Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 499 Emerald City

A few days later, Cedric took away one of the two completed [Elemental Fission Furnace] under the resentful eyes of Letia, along with twenty iron golems and forty clay golems. picture.

Both of these golems were transformed by 'No. 1'. They completely abandoned their combat capabilities and put all their skills in construction. They are small experts in building cities.

The deep-water port that Eisenwell went to build was not covered by the [Third Law]. To drive these golems, an [Element Fission Furnace] was needed as an energy supply.

Cedric opened the portal, and after positioning Eisenwell, he stepped out.

The warm and humid sea breeze is blowing.

The entire Auric continent is approaching the end of autumn, and the latitude of Dawn City is relatively high. Under the influence of the polar cold wind, Dawn City can already feel the chill of winter.

But here, near the southern tip of the Aurik Continent, with the warm current from the [Sea of ​​Storms], there is still no bitter cold.

Cedric arrived at Eisenwell's new City Lord's Mansion, and Yinlong, Eisenwell's adjutant, made a cup of black tea for the two of them.

Cedric said with a smile while drinking black tea, "You act fast."

In the past few months, Eisenwell not only drove the murloc villages ashore in the deep water port, but also relocated a large number of people from the surrounding villages and towns, creating such a city with a total population of 100,000 people.

Although it is far inferior to Dawn City, the development foundations of the two are not at the same level.

"If I were slower, wouldn't I be looked down upon by you." Eisenwell said jokingly.

Cedric's eyes swept across the city. Although the time was short, Eisenwell, a reincarnated person, was not a vegetarian. With the help of his identity as a god of nature, he did not know where to get a batch of them. Dryads and druids, among which tall treants are the main force of infrastructure no less than golems.

With their help, the whole city is thriving, and unlike the modern Dawn City, this city is more advocating the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Solid tree-structured buildings can be seen everywhere, and these naturally blessed buildings are even stronger than ordinary masonry structures.


Cedric looked at a long emerald city wall erected on the coastline. They were lush and green, but there were countless murloc corpses buried in their roots.

"What's the name of this city?"

"Emerald City." Eisenwell said proudly.

"Good name." Cedric nodded earnestly, "According to Dongtu's theory of the mutual generation of the five elements, water produces wood."

"This time I came to bring you something." Then Cedric handed the [Element Fission Furnace] and the golem in his hand to Eisenwell.

He has just discovered that Eisenville is doing better than he imagined. Not only is there the help of druids and dryads, but three mage towers have also been erected.

Eisenwell took what Cedric handed over, glanced at it and said with a smile, "It's really a good thing."

The two chatted for a while, and Cedric said solemnly, "I have two things to do here this time. The first is that Emerald City, as a subsidiary city of Dawn City, should use unified laws. At the same time, I will build a The branch of the Mercenary Union is responsible for the mercenary missions in the southern part of the Aurik Continent."

It is close to ocean trade, and at the same time, there are murlocs invading. If a branch is established, it will be a huge development for the mercenary union.


Cedric looked at Eisenwell, who was not his subordinate. Although a large part of the reason for coming to the DND world this time was to help him become a god, the two sides are still an alliance, and the benefits of the Emerald City are enough to make the true god Everyone is jealous, of course Cedric can't take all the benefits for nothing.

"Dawn City will provide Emerald City with technology, money and military support, and of course the most important thing is..." A priesthood appeared in Cedric's hand.

[Brutal], this is the priesthood won from Tiamat [Red Dragon Tyrant].

Although Eisenwell is the true god of another world, he can still try to re-raise the throne in the DND world, but it is much more troublesome than Cedric. For the specific operation, he even has to ask Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

But Cedric took out this priesthood, which showed that he is not a person who eats alone.

Yinlong's slightly tense body relaxed.

Eisenwell took over the crystallization of the priesthood and said with a smile, "It's a good deal, of course it would be even better if you can bring the crystallization of the divine nature."

Cedric waved his hand, "I don't have enough of that stuff, so I can only pay on credit now."

Then he said happily, "Although Emerald City is now a vassal of Dawn City, in my conception, Dawn City is the political center, and Emerald City is the economic center in my conception, as long as it does not violate the empire. Law, the Emerald City is your fief."

"It seems that I have taken advantage of it." Eisenwell's expression became more and more casual. Although he spent a lot of money to build this emerald city, his role is not indispensable.

It's just that the layout in front of me is really too big, so I have the opportunity to share the cake, otherwise, whether it is the disappeared Cu Chulainn or Medea, at least they can do this step.

So Eisenwell was not at all complacent, but was very satisfied with Cedric's distribution plan, "You send a judge, and I will let Silver Dragon cooperate to revise the laws of the Emerald City. As for the mercenary union's Branch, I will build it within half a month, but it may not be as grand as you did at the beginning."

Cedric shook his head with a smile, "Not necessarily."

Eisenwell was stunned when he heard Cedric's words. It seems that this person is very good at dressing up, and then said, "What about the second thing?"

"The time for the trade between the two places is earlier than expected." Cedric said seriously.

Because of the large number of captured magic ships, the construction of a fleet capable of oceangoing sailing was much faster than expected.

Although the astral ship cannot be used as a sea ship, it is like an space battleship, and it can easily adapt to the navigation on the surface of the planet after modification.

However, the most important thing about these magic ships is their attack attributes, and their cargo carrying capacity is average.

But when the [Element Fission Furnace] came out, it was not difficult for Cedric to build a 10,000-ton cruise ship, and the Widley River was wider than the Yangtze River in the previous life, and it could fully withstand the voyage of a 10,000-ton cruise ship. .

It's just that the magic life on the waterway may attack the caravan because it hasn't been cleaned up, but with the help of the transformed armed magic ship, it can completely solve the attack of the magic life along the way.

It just so happened that the orc's raiding team temporarily blocked the land trade route of Dawn City. If a water route with huge benefits can be opened up at this time, it will undoubtedly greatly improve morale and make the people's cohesion stronger.

"This matter..." Eisenwell was a little hesitant. Although he was able to build the Emerald City overcoming obstacles, the main reason was that the Murloc Kingdom was not good at fighting on land, and some of them were defeated by him. Because of being caught off guard, the number of murlocs entering the sea is gradually increasing, and they are ready to counterattack at any time.

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