Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 344: In Florida, Unaccompanied

When the light faded, the world seemed to return to its original state.

Yinlong looked at the group leader beside her. She clearly remembered that her group leader used his divine power to lead them to break through the outer world and enter the void. Why are they still here?

Eisenwell was silent for a while, and suddenly said with a smile, "It seems that this is fate. The other party blocked all the timelines, fatelines and lifelines from the beginning. We entered Florida after a certain point in time. After that, even if you leave later, you will still be 'pulled' back now."

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone, and the time displayed on it was 9 o'clock in the morning three weeks ago.

So is this the timing of the other party's arrangement? What special meaning does it have?

Although Yinlong is a dragon vein warlock, as the core spellcaster of the adventure group, her accumulation of knowledge is no less than that of the pure mages of the same level, so when Eisenwell told the news, she immediately understood The terror of the opponent.

"Is it powerful?" In her impression, only strong divine power is qualified to block the world line.

"It's not just powerful divine power." Eisenwell shook his head gently. As a weak divine power, even if he couldn't achieve the means of powerful divine power to block the world line, he could still understand the means of powerful divine power.

But this blockade is beyond his comprehension.

"I've become an ordinary person again." This is what Darkblade cares about the most.

Yinlong looked at Eisenwell, Dark Blade lost all his extraordinary power, and so did she, only the boss, as a true god, had the opportunity to be immune to such an unimaginable method.

Eisenwell said calmly, "We are all the same, including the layout maker."

"Huh?" Yinlong looked at Eisenwell suspiciously. The means used by the other party were more than enough to deal with the evil, so how could he get himself involved.

Seeing Silver Dragon's doubts, Eisenwell waved his hand in the air, as if to touch something, "He restarted a universe."

"How is this possible?" Yinlong blurted out.

"And it's not just as simple as restarting the universe, He also blocked the source of the river of fate, the river of time, and the river of Styx, so that a closed loop is formed here alone, and all entropy values ​​return to zero. With the increase, our strength will return little by little."

Yinlong's eyes were a little dull, she didn't know what to say at all, and finally murmured, "What exactly does he want to do?"

"have no idea."


Cedric, now in board shorts and holding a twenty-sided die, is looking out over the coast of Florida.

who I am?

Where am I?

What am I going to do?

He remembered that he was obviously still masturbating before, so why did he come to the country with blonde hair and blue eyes the next moment.

Calm down, it's just time travel, I've seen this kind of small scene a lot, the master of reading has prepared the "Traveler Study Manual", as long as I can strictly follow the instructions in the manual, earn a million a month, and marry Bai Fumei , Reaching the pinnacle of life is no longer a dream!

What is reflected in the crystal clear water is an extremely handsome young man, with a height of 190 and eight-pack abs, no loss!

It's a handsome comparison, Cedric made a judgment in an instant.

Although it is a way of traversing with a difficulty factor of 2, such as amnesiac soul wear, this body is enough to make up for the tens of thousands of yuan in his savings when he is soul wear.

Then figure out where you are.

Cedric didn't ask people hastily. At least he passed the sixth level. Although he is dumb in English, he can still do basic reading and writing.

He touched his whole body, except for a pair of beach pants and a twenty-sided dice in his hand, there was nothing there.


Cedric cursed. The dice in his hand were opaque gray crystals. They looked like some kind of plastic product, at least not antiques. It seemed that the 'original owner' casually put them in his pocket when he was playing a dungeon game. Yes, it shouldn't be anything valuable.

Cedric wanted to throw it in a trash can, after all, he was wearing beach shorts and didn't even have a pocket.

After thinking about it, I finally held it in my hand. Apart from the beach pants, this was my only asset.

The turquoise sea was crystal clear, and the golden sunlight shone down, reflecting the sparkling light. There were many tourists and laughter, but Cedric didn't want to enjoy it at all. He walked towards the business district.

After carefully observing the rows of shops, he was not lucky enough to find one that was recruiting temporary workers like his predecessors, and as a liberal arts student, he did not have any special skills.

But he is not without a little gain, at least he is sure that this is a beautiful country on the other side of the ocean, and it is modern, not some weird and strange world.

But what should I do next? Are you going to sleep on the street tonight?

After being dazed on the street for a while, Cedric thought for a while, and finally chose the easiest way for the Chinese people. If he had something to do, he asked the police. His current appearance was a qualified white man, not a black man. If he is not a criminal, finding the police is the easiest way to confirm his identity. At worst, he can pretend to have amnesia, but there is no need to pretend that he is an 'amnesiac'. Could it be that those policemen can still see that his soul is a Chinese?

This is free America, he doesn't dare to sleep on the street at night, boys have to learn to protect themselves outside.

He stopped a passer-by, and with his excellent appearance, even with his poor language, he easily got help from him. Ninety-nine percent of the people on Earth are senior members of the Appearance Association, regardless of nationality or race .

"Are you calling for help?" 911 is notoriously slow to act. After waiting for half an hour, a police car drove over, and a police officer walked towards Cedric and the passers-by beside him.

"He has amnesia, and he seems to be a foreign tourist, and his English is not good." The person who helped Cedric call the police carefully explained for Cedric.

"Foreign?" The policeman looked at Cedric's appearance, "Western European?"

Cedric understood the sentence, but he was prepared to remain silent.

"Come with us to the police station first, we will help you find your family and friends." Cedric obediently followed the police into the car.

"Thank you for your help." Cedric said to the passer-by who accompanied him in the police car. Through a simple conversation with the other party, he knew that this was a sophomore at the California Law School, named Mihir.

Mihir showed what he thought was the most charming smile, and leaned directly on Cedric regardless of the high temperature of more than 30 degrees Celsius in Florida, "It's nothing, it's God's will to reach out to everyone in difficulty."

"Are you a believer?"

"Of course, aren't you?" Mihir asked. Even though most people in the beautiful country are hypocrites, in order not to be rejected by the mainstream society, they still pretend to be devout believers.

Cedric originally wanted to say that he was a great soldier of the proletariat, but thinking that he was now in the beautiful country, he finally said helplessly, "I don't know, I have lost my memory."

Becoming a god starts from farming, good-looking farming novels, if you are interested, you can move

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