. Even if a powerful divine power faces a saint, it is not a divine weapon that is given as it is said to be given.

Because every artifact is hard-won.

Freddy caressed the giant sword and asked excitedly, "Does she have a name?"

Cedric curled his lips and said, "He's a man."

This [Queen's Silver Sword], which has been passed down for thousands of years, has already given birth to a weak intelligence, just like the [Blade of Dawn], and can even be divided into genders.

Originally, this artifact spirit was unwilling to be loyal to Cedric, but after Cedric performed a few small alchemy operations on him, he became a diehard fan of Cedric.

"So it's a man, it's okay to be a man." Freddy was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and almost licked the giant sword.

"His name is [Mercenary Throne]." Cedric said, although the name is very earthy, but as a professional artifact, it is best to name it directly to the essence, which will help this artifact absorb the power of faith and complete the final forging.

Just like the legendary paladin artifact [Pale Justice].

Although this [Mercenary Throne] has passed through the hands of Cedric, it can already be regarded as a first-order artifact, but the entire forging process is not over. Only Freddy, the holder of the artifact, has truly ascended to the rank of the Mercenary King. The throne, this artifact can truly display its full power, turning all the legends that Freddy has experienced into real power.

Even as these legends spread across the multiverse, this artifact will continue to absorb feedback and become more and more powerful.

As Cedric's voice fell, the [Mercenary Throne] in Freddy's hand turned into an extremely ordinary mercenary iron sword.

"This is?"

"Your current strength is not enough to truly exert the power of this artifact. How much strength he can exert is entirely up to you. If you can really exert all of his strength and even make him one step closer, then revenge will It's not just a dream anymore."

With a definite goal, Freddie suddenly stopped being confused, and said with firm eyes, "I will do it."

Cedric patted Freddy on the shoulder and poured the professional information of [Heroic Envoy] into him, "First start your mercenary group, and then shine in this autumn hunt, my family. "

Freddie wanted to answer, but found that Cedric had long since disappeared.

The companion in the distance shouted, "Freddy, come and drink, Aunt Kain, you really care too much."

Cain angrily took out another jug ​​of ale from the wine cabinet, and handed it to Freddy, "Go, you will be busy for the rest of your life."

Kuzick looked at Freddy and his friends drinking, with slight hesitation, "Do we need to help him?"

Although there is Cedric behind the plan, but the difficulty of becoming a mercenary king, as an adventurer, Kuzik certainly knows.

Kaine patted Kuzik's broken horn, "How can I help, isn't the tavern enough for you?"

She understood what Cedric meant. Freddy needed to grow up by himself, otherwise Cedric could provide more powerful help.

After leaving the tavern, Cedric came to a vacant hall of the Mercenary Union.

Each piece of magic material seemed to have its own life under his control, and they were poured into the [Crown of Truth Formation] in the center, and the complicated magic patterns grew and spread like plants.

Three days later, the entire hall was covered in magical patterns.

Cedric opened his eyes a little tiredly, and greeted Dolan who was getting ready outside.

Dolan respectfully walked into the hall whose internal space had been temporarily expanded by Cedric, "My lord, everything is ready."

"Let them in."

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