In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 517 515 Mutation

Chapter 517 515.Mutation

Harry's mouth dropped open.

He had always known that Jon was powerful, and Lily had told him this in private more than once.

But now Jon's young appearance is not very convincing to people who have just met for the first time. Harry never doubted that Lily was deceiving him, but he imagined Jon's feat of defeating Voldemort. Perhaps it was the concerted efforts of everyone in the Order of the Phoenix that finally allowed Jon to get the final blow.

But what was he saying just now?

After the fusion of the two Voldemorts, they became more powerful beings and let him kill them alone?

This is not defeat, this is killing.

It may not be difficult to defeat a powerful mage, but to kill such a person, especially if this person is Voldemort, would be very shocking, especially if the person who accomplished this feat would normally still be in Hunan. Gwartz is in fifth grade.

While Harry was still shocked by this incident, Dumbledore on the side had already begun to think about these two major events that happened around the time when Jon said there was a problem with the Gold Cup.

It wasn't that he wasn't surprised that Jon could kill Voldemort, but as a wizard who studied magic very deeply, when he knew that Jon's Animagus could turn into a phoenix, he would no longer care about this young man. No matter what feat he performed, he could accept it as a matter of course.

"The fusion of two Voldemort souls, and his resurrection relying on the Horcruxes of this world after his death. Judging from the relationship between these two things and the Horcruxes, the second one is more likely."

Dumbledore took off his crescent-shaped glasses and cleaned them with his wand as he said.

"But according to the magical principles of Horcruxes, how the person who created the Horcruxes is resurrected should have nothing to do with the Horcruxes themselves."

Jon is actually thinking about this issue as well.

But for them, instead of understanding the principle clearly, the easiest and fastest way is to find the golden cup immediately and destroy it.

In this way, it doesn't matter what the reason for such an accident is, as long as they complete the most fundamental purpose.

Finally, Jon shook his head and said.

"Let's put these things aside for now. We can investigate the Golden Cup matter later. At least we don't have no clues. We may be able to dig out more things from the two captured Death Eaters."

Dumbledore naturally had no objections to his ideas.

After understanding the current situation, they did not stay here any longer and were led back to the principal's office in Hogwarts by Dumbledore. Lily would be back before evening regardless of whether there was anything gained or not.

The best ideal situation now is that the problem of the time turner can be solved. Even if the whereabouts of the golden cup is still a problem, it can give them a single-minded goal.

And just when Dumbledore, Jon and Harry had just returned to the principal's office, and the tea in the kettle had not even been poured, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Dumbledore said softly without any intention of avoiding Jon and Harry.

"Please come in."

A middle-aged wizard with greasy hair like seaweed and a pale and gloomy face opened the door and walked in.

When Harry saw him for the first time, he instantly became restless and his expression became very unnatural.

Jon looked very interested. He knew better than anyone that compared to the world with Voldemort, the changes in this world were not that big. In other words, the Potions Professor in front of him was not that big. He has a completely different stance from his own self in another world.

Well, although their true intentions are still the same.

Snape's face looked anxious and ugly. After entering the principal's office, he first saw Harry, and his already gloomy face couldn't help but become even gloomier. Then he turned around and saw Harry sitting on a high-backed chair. , his legs were dangling in the air and his feet could not touch the ground. The young Jon, who was sipping a cup of black tea, had some doubts in his eyes.

However, it was obvious that his main attention was not on Harry or Jon. Instead, he hurried to Dumbledore's desk with the newspaper in his hand.

"I hope you take a look at this."

Seeing Snape's solemn attitude, Dumbledore also looked at the front page of the newspaper with a serious look.

【unprecedented! Azkaban suffered a major attack and many prisoners escaped! 】

After seeing this title, Dumbledore's expression became more solemn. He read the entire report carefully. However, before he could put down the newspaper in his hand, a huffing sound sounded outside the window.

Dozens of owls flew in and hovered on the ceiling of the principal's office for a moment, and the letters fell like rain.

After the owls left, Dumbledore just waved the wand in his hand to collect the messy letters together. He frowned slightly and opened the letters signed by the Minister of Magic and the Director of the Auror Command Office. , all of them were asking if they knew what happened in Azkaban, and almost all of the escaped prisoners were Death Eaters who had been captured and brought to justice.

After Dumbledore saw these letters, he just shook his head helplessly, gathered them together, and put them aside.

It was obvious that Snape still had some words to say at this time. He turned his head and looked at Harry, then at Jon, and said coldly.

"I have something else I want to talk to you about in private."

Dumbledore nodded and spoke softly to Harry.

"It's almost dinner time. Let's go to the Great Hall to eat first. Harry, you should be tired enough today."

Although Harry wanted to stay and hear what Snape wanted to say, he finally followed Dumbledore's words and left the principal's office.

After Harry left, Snape looked at Jon again, only to find that neither Jon nor Dumbledore had any intention of letting him go.

"I'll explain his identity to you later. Don't worry about him being around now. There are no secrets between us."

Although Snape's face didn't look much better, he didn't question Dumbledore's words. He just thought that Jon was just air and didn't exist.

Then he opened the sleeves of the robe on his arms, revealing the mark of the dark devil.

"He's calling me."

Snape's voice was trembling slightly.

"I can feel that he is summoning his former servants. No one else can do this except himself!"

There are more behind

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