Infinite Journey From Hogwarts

Chapter 107 The Pleasant Free Camp

"Boss, where are you?"

There were constant inquiries in the camp channel. Although there were reminders from the second floor, it seemed that many 'newcomers' were still fooled.

"The coffee shop at 12 o'clock in the sky tower, come quickly."

When Cedric arrived, besides the most obvious caller, there were two other men and two women.

"Sorry, I'm late, there's a traffic jam on the road." Cedric said with a cute face.

"Almost everyone who is going to come has come, probably just us." The fourth-rank boss clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"Let me introduce myself first, starting with you, newcomer." The other party pointed to Cedric.

"Uh, my name is Heiye, I'm Mengxin who has just experienced a reincarnation mission, please hug my thigh."

The other party frowned, "What about the ability? What is your main task?"

"I know basic knife skills and basic bow skills, and the main task is to complete a retreat." Cedric replied.

The so-called "retirement" means to disperse the demons, from natural disasters like Yamata no Orochi to Fusangshen can be regarded as the category of retreat.

So for Mengxin, the most difficult part of this task is how to find relatively weak monsters.

The other party glanced at Cedric, "Physical enhancer?"

This is also the most cute newcomers after the newcomer mission in the land of reincarnation. Many of them failed to awaken the basic attribute power in the first mission. If the adventure group does not recruit, they can only pass two or three missions in a daze. Find your own way forward.

"However, it is still very promising to be able to learn basic knife skills and bow skills." The other party patted Cedric on the shoulder kindly.

"Do you also know sword skills? We can communicate." A lively girl said, "My name is Wanzi. I took this name because I like eating it the most."

"Four reincarnation missions, good at swordsmanship." As she spoke, she still pulled out her dagger and gestured.

"My name is Xiao Ai, and I'm in an adventure group with Wanzi." A cute girl said softly, "I know a little healing."

Cedric's nose twitched. Such a strong smell of sin was as bright as a lighthouse to him. What an interesting nanny.

"Mo, a psychiatrist with a wide range of hobbies." A man with glasses with a unique temperament pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Military Assassin, Scout." The person who spoke was a clean-cut young man with a crew-shaven haircut, and he could tell he was from the army at a glance.

The fourth-order reincarnation of the organization saw that everyone had finished their introductions, and said, "My name is Lao Hei, everyone must have seen the reminder of the main god, so just say what you think."

"I have no idea, as long as I can eat delicious meatballs, I can hang out with anyone." The vitality girl said.

"Wherever the meatballs go, I will go." The cute girl Xiao Ai followed.

"Boss, you should at least find us a place to eat and live." Although Mo Mo, a psychiatrist, offered some constructive suggestions, the essence was cheating.

It's not easy to find a place to cheat for food and drink without the Lord God's arrangement of identity.

The fourth-rank boss, Old Hei, had a black line on his face, "I will arrange the accommodation for everyone, let's get to know each other first today, and start the investigation mission tomorrow."

When you come to a strange world of missions, the most important thing is to investigate, which is one of the reasons why Lao Hei organizes these tool people.

He is a melee reincarnation. Although he has made a lot of name among lone walkers, he doesn't have as many methods as Faye, and many investigation tasks must be done by people.

In fact, those who got together with Lao Hei today were all solo travelers, including the lying Xiao Ai, who in an organized way would hang out with a strange boss.

To be able to become a lone traveler, the first condition is to be ruthless and run fast, and it is more common to be black and black.

So it's a happy free camp.

As an organizer, Lao Hei still has the ability to help everyone arrange fake identities and hotels in half a day.

This is a B\u0026B hotel consisting of three rooms overlooking each other.

The reincarnated people who were arranged in different rooms, even if they were attacked by surprise, at least they would not be caught in a single sweep.

"Boom boom boom."

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," Cedric said gently.

The cute girl, Xiao Ai, came in with a box of pastries, "Heiye, these are the three-color meatballs that Wanzi just bought, you have a taste."

Cedric looked at the alluring three-color meatball, and his smile became more and more kind.

He gulped down one, "It's delicious, I just have a sweet tooth, it would be nice if there was a little more caramel."

Seeing Cedric eating a ball, perhaps finding a common language, Xiao Ai nodded excitedly, "Long live the sweet party."

Cute girls are good, even if they are cut in black, at least they look pleasing to the eye.

Cedric put down the three-color ball, "Is there anything else?"

The cute little love said as if remembering, "Wanzi said, I want to form a team with you tomorrow."

"no problem."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Xiao Ai left here.

About ten minutes passed.

There was another knock on Cedric's door.

"Hello, night."

Ink, a psychiatrist with a wide range of hobbies, walked in and frowned at a ball that had already been eaten.

"Have you eaten the balls that Xiao Ai gave?"

"Well, it's delicious." Cedric said with a smile, and passed the ball over, "Why don't you try it too."

Ink pusher refused, "I don't like sweets very much."

Cedric said with a smile, "Actually, I'm not a sweet party, I'm a qualified spicy party, but I don't want to eat anything given by the cute girl."

After chatting with Cedric for ten minutes, Mo Mo got up to leave.

After returning to his room, Army Assassin asked, "How?"

"What can I do, out of ten cute girls, nine are soft, and Xiao Ai is the tenth." Mo Mo said angrily.

"What's the meaning?"

"I have encountered this kind of patients before. Usually, the surface personality controls the logic of thinking, but the inner personality is the one who makes the final decision."

"Psychopathy?" Jun Ci frowned and said, although he and Mo Mo had only experienced three missions, the two had supported each other from the novice mission to the present.

The abilities of each other are extremely complementary, so he still trusts his companion's judgment.

"Yes, and the most terrifying thing is that the main reason for split personality is that the two personalities have completely opposite perceptions of the world. That is to say, as good as her superficial personality is, she is as dirty as her inner personality."

"When I encountered this kind of patients before, I would usually transfer them directly to the hospital. It is too dangerous to stay in the hospital."

"What about that dark night?" Jun Ba played with the butterfly knife in his hand, the dark golden lines on the knife were like dancing flames.

As soon as the night was mentioned, an abnormal flush appeared on Mo Mo's face.

"What's the matter with you?" The military stab almost pierced his hand in fright.

"I've never seen this kind of patient before. This is simply a miracle in the psychology world." As a true master psychologist, Mo Mo couldn't control his emotions at this time.

"Speak human."

"He is like a newborn baby, no, he is more pure than a baby, he is like a legendary saint, no matter how I profile his behavior, I can only feel the boundless warmth, there is no feel any negativity."

Finally, Ink basically said it in a moaning tone.

"Could it be the charm ability?"

"He can charm my mind, but not my talent," Mo Mo said.

"Then he can cooperate."

Mo Mo didn't answer directly, he pondered for a long time, and said uncertainly, "If you think you are qualified to cooperate with a saint, I think you can."

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