Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 449 Development Planning

Cedric sat on the seat of the castellan and convened the second castellan meeting in Dawn City.

Sitting at the head, Cedric ordered while auditing the report of the ink, "Yan and You, please arrange it as soon as possible, they are my heirs."

Ink was taken aback for a moment, because both true gods and reincarnated people rarely use the term "children". After a while, he nodded seriously, and introduced to Cedric the fat man from the Goddess of Fortune Chamber of Commerce who sat at the top of his seat, "Leader, This is the city's new civil officer and financial officer, Dolan Gold Coin, why not leave this matter to him."

Mo Mo, who has received modern higher education, of course knows the importance of decentralization, but at the beginning of the establishment of Dawn City, there were really very few people with internal affairs capabilities. He had no choice but to promote Fatty as his adjutant.

Cedric looked up from the report. He didn't mind Mo Mo's private appointment of civil officials and financial officials. Whether as a reincarnation or a true god, secular power is something that needs to be discarded in the end, "Gold coins..."

Hearing Cedric's soliloquy, Dolan immediately stood up. As a devout believer of the Goddess of Wealth, he could naturally hear the glorious deeds of the city lord's departure for two and a half months from the true God he believed in.

Create a new race and complete the Path of Trials. Frustrating Ugsh's conspiracy, killing the tyrant Red Dragon and the dwarf killer, no matter which matter can be sung as an epic alone, and the city lord only took two and a half months to complete.

"If I remember correctly, except for the legendary priest of Ms. Fortune, only the descendants of saints can be given the surname of gold coins."

Dolan said tremblingly, "My lord, my ancestors are saints of the goddess."

Cedric waved his hand, "I don't have any other intentions, do it well, the gods should be gods, and the secular should be secular. I hope you can understand this."

Dolan heard the double meaning in Cedric's words, and replied subtly, "Yes, my lord."

After reading Momo's audit report, Cedric had only one central thought, which was the lack of money.

The establishment of a new city requires a mountain of gold coins, not to mention an ambitious person like Cedric, the taxes and late fees owed by Dolan and the chamber of commerce were all spent by ink within two and a half months.

"What are you going to do with the new fiscal increase?" Cedric asked.

Ink thought for a while and said, "Altun Mountains is a famous place for minerals, but the orcs have always been bad at mining, and human beings are not easy to mine because of the intrusion of orcs, so the minerals in Altun Mountains are well preserved. I bought some dwarves, and they provided specific locations for rich mines, and I also trained and organized a group of slave miners, which will be put into use this month, and the only thing that needs to be taken care of is the orcs."

This place is outside the [Iron Wall Front], which means that there is no protection from the city wall. There is a high probability that the human legion will not fight the orcs in the wild, and it is even more impossible to compete with the orcs for Cedric's Dawn City. Ownership of the Altun Mountains.

After thinking for a while, Cedric said, "Turn half of the Yan and You tribes into professional soldiers, and you and the military spurs will lead them."

Although the trial road this time was cruel, but with the help of their companion heroic spirits, 12,000 of those who survived successfully became [Heroic Envoys], and the rest also became professionals and got [Bathering] Dragon Blood] and [Heroic Soul Immortal] legendary race specialties.

This is the number of professionals that can only be achieved by the top legions in the Flanaess world, not to mention [Heroic Envoy] is a hidden profession with infinite potential. After the Yan and You people receive regular training, their strength will quickly increase. When it is improved, I am afraid that only the [Crown Guard Legion] of the elf royal family will be able to compare. This is the advantage of the new legendary race.

But it also takes time, and what is most lacking now is time.

"I can't hide the reappearance of Yan Clan and You Clan with Ugsh, the Lord God of Orcs. However, the other party should only focus on harassment this year, and will not choose to attack aggressively. You have to control the boundaries of friction between the two sides."

The Yan Clan and You Clan have only this kind of people. If they haven't really settled down and established their own homeland, Ugsh will not choose to attack with all their strength.

Because it doesn't make any sense. In this world with magic and prophecy, if you can't beat it, can you still can't run?

With a population of 30,000 to 40,000 people, the Yan and You tribes can migrate easily without damaging their own foundations.

So instead of beating the grass to startle the enemy, Ugsh will definitely choose to attack heavily at the beginning of the prosperity of his base area. At that time, the Yan Clan and You Clan may have to fight for the first homeland he built with his own hands.

"Yes, Captain." Mo Mo nodded seriously.

"When have you established the mercenary union system and are you ready to implement it?" Cedric saw this item in the audit submitted by ink before.

When it came to the mercenary union, the young man from the Shadow Assassin Society sitting below moved his eyelashes slightly on his expressionless face, and his expression became more focused.

"Head, if you want to establish a complete and advanced mercenary union system, you still lack two things, magic and money." Ink reported.

Magic and money?

Cedric's expression moved slightly. The mercenary union he wanted to establish was not the kind of regional trifle. In his mind, this newly established mercenary union should at least include the entire Oss main material The world will even become a cross-plane organization.

To realize this dream, advanced technology must be guaranteed.

Technology is really too troublesome in this world with gods, even if it is a powerful god, it will not spread the power of technology.

Then what can be used is magic, a power recognized by the gods. At least an organization with a large number of low-level mages is needed to support Cedric's dream.

"I will negotiate with Yaba."

"My Chamber of Commerce is willing to donate the initial start-up funds." Dolan gritted his teeth and stood up.

Cedric waved his hand casually, "The true God belongs to the true God, the mundane belongs to the mundane, the same collective belongs to the collective, and the individual belongs to the individual. This must be divided from the beginning. I know your intentions, but In terms of money, I will personally find a way, this time I brought a lot of low-level dragon beast corpses, I hope your Chamber of Commerce can help sell them, this should last for a month or two."

Dolan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "My lord, if a large number of dragon beast carcasses are sold in the market, the value of this precious resource will be greatly reduced, please allow our joint chamber of commerce to hoard these resources in the hands of the lord. "

He knew what Cedric had done in Joseph's Garden, Hero Field, and of course he knew the value of the goods in Cedric's hands.

Cedric nodded, "I will not interfere with normal business practices, but you have to be prepared in the future. I will introduce some restrictive measures in terms of monopoly to ensure the interests of small and medium-sized businesses."

After hearing this, Dolan was both happy and worried. He was happy that Cedric, a powerful true god, was really willing to respect the rules of the world, but he was also worried about the anti-monopoly measures that Cedric said.

Finally nodded, "I would like to obey the order of the Lord City Lord."

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