Inadvertently Invincible

Chapter 36: What do you want (thank you, the owner of the Didi driver)

"Somehow, what you said is really familiar."

"I think if you let you go, you should take the initiative to give a pair of silver money, but you definitely won't accept it and will definitely retaliate afterwards, right?"

Lin Linfan had already seen the opponent's routine clearly.

Huh, I want to play with him.

When watching movies and TV shows in the past, when he heard the villain say this, he knew that the main characters in the back would be unlucky.

Xun Langjun's face became gloomy and shameless, but he was trampled under his feet, unable to move, and his life was in his hands.

And how does the other party know what he thinks.

"What do you want," Lang Jun asked.


I knew early on that such a thing would happen. I should have brought some good people around.

He could be at the site of the Gang of Dragons in Jiangdu City. Where could he think that someone would dare to do it.

Lin Linfan did not answer the other party's words, but waved toward Bao Liu, "Bo Liu, come here."

"Head, what's the order?" Bao Liu asked, while watching the gang members around him vigilantly. Although the other person was crowded, he wasn't afraid of it at all. Definitely not a problem.

Lin Linfan pointed at Lang Jun and said, "You lift him up and open your limbs."

"Yes, head."

Wang Baoli and others lifted Lang Jun, one person holding one limb.

Xi Langjun panicked, "What do you want to do?"

He had a bad hunch, as if something terrible would happen.

Lin Linfan looked around, and found a wooden stick with thick arms. After playing a few times, it was quite good.

Then came to Lang Jun, touched his leg, nodded silently, and muttered, "Well, it's okay, you should be able to break a stick."

When I heard Lin Jun muttering Lang Jun, she was scared and pale.

"Let me go, you guy let go of me."

Xun Langjun was struggling violently, hell, the other side wanted to break his leg, how could this be possible.

Lin Linfan pointed at another catcher, "Put the knife on his neck, if he continues to struggle, he will cut him with a knife."

"Head, come really?" The catch was startled, he only chopped chickens, ducks and geese, this is really the first time to chop people, a little scared.

"Well." Lin Fan nodded.


The chilling blade was against Lang Jun's neck, and the shocked Lang Jun did not dare to move.

"Master, it's not interesting to play this way. Killing people in Jiangdu City, even adults can't be safe. I'm an ordinary dragon dragon to help little heads. Why do adults have to ruin my future for me?"

Xun Langjun was scared. He was really scared by Lin Fan.

"Ha ha."

"Because you still want me to ruin my future, you are a little too high on yourself."

"Okay, too lazy to talk too much nonsense with you."

Lin Linfan held a wooden stick and placed it on the joint of Lang Jun's leg, and then floated up and down, as if looking for the best landing point.

Xun Langjun's eyes rolled round, his eyes moved with the stick up and down.

"Don't, don't do this."

Lin Linfan smiled, and then his face became serious, and his arm speed increased sharply.

A bang.

The wooden stick hit Lang Jun's leg.

I clicked.

A startling scream came out.

I saw Lang Jun's right leg had been deformed, a swelling, sweat beads appeared on his forehead, and his facial expression became extremely embarrassed.

The fishermen and farmers around Shao shivered when they saw this scene.

They didn't expect to actually do it.

At the same time, they were shouting in their hearts.

They have been oppressed by the dragon gang for a long time, and they have been angry for a long time, especially this langjun, they usually bully them.

I now see this scene, they feel happy.

Jionglong helped everyone see that his elder brother was smashed and broke his leg, he couldn't help trembling, he didn't know what to do now.

"This stick is for revenge on my brother, and the rest is interest."

Lin Linfan did not want to stop here.

He came to the left leg.

Xun Langjun was unbearable in pain, and asked, "Don't, please let me go. I know I'm wrong."

Pain made it difficult for him to speak.

"It's too late to know what's wrong now."

The voice just fell.

Lin Linfan waved the wooden stick in his hand again and clicked, Lang Jun's body was shaking, his eyes were horrified.

When he was awake, his legs were severely broken, and this kind of pain was unbearable for ordinary people.

Bao Liuliu blinked, they were a little scared about the means of the head.

I was really fierce.

I said smashing, smashing, without hesitation.

At the same time, they felt a sense of security, encountered insults, and turned out to have a head for them.

Lin Linfan put the stick on the crotch of Lang Jun, and patted it gently.

Lang Jun, who was shocked by this action, forgot the pain, and the ghost cried, "Master, don't, please don't do this. I'm really wrong. I won't dare.


If the other party really smashes, it is still a question of survival.

Even if I live, I'm afraid it's completely wasteful.

"What do you think? Is Lin Fan so cruel?" Lin Fan laughed. "Don't be afraid, even if you make such a mistake next time, I won't do anything to your place, and It is directly asking you to eat ingot candles in the future. "

Xi Langjun's eyes saw Lin Fan's face.

Although he didn't say the word 'dead', it made Lang Jun tremble with shudder ~ ~.

Qi Linfan waved his hands to wave down his men.

Xun Langjun collapsed to the ground, his face aching and miserable. He couldn't even say a word. He felt that he had lost consciousness, and his legs were afraid to be abolished.

Lin Fan stood beside Lang Jun, bending down, clutching the opponent's collar, pointing at his big bald head and saying, "You can see clearly with your big dog eyes. Those who have this head are not offended by you, If there is another time ... no, not next time, when you have an idea, I will let you know what will move the people around me, what will happen next. "

Xi Langjun looked at Lin Fan's bald head in a difficult way, and under the sun's rays, he shone a light.

I was a bit dazzling.

I was a little disturbed.

Lin Linfan glanced at Lang Jun and waved his hand to leave.

"Get out, get out."

At this time, a voice came from the crowd, and a group of people came out.

One of the leading men is extraordinary in appearance, and his stature makes it look like a mountain.

"Church master."

"Church master."

The younger brothers who witnessed the big brother being smashed by his legs saw the person coming, and immediately became respectful.

Xilairen is Gao Yixiong, the master of Hulong and Hutang.

"This lord, you have taught my people, just leave like this, don't you think it is a bit rude?" Gao Yixiong has a strong voice, like a bell, loud, thorough and shocking.

Lin Linfan looked back and smiled.

"What do you want?"

PS: Thank you: The owner of Didi Car Driver, thank you.

PS: Wow, great. Yesterday, I asked everyone to give me a dollar, and they really gave me a dollar. There is also a leader, happy.

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