Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 346 Everything is the Choice of Steins' Gate

"What should we do now?" Mihir seemed to be talking to herself, but also seemed to be answering. At this time, she looked at a pedestrian who was walking towards her with concern.

The moment pedestrians looked at Michel, a magnificent rainbow light spread out from their pupils, and they replied to the void, "Possess more, so that he has nowhere to hide and nothing to hide."


"Get off." The female rider said coolly when the motorcycle stopped in a noisy amusement park.

Cedric obediently complied with her request. He originally thought that with the personality of this eldest sister, he would be pulled into a gang organization, served by a small bench with leather whips and candles, and at worst it would be a love suite for two.

And what the hell is the amusement park full of childlike fun in front of you?

Does this eldest sister have special hobbies?

After buying tickets for two chapters, the female rider and Cedric boarded the constantly rotating Ferris wheel.

Her hands checked Cedric's ears, and she searched him closely.

Feeling the close touch of the leather gloves and skin, Cedric swallowed, feeling a little unbearable.

In the end, only one twenty-sided die was found.

She raised the dice and asked, "Is this thing yours? And put away your dirty thoughts, I don't have time to have sex with you."

Cedric nodded honestly, "Uh, I don't know how to call it, do you know me?"

"Edmond, Falut, Kefir... I have many names, and now I can't figure it out." She took off her gloves and looked at Cedric, "Looking for you We’re here because it’s the only safe place to talk right now, and we have about 10 minutes to put the information together.”

Cedric swallowed, and it seemed that the secret hidden in this body was bigger than he imagined, and his life trajectory would change from Wall Street Records to the American version of Bond.

"Are we agents?" Cedric asked cautiously. Although he had not received training as an agent, he had seen the images of agents at the joint of the Ferris wheel. This kind of hidden place hovering between the sky and the earth was very rare for others. Difficult to monitor.

"Heh!" Edmund took out a blue pill from his pocket with disdain and took it, "If you can also be regarded as an agent of our bureau, our country would have ruled the entire universe long ago."

Cedric: (⊙o⊙)…

What is this and what is it, how did it get involved with the whole universe? Suddenly, the image of the man in black flashed in his mind. Could this be the world of the man in black?

"Don't think about it, as the entropy of this world line increases, you will gradually restore your memory. Tell me now, how much do you remember?"

Hearing Edmund's inquiry, Cedric shook his head blankly, "I can't even remember the language except my name."

Wait, the world line is restarted?

I seem to know something terrible, why it suddenly changed from a spy movie to a fantasy drama, or a high-magic world involving the restart of the world line, as for doubts...

If he was still in his original world, Cedric would quietly call the police, but since the soul penetration has already happened, it is not impossible to restart the world line.

"Can you provide evidence to prove what you said?" Cedric thought for a while, and then said in bad language.

"Can't remember all the language? There's even a problem with the expression. It seems that the restart of the world line has hurt you to the point where it can't be done." She said and handed a blue pill to Cedric.

"What's this?"

"CPH3, a psychoactive drug, stimulates the nerve center of the brain. In a sense, you can use it as a strong hallucinogen." As he spoke, Edmund's eyes were a little blurred, and he watched the lights one after another The land flashed before her eyes, her body temperature rose, and the continuous sweat kept her brain from being burned out. With the experience of harsh training, she keenly grasped useful information from it.

Eldest sister, no, I was just thinking that what you said might be true, if you feed me this kind of thing, are you treating me as a fool?

Cedric held the blue pill, looked at the aliens, looked at Edmund, even if this is not a high magic world, after eating this thing, it might only be a high magic world.

After three minutes, Edmund came back to his senses and watched Cedric, who was still holding the pill, draw his gun and point it at his head, "You can choose to eat it, or I will help you."

Cedric put the pill in his mouth in a daze. After all, this eldest sister has already taken it. Although it seems to have side effects, it is better than being shot and collapsed. He dare not bet on the determination of a drugged agent .

"Swallow it." Edmund ordered, "Don't play tricks, I can tell at a glance whether you have swallowed it or not."

Cedric swallowed the CPH3 bitterly, and his brain was emptied for a moment, and magnificent starry sky was displayed in front of his eyes, just like watching the 3D universe starry sky.

"What did you see?" Although Edmund was close at hand, her voice was ethereal and elusive.

"The starry sky." Cedric replied, the starry sky was so beautiful that he couldn't help but want to sink down.

"Not this, imagine that you are the master of the world."

Imagine yourself as the master of the world? My brain hasn't burned out yet.

Perhaps because he knew what Cedric might be thinking, Edmond pressed the muzzle of the gun to his temple angrily, "Think quickly!"

The cold muzzle pulled Cedric's thoughts back a bit, and he said quickly, "Don't do it, I think, I'll think right away."

Crazy woman, Cedric muttered to himself, Lord of the world? How could a salty fish like me imagine it.

But if you can play with the starry sky in your hands, you must be the master of the world, right? He tried to stretch out his hand to pull the dark red, light blue and bright white starry sky, and suddenly pictures appeared in his mind one after another. The pictures were many and complex, and contained a lot of strange knowledge and symbols.

In Cedric's mind, it was like being put into a red-hot iron rod. His brain boiled and rolled, and his whole body emitted unimaginable heat.

"Quickly, what did you see?!" Edmund said anxiously, wishing he could replace Cedric.

"How do I know what I saw?" Cedric growled, and as the effect of the medicine passed, the picture faded away, only a vague figure showing a warm smile, but that smile was incomparably distant, like a god Looking like ants.

Damn, don't let me find this guy or I'll smash his face.

Cedric said angrily in his heart, the effect of the medicine faded, and the scene of the Ferris wheel came into view again, Cedric gasped and said, "A person, I saw a person with a smirk."

He said this sentence directly in the Chinese he is most familiar with, but Edmund, as a top-level agent of the Federal Bureau of Special Events Handling and Research, of course can also speak Chinese.

She froze for a moment, and asked in Chinese, "Is this your mother tongue?"

Cedric's face was ugly, and he really couldn't slack off in front of these agents.

Push the book, the retirement life of the old witcher

New Era 1832.

The monsters are almost extinct, and the era of the witcher is over.

In the new era of 1886, the story begins.

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