Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 144 Event: Worship of Ghosts and Gods

The neon Internet cafe is a welfare for all those who are single or wandering in big cities.

There are small cubicles, bathrooms, washing machines and other facilities. If a young man who has just arrived in Tokyo fails to find a job in a short period of time, he can live here for a long time at a low price.

Compared with the beds in cheap hotels, modern young people actually care more about whether they have a big enough screen to follow dramas or chat with netizens from all over the world.

"We're here, downstairs." Ink dialed the other party's phone.

After a while, a green boy in the second grade came out of the Internet cafe with a disheveled face and looked around.

"Here!" Chunhu shouted loudly, as the onmyoji of Tuyumen, he often received some similar tasks, so he also followed out this time.

The teenager looked in disbelief when he saw the eight-seater six-wheel off-road vehicle. There is no man who does not like this kind of violent luxury car. It has nothing to do with cost performance, except of course that he can't afford the gas.

"Hello, my name is Hegu Chuannan." The boy hurried over and bowed.

In the differentiation of neon grades, the easiest way to judge a person's grade is money, which is also a universal measure of society, just like test scores, which can be accepted by most people.

"We are the Slick Yin Yang Office, and the company's business card is still being printed, so I'm really sorry." Cedric said with a smile.

The young man showed a suspicious expression, and he looked at a few people. They were all young people, and they brought a boy and a girl who were the same age as him.

Couldn't it be a group of rich kids who came to tease him?

Seeing the young man's expression, Cedric pulled Lu Sheng in front of him, "This is our firm's trump card, Nu Liang Lu Sheng, a ruthless man who makes even the generals fear."

Although I was skeptical, but after I posted a request for help, the other party was the only one who was willing to accept the task for free, and among them, there were also three young men with strong martial arts.

"Please give me more advice." Kawagu Chuannan bowed to Lu Sheng.

"Please teach me more."

"Not much gossip, let's go to the coffee shop next to you and talk about your affairs in detail." Cedric pointed to the coffee shop under the Internet cafe.

Ten minutes later, Kawatani Chuanmin finished his second sandwich with coffee.

"How long have you been hungry?" Cedric asked.

"The money on my body is almost used, and I haven't eaten for a day." He Gu Chuannan said shyly.

"Haven't eaten for a day? You must have escaped from the day you posted it."

"Well, I have escaped for four days."

"It seems that your parents have a serious problem." Mo Mo said, if it is an ordinary parent, I am afraid that the child will call the police on the first day when the child runs away. The Internet cafe where He Gu is located is not far from his home, and the police will be fine with a little refreshment Find.

"Besides liking to eat raw flesh and blood, did your parents have any other special behaviors? For example, worshiping certain gods and certain special symbols." Chunhu has dealt with many similar incidents.

Generally speaking, there are two situations that lead to sudden personality changes of mortals. The first is spiritual, that is, gradually worshiping and believing in certain things that should not be worshiped, but this kind of change should be very slow, unless those things come directly , to train Hegu's parents as fanatics.

This possibility should be extremely low.

The second type is physical changes, which are also divided into endogenous and exogenous causes.

The internal cause type is mainly the sinful nature itself, after a little induction, it gradually changes in the direction of a demon, completely losing its humanity.

The external cause type is divided into artifacts and evil spirits.

Totems and idols obtained from evil gods can be enshrined at home, which can directly change the character of an ordinary person.

The evil spirits are demons haunting and attaching themselves to human beings, such as the upper body of ghosts that are often said.

"There are sixteen other unconventional types." Seeing Chunhu's familiar treasures, Hegu finally felt relieved, believing that the other party was a real exorcist.

He thought about it carefully, and finally had to shake his head helplessly, "Father and mother didn't bring back anything strange, but..."

He suddenly thought of something. "Whenever it rains, they will look very happy."

"An evil spirit that likes rain?" There are too many types and too little information, even Chunhu can't continue to rule it out.

He turned his gaze to Cedric, who is the person in charge, a big man who even the ghost general trusts.

Chunhu is not as careless as he appears on the outside, on the contrary, he has been in a state of being abandoned all the time, and has a delicate feeling for foreign objects.

If Hua Piao didn't trust Cedric, how could he entrust his only grandson to him.

And if you want to win Hua Piao's trust, at least be in the first echelon of this world in terms of strength. This is the simplest way to judge monsters. They are a group of beings that prey on the strong.

Chunhu, who is a half-demon and an onmyoji, of course knows this.

"Anyway, He Gu's parents are looking for him. Why don't we send He Gu back and accompany his parents to that religious gathering, so we can naturally know more information."

Cedric said that breaking tricks with force is sometimes the easiest way.

"I don't want it!" He Gu yelled, the weird look in his parents' eyes when they ate raw bloody beef is still unforgettable to him, otherwise he wouldn't have run away from home.

"But this is the way to save your parents, of course you can choose not to." Mo Mo sang black face.

"Don't worry, we will protect you." Wanzi said carelessly, patting the dagger pinned to her body.

But her cute expression is not convincing at all.

Ink took out the tools prepared on his body, "This is a wireless headset, which can help you get in touch with us at any time."

What he produced were tiny military wireless earphones, the kind that slip into your ears.

"Did you buy it from us?" Maruko asked curiously.

She refers to our place, which is the land of reincarnation in the heavens.

"It's available in Akihabara, free of charge for three years." Ink replied lightly.

"We won't be far away from you. Once something happens, we will show up immediately." Chunhu patted Hegu on the shoulder steadily, and he was the one who cared about Hegu's safety the most among the group of people.

"Which one of you has an amulet?" He looked up at Cedric and the others.

As a person without spiritual power, he can't cast spells. Normally, the log carries the spell with him, but the log has been driven home by the ghost general.

Lu Sheng may be the second person who is worried about the safety of the river valley, but as the master of ghosts and monsters, how could he have such things as spells.

"Oh, it seems that we don't have any." Cedric spread his hands and said, "Why don't we arrange a bodyguard for Hegu."

As he spoke, he pulled Lu Sheng over, "As Hegu's classmate, Lu Sheng, you can accompany him to a rally, right?"

The "Concealment" of the slippery ghost clan is not a cover, as long as Lu Sheng doesn't want to expose his demon blood, even the great gods can't find it in person.

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