He had to get away quickly. The first time Cedric saw the other party, he couldn't feel the connection between himself and the god body.

They were pulled into a special place, similar to the kingdom of God, but it was specious.

It really is something indescribable.

But even without the bonus of the god body, Cedric is not incapable of fighting the opponent.

Because the king in yellow in front of him is just a conceptual aggregate, not the real old ruler.

Although the real king in yellow is powerful, his definition is only the old ruler of a special universe, not the old ruler of the cosmic sea.

Even if Azathoth, the lord of blindness and ignorance, the core of the world of the Cthulhu pantheon, wants to go directly through the vast cosmic sea and come here, it will take a lot of effort.

What's more, the blind and ignorant Lord is not keen on expanding his own authority, and the chaos he caused is more like the embodiment of the twisted rules unique to that universe.

So the "King in Yellow Clothes" in front of Cedric is not the real body, but a conceptual collection of the "King in Yellow Clothes" cast by other reincarnations using special flesh and blood and rituals.

It's like the Yamata no Orochi summoned by the Holy Grail ceremony.

However, with the spread of his beliefs in this world, this collection of concepts may not fail to grow into the real king in yellow with this viral belief spread method for mortals.

It seems that I am not the only one who is doing things. These senior reincarnators who are exploring the seventh-order path have no one to get along with, but their actions are more subtle. When the Clothed King' collection of concepts really grows, that's really big trouble.

When he stared at the king in yellow, countless information flooded in like a tide, and Cedric hadn't felt this drowning feeling for a long time.

ENT Mouthpiece... All senses are surrounded by information.

Ordinary people will be drowned in this ocean of information in an instant.

After being submerged in the ocean of information, there is only one result, that is, the personality is completely formatted, filled with indescribable beliefs again, resulting in distortion of the soul, and then distorting the body little by little through the soul.

Most of the servants of the Cthulhu gods are transformed in this way.


The virtual memory that Cedric had been constructing in his head finally came in handy. The first wave of the chaotic wave of information was absorbed by the virtual memory of Occlumency, giving Cedric time to react.

【Alchemy of God · Magic Seal Production】

The magic engraving was originally a magic designed to store knowledge. In theory, as long as it does not exceed the input power in a short period of time, it can always store knowledge and point directly to magic.

The magic of Xingyue World is essentially a product of the seventh level or higher, but the current conceptual collection of the "King in Yellow Clothes" definitely does not have the seventh level.

After withstood this wave of San value offensive, Cedric began to quickly study the conceptual collection of the 'King in Yellow' in front of him.

Although the gods of the Cthulhu pantheon are absolutely lethal to all things, they are not perfect.

Below the Three Pillar Gods, most of the Old Ones recruit servants through the information offensive just now. Although powerful, they are also constantly exposing information about their existence.

This is unimaginable in the eyes of most of the gods of the pantheon, because being caught by the enemy's core information is no different from sending one to death.

It is only in a special twisted universe like Cthulhu that it appears to be a bug.

The empty universe, the cold seabed, whispers, the division and growth of cells, the prayers of believers...

There comes waves of information, mostly irrelevant knowledge.

It's like looking up at the starry sky for a hundred years of memory.

Can you imagine a mortal suddenly accepting the memory of looking up at the stars for a hundred years?

Even a superhuman, if there is no special means, will become dementia.

With [Occlumency] and [Magic Seal] as the 'reader', Cedric gradually felt sick.

It's like a greasy tentacle growing in your stomach, constantly scratching your tonsils.

Moreover, this feeling is not a purely psychological feeling. If this situation continues, the information may become concrete and distort the rules of reality.

Just like when Cedric refined [The Wall of Perseverance], after becoming a high-level existence, matter is just a manifestation, and the concept formed by the combination of information is the essence.

Fortunately, this 'King in Yellow' was only 'born' not long ago, and the messy information he absorbed was not enough for Cedric to bear.

Soon Cedric found knowledge about this space.

[Projection Magic: Heaven and Earth Departure from the Star]

A golden key phantom appeared in Cedric's hands. The origin of the [Crown of Truth] gave Cedric the ability to leapfrog projections of divine creations as long as he had enough knowledge.

Back then, with the help of C's mother's betrayal of divinity, Cedric, the magician, could analyze this god's creation in sevens and eighties.

He turned the key in his hand, and the golden-red magic pattern connected this strange space. With the knowledge Cedric had acquired, he quickly found the weak point of this space.

The magic lines are closed, and the ability of [Development] can be realized.

Slowly turn the [Heaven and Earth Departure from Pi Zhi Xing] in the right hand.

"Describe the original, open up the chaos, break the boundaries in front of you, and let the heavens and the earth leave the Pizhixing."

The ancient gears with indescribable runes began to rotate, and the knowledge absorbed from this strange 'world' turned into energy, and the golden-red radiance filled the air, gradually becoming invisible.

The authority of [Development] manifested in the hands of Cedric, from top to bottom, like a god waving the original light, broke through this chaotic information kingdom, and opened up a kingdom leading to reality.

The sound of heavy panting echoed in the off-road vehicle, and Cedric said wearily, "You can open your eyes now, Chunhu, go and pick up Lu Sheng and the others, we must evacuate quickly."

After speaking, Cedric's eyes closed slightly, and through the connection with his god body, he continuously absorbed power to make up for the source of chaotic magic power that had dried up.

Even if it was just an incomplete projection of [Heaven and Earth Departing from Pi Zhi Xing], it basically used up all his strength. Fortunately, the "King in Yellow Clothes" is also Xibei.

Otherwise, you really can't escape the opponent's information kingdom.

Although in terms of ability level, the concept aggregate of the "King in Yellow Clothes" is only at the fifth level.

If there is no corresponding method, Cedric estimates that even a sixth-order Berserker will slowly die in that country.

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