Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 366 Is Tiandu suitable for mastering tricks?

Since Lucifer imparted such important knowledge for free, Cedric certainly didn't mind rewarding him with a delicious meal.

On the dining table, the banquet was in full swing, and Cedric looked at Lucifer with a smile, "You should invest in my experiment on [Entropy] not just for the authority itself, right?"

Lucifer, who has always been a free and easy humanoid pile driver, showed an embarrassed expression for the first time, and said stiffly, "It's not because of the authority of [Entropy], so it's possible that I still have a crush on you?"

Cedric smiled and said nothing. Although the authority of [Entropy] is important, it is the same for Lucifer who already has a clear path, not to mention that this authority is a disability.

But it is different when it is related to another matter. If Lucifer wins, with the authority of [Entropy] in his hand, can he have a way to temporarily balance the pillars between heaven and hell? And not Michael as a substitute.

Cedric does not know about this for the time being. After all, this power in his hands will definitely not be able to balance the pillars between heaven and hell, but it is not necessarily in the hands of Lucifer, a powerful divine power who is close to greatness. At least he Willing to try for Michael.

Another tsundere who dislikes integrity, Cedric thought in his heart, but he is not going to help Lucifer win this bet with Michael, because the uncertain factors are too big, at least For him, this is the case, the big deal is to go to hell a few more times in the future, and help Lucifer cook a few more meals, hoping that the demons in hell will welcome him, but he is very interested in them, said he is interested, Se Derek remembered the incident of Silent Hill again. In the dream world, he had never communicated with Smoker, but Smoker still made that choice, and Cedric was still a little moved in his heart. .

"Silent Hill?" After hearing Cedric's question, Lucifer, who wanted to change the subject, hurriedly took it up. "Are you talking about the Holy Son experiment that Belphinger and Asmodeus conducted together?"

With the person of Lucifer, even if they directly talk about their names, they will not be perceived by them, because they cannot perceive any fate line related to Lucifer.

Asmodeus is an old acquaintance of Cedric, and he does good ceremonies, and Cedric likes it very much. As for Belphinger, this one is in charge of the authority of [Sloth].

But as we all know, the gods in charge of [Laziness] are very diligent, and Belphegor is the same. Among the seven monarchs of hell, perhaps only Satan Asmodeus can compete with him for the title of "model worker", and he is also the king of wealth. Demons, thieves have money.

I like being friends with rich people, Cedric nodded secretly.

"Is Silent Hill run by rage and laziness?"

After eating a drunken shrimp, Lucifer said, "It's not just them, you know, Asmodeus' business ability is also good, second only to me in hell, so he also wins over Mammon, Samuel to participate in this ceremony."

The Seven Lords of Hell are the arrogant Lucifer, the greedy Mammon, the raging Asmodeus (Satan), the gluttonous Beelzebub, the lustful Samael, the lazy Belphegor and the jealous Leviathan.

Since four of them participated in the Silent Hill experiment, this was beyond Cedric's imagination. He originally thought it was just one of them, so who exactly signed the contract with the smoking gun?

"They can live in harmony?" Cedric asked in surprise.

You must know that the seven monarchs of hell often beat their own people. In this kind of ceremony that can give birth to a holy son, the benefits are too great. These four must want to be the leaders.

"Who knows?" Lucifer shrugged, "But Belphegor has always been the mediator between them, and this time it may be his idea again."

The description Lucifer used was them. Obviously, he didn’t think he belonged to hell. Of course, he would never think he belonged to heaven. In other words, except for Michael and God, in this universe, he saw everyone To be above others is arrogance.

After getting the news from Lucifer, Cedric returned to Elm Street. His servants Medea, Cu Chulainn, Aiolia and Hong Ji had been waiting here, and of course Li Changqing, an excellent member of the regiment, was also there.

Cedric took this divinity crystal out of the [Robe of Heart Image], and first assigned [Death] and [War] to Cu Chulainn. He is highly compatible with these two divinities. In the future, There is absolutely no problem in mastering the corresponding priesthood.

Then Medea [Catastrophe] must give it to him, so that he has 28 divinity points, and Cedric took out the [Ocean] divinity crystal to divide 2 points. After Medea absorbed it, one The desire for the essence of life made him unable to help looking at the remaining 8 points of [Ocean] divinity in Cedric's hand, but he restrained the urge to absorb these divinity.

"The Vice-Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven is right. After possessing 30 points of divinity, life will indeed leap again in essence." After speaking, he brought out 2 points of [Ocean] divinity in his body, and at the same time 3 points [betrayal] divinity.

Cedric immediately understood what Medea meant, and gave him 5 points of [Storm] divinity.

Medea smiled slightly, "I don't like the title of Betrayal Witch, and I will be the leader of betrayal in the future."

Divinity is also the best material for refining artifacts. Obviously, Medea is planning to refine a real [Dagger of Betrayal].

Cedric put away the complete 10 points of [Ocean] divinity. Once the divinity point reaches 10 points, the value will increase exponentially. Of course, under normal circumstances, Cedric will not be stupid. Wouldn't it be nice to cultivate followers if they were foolishly traded?

The rest is the big head of this harvest. A crystal clear [Trickery] divine crystal appeared in Cedric's hands. You must know that the power of [Trickery] is very eager even if it is powerful, just like in the DND universe. The Spider God Queen has been trying to take charge of the priesthood of [Trickery], but her scheme has been suppressed by all the gods.

Because the last person in charge of the priesthood of [Deception] was Dark Sun Cyric.

Li Changqing licked his face and smiled, "Boss, is this for me?"

Cedric asked back with a smile, "What do you think?"

Li Changqing cried and said, "Then don't show off such a good thing in front of me."

"This is to motivate you. Isn't that how the boss treats excellent subordinates?"

Cedric looks like he's going to do me a favor, and he's worth the money.

He looked at Hong Ji with some hesitation. To be honest, Medea should be the most suitable to handle [Trickery] among his followers, but Medea's basic skills are [Disaster] and [Bad Luck]. Among the proclaimed names of gods are known by believers, and they have even started to ignite the god fire to forge the corresponding godhead. At this time, if the path is forcibly changed, the damage to him will even outweigh the benefits.

The only way is to wait until Medea breaks through the weak divinity before absorbing this divinity crystal, but Cedric urgently needs to quickly increase his combat power.

Then only Hong Ji can integrate the divinity of [Trickery], the question is, is Tiandu suitable to handle [Trickery]?

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