Zhu Wen didn't hide it, and said truthfully:

"I learned from my boss that I just changed a batch of underground attractants, which can emit odors underground, lure xenomorphs to dig out of

the city, and the effect is quite outstanding!" "It seems to have been bought from a few traversers, but fortunately they didn't cross the digitized world this time, otherwise it would be a big trouble to defend the city this time!"

"This is someone going into the pit...... Shen Yun put the telescope into the system space, and asked casually:

"And what was your previous defense?"

"It's a high-volt power grid. "

The whole city knows that it's not a secret.

Zhu Wen continued:

"It was developed by the scientific research institute, but after it is opened, it will evaporate the temptation underground. It's good to change it, otherwise the xenomorphs would have hit the power grid a long time ago, which is as stable as it is now. "

I see...... Shen Yun got up and walked out the door.

Sure enough, any fortified city is broken, and it is the most efficient from the inside

! If nothing else, the person who handed over the temptation has already taken refuge in the marine xenomorphs

! Zhu Wen smiled confidently

: "Mr. Shen asked this, is he afraid that there will be problems in the underground defense?" In

his opinion, if the xenomorphs want to break through the strong Los Angeles City, they should at least increase their troops by 5 times!

Shen Yun shook his head:

"There is already a problem. "

Huh?" Zhu Wen and the oil pusher looked puzzled.

But Shen Yun is such a strong existence, and he doesn't look like a person who can talk nonsense.

Thinking of this, the faces of the two changed

! The next moment!


Listening to the muffled sound behind him, Zhu Wen hurriedly looked back.

I saw a flesh-colored tentacle sticking out of the water pipe, swaying back and forth, as if looking for the breath of the prey around him!

"Fine squid?!" Zhu Wen's heart sank to the bottom.

Something went wrong with the lure in the ground

? Someone wanted to destroy Los Angeles?!


" "it's a fine squid!" Run !!

for a moment.

In the rooms on either side of the hallway, a series of screams rang out.

The room, which had been closed, was quickly opened.

At this time, even the evolutionary didn't dare to stay long, and just ran wild!

But this means that the xenos have entered the city from the underground!

Shen Yun threw out a fruit knife with his hand, cutting off the tentacles that the thin squid shot from, and then grabbed Zhu Wen and Tui Youmei, and left the hotel in a few flashes, approaching the city gate defense area.

Looking at the fleeting scene, Zhu Wen, who felt the practicality of displacement for the first time, was very envious

! At the same time, he was very grateful to Shen Yun for his shot:

"Thank you, Mr. Shen!" "

It seems that the corpse king is not as cold-blooded and ruthless as rumored...... 'He knows the character of the other party, this is the reward of a few days of hard service!

The oil pushing girl on the side also had a look of escape from death, holding Shen Yun's hand tightly.

If she was allowed to run down from the hotel, she would definitely die!

To be honest, she had resisted her boss's arrangement before.

But now I can't give Shen Yun a kneeling lick.

Shen Yun didn't say much, and after coming to the city gate and putting down the two of them, he dodged to the top of the watchtower of the city wall.

Stand tall and see far.

The alien groups outside the city seemed to know about the riots in the inner city and launched a full-scale attack

!"Don't panic!Continue to repel the aliens outside

the city!!"Let the reserves go to the power gate area to turn on the power grid as soon as possible!!"

A large number of defenders of the city are on the giant city, attacking the beast tide outside.

All of them are laser-powered weapons, and the view from above is spectacular!

For a while, it can withstand the impact of the beast tide.

At this time, everyone is expecting that the reserve force in the city can empty the alien population in the underground power gate area

! and then turn on the underground power grid to cut off the endless stream of aliens! Otherwise,

it will be attacked from inside and outside.

Tens of millions of people in the entire city have to die!

Shen Yun took out the telescope from the space and turned to look at the interior of Los Angeles.

The streets of the city are chaotic.

All of them are xenomorphs pouring out of the ground, rampant in the streets to start a massacre!

' The ...... of the underground power grid' frowned slightly, and he propped up the side of the watchtower with one hand and landed in front of the tower window.

This made the eyes of the two sergeants in the room who were observing the situation widen

!"I'm the Corpse King, take me to the underground power grid

quickly!"The Corpse King?

!The two of them were shocked!

One of them quickly turned around and pointed to Los Angeles, and was grabbed by Shen Yun's arm and disappeared in place.

The remaining sergeant shouted into the microphone with an excited face:

"Report! The Corpse King has gone to the underground power grid area!!


"Good guys! Notify everyone! The Corpse King has made a move! Let everyone hold on!!"

There was an excited shout from the walkie-talkie!


the Corpse King's shot was like a shot in the arm that stabilized everyone's hearts!

This is one of the big bosses of the Huaxia Traverser!

Everyone is naturally excited that he can make a move.

At this time, Shen Yun had already come to the vicinity of the underground passage of the power grid.

The entrance is an arc-shaped structure that resembles an underground subway.

However, there were too many xenomorphs pouring out of it! The

surrounding firepower could not be suppressed at all, and everyone could only fight and retreat!

They were mainly afraid of collapsing the entrance.

Otherwise, if the underground power grid area is blocked, there will be no power to return to the sky.

"The northwest direction can't be defended!Hurry up and let the second-order evolutionaries come

!!" "The three squads in the rear have blocked the blackfish school, but they must evacuate for a maximum of 5 minutes!!

" "Slot! This is still a ball!!"

The piercing gunfire and roars made the scene in the entrance area of the electric gate very hot.

The smoke of gunpowder is filled, and flesh and blood are flying.

Laser bullets criss-cross.

Shen Yun took the sergeant Hao Qiang, and rushed into the entrance with a few flicks of his displacement ability.

The huge electric switch workshop has become a sea of xenomorphs.

For now, this is the case.

If someone can come in and open

the electric gate area, it will be a hell!"There is a headquarters in the electric gate area, and the main switch there can be opened without any obstacles, which is designed to deal with emergencies! There is a password door locked in the depths!" Hao Qiang said quickly: "

You only need the retina or fingerprint of the internal staff!"

Shen Yun followed the direction he pointed and used displacement to quickly approach the underground electric gate headquarters!

It's a pity that there wasn't even a single staff member along the way, except for the blood on the walls.

Not to mention eyeballs, fingers, and whatever.

But what puzzled the two of them was.

The further you go to the headquarters, the fewer xenomorphs there are!

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Shen Yun took Hao Qiang with a few flickeres and entered the internal office area of the commander-in-chief!

The two of them realized why there were no alien populations here!

they saw two humanoid sharks with strong breaths, standing guard at the door.

And inside the house.

Three men in white uniforms are rapidly tapping on the computer.

Beside them, two jellyfish were wrapping around the heads of two corpses, watching from the sidelines.

The jellyfish is white and transparent, the size of a basin, and emits a faint blue light.

The most amazing thing is that this jellyfish can actually control people to speak:

"Also, how long will it take?" The

voice is dry and stiff, very weird!

While speaking, this jellyfish will also emit a light blue light throughout its body, giving people a weird hairy feeling!

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