"That's not me!" Scott retorted.

"I didn't expect you werewolves to like to eat in bed." Cu Chulainn said in amazement.

"I told you it wasn't me!" Scott said violently, revealing his sharp claws and fangs, gradually showing wolfish features all over his body.

"No, this is you." Cu Chulainn's magnificent ruby-like eyes moved away from the dream scene and looked at Scott, "I am the holder of the [dream] authority, how could I not be able to distinguish between surface consciousness and inner consciousness? layer consciousness?"

"What do you mean?" Scott calmed down under Cu Chulainn's gaze, his boiling blood turned cold.

"The blood in your body hides a huge problem, and this problem has exploded, kid." Cu Chulainn said seriously without any intention of joking.

"Is the bloodline out of control?" Scott already knew a lot about the extraordinary world, and of course he also understood that the werewolf bloodline was one of the bloodlines most likely to get out of control.

"Don't worry, I will help you solve the problem of your blood." Cu Chulainn gave Scott a bright smile.

Scott breathed a sigh of relief. Although his god is usually not very reliable, he can still be reliable at critical moments.

"I now how to do?"

"Now? It's so late, of course you should go to bed. At your age, if you don't rest well, you won't grow taller."

go to bed? My blood vessels are going out of control, and you actually put me to bed to be okay? Can I sleep well?

Cu Chulainn seemed to have heard Scott's inner complaints, and he said indifferently, "Have a good dream, my believer."

Infinite drowsiness enveloped Scott, causing him to fall to the floor.

It really is a god of bastards, this is Scott's last thought.

On Elm Street, Cedric observed the direction of fate while eating the oranges peeled by Hongji. Hongji carefully picked out every meridian of the oranges.

Cedric looked towards the void and said, "What's the matter?"

Cu Chulainn's projection appeared, and he wanted to reach for the oranges that Hong Ji had peeled, but Hong Ji slapped them open.

He smiled embarrassingly, "Something happened to Scott."

Scott? The image of the werewolf boy quickly appeared in Cedric's mind, but the fate of the other party was covered by Gabriel's reincarnation, Van Helsing, and even he couldn't find out.

"What happened?"

Cu Chulainn shows Cedric Scott's dream.

After seeing the other party's dream, Cedric stopped eating oranges, "It's not a blood problem. I checked his blood. Although there is no special advantage, it is absolutely stable and safe."

As a divine alchemist, or a divine alchemist who specializes in refining life, even Gabriel should not want to easily deceive himself about his blood.

And Scott's nightmare shown by Cu Chulainn just now clearly stated that he had symptoms similar to split personality. In his dream, the wolf-like him devoured his little girlfriend.

So this kind of split personality does not come from blood, but from other mysterious factors.

This is easily ruled out, the only ones who exert mysterious influence on Scott are him, Cu Chulainn and Gabriel.

It's impossible for him and Cu Chulainn, the rest is Gabriel.

"Did you perceive the presence of influence on Scott?"

It is not uncommon to be able to deceive the gods to exert influence on believers, such as demons and devils, who are naturally good at this, but when the true gods find out, they have no way to hide it if they want to pursue it.

In particular, Cu Chulainn himself can obtain the corresponding authority of destiny through Cedric, and he also has the ability of destiny. Uncover Cu Chulainn's retrospective.

"No." Cu Chulainn shook his head affirmatively.

Cedric rubbed his chin, "Then the problem lies with our little werewolf himself. If there is no problem with his blood, then the only problem is the priesthood he carries."

Cedric doesn't know much about priesthood, at least he doesn't have a thorough study of bloodlines, not to mention that mortals carry priesthood, which is a feature of this universe. There are no other cases for comparison, and Cedric is not sure for a while Something went wrong, but as an old silver coin, ahem, as a divine alchemist, he had a vague feeling that this could not be a special ceremony, right?

Cedric remembered that Scott's little girlfriend, Lydia, seemed to be the bearer of the priesthood of [Judgment] and [Glory]. In this world, the priesthood of [Judgment] can definitely belong to Gabriel, after all, he is The angel appointed by God to sound the trumpet and announce the final judgment.

From this point of view, these four priesthoods should all belong to Gabriel, but now, due to various reasons, they are carried by Scott and Lydia, the young lovers.

If [Judgment] and [Glory] can still be described as accidents—after all, God should have stripped all the gods of this universe of their priesthood when he left, then [Werewolf] and [Justice] were definitely Gabriel's intentions.

His reincarnated body, Van Helsing, stuffed his heart into Scott's body, and once told Scott that he would not only inherit his own power, but also his own destiny, and what exactly does this destiny refer to?

Become a legendary witcher? Obviously this option can be ruled out after Scott has this weird nightmare.

There is only one fate left, and that is to sound the horn of final judgment.

There are different opinions about Gabriel blowing the horn. Some say it is the horn of heaven declaring war on hell; kind.

After all, so far, no one has observed in which world He really blows the horn.

And in this world, Gabriel played a special role. Lucifer once said that Gabriel asked Michael to make a bet with him in this world in order to prevent heaven from declaring war on him. Why did Bailie hastily reincarnate as the legendary demon hunter Van Helsing? He even gave Scott the power of the two priesthoods he found. What is he planning? Help Michael defeat Lucifer?

You're kind of messing around... Gabriel, Cedric said in his heart.

"Let Scott go to Constantine for help." Cedric told Cu Chulainn, "There is too little information, we need to cause a new variable."

Constantine is the product of Gabriel greening Satan, and Cedric is curious to know what will happen next if he and Scott are put together.

After all, Scott's nightmare is not just a nightmare. Since Cu Chulainn didn't notice the external influence, it means that this is Scott's own premonition. His spirituality gave him the power of dreams and destiny Be warned, under the cover of Cedric's fate, this is definitely an accident that bypassed Gabriel's expectations.

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