In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 501 499 Candidates

Chapter 501 499. Candidates

"This kind of research has actually broken the scope of research on time magic, but combined space with it. In fact, it is mainly based on space."

Inista showed everyone the blue dial in his hand.

"This is the final success of his research. Without time travel or encountering someone who has experienced time change, there is no way to confirm the two conjectures at that time. It was just a group of alchemists at that time. Masters are more inclined to the theory of parallel spaces, otherwise if changes in the past caused current changes, there would be too many details to detect such signs."

"So this special space converter was born. But from the beginning, this thing was a semi-finished product, or a defective product. Because if the theory of parallel space really exists, it means that there are countless us in this world. It is a branch of this world, and it may be easy for a wizard to break the barriers of this space, but if you want to enter other spaces, you need an established anchor point.”

Everyone sitting here is a smart person, and Iniesta is not explaining any overly professional knowledge, they can all understand it.

"So this thing was initially produced as a basis for demonstrating conjecture, but it has never been actually used. This is like a paradox. The space converter was created because I wanted to demonstrate the existence of parallel spaces. But if you want to use a space converter, you need something in another parallel space as an anchor to travel through the past to confirm. It was precisely because this was finally discovered that this research was finally shelved, and the exploration of time converters It also entered a stasis from that time, and until recent decades, even the technology for making time turners was completely lost.”

Jon easily associated this space converter with the ring on his hand.

They were all created in the same situation at the beginning. The creators only relied on a conjecture to invent them, but they always lacked the key argument to realize this conjecture.

Fortunately, the ring met Jon later, and this space converter finally had an "anchor" that could play its role!

When Inista said this, Jon also took out the time converter with the continuously rotating hands. He happened to have one of another world item in his hand!

When he said this, almost everyone held their breath, but Grindelwald calmly pointed out the key to the problem.

"The problem of being able to travel to another world has been solved, but what do you need to do to go to that world? Should you destroy all Voldemort's Horcruxes that exist in that world, or do you have to go to that world to destroy this time switch? Tool?"

"We must be prepared with both hands." Inista said solemnly, "No one has ever experienced this in history, so we have no precedent to learn from. How can this time turner return to its original world? No one can be sure that they cannot be destroyed, but finding all of Voldemort's Horcruxes and destroying them is definitely the most effective solution."

His words were naturally recognized by everyone at the long table, and now that the conversation was over, the next question was naturally on the table.

"I go."

Lily's calm but trembling voice sounded.

Everyone present looked at her, and everyone could understand why she was in the mood at the moment.

Because Voldemort's change began on the night he killed Harry Potter and James Potter, which means that in another world, Lily may still have relatives still alive!

Originally, she had lived her whole life for revenge, but the various changes that had taken place now gave her the greatest hope.

After Dumbledore fell into a deep sleep, the highest command of the entire Witch Line naturally fell into the hands of Inista and Grindelwald. Of course, the one with the highest say was the one who replaced Dumbledore in terms of force. Grindelwald also has direct control over all of Northern Europe.

It's just that Grindelwald rarely interferes with Wu Ping's internal affairs. His mind is focused on his own career, but now it is naturally his turn to make a decision.

"Is there a limit to the number of people who can use this space converter?"

He did not respond to Lily's words immediately, but turned to look at Inista.

This master alchemist, who can be said to be among the best in the world after Nick Flamel, adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said calmly.

"This mainly does not depend on the number of people, but on the precipitation of this world. In other words, the more traces are left on the world we live in now, and the longer the time, the harder it is to break through the limitations of space. According to the notes left by the teacher , this trace limit should be within 70 years.”

His words were equivalent to blocking everyone over the age of 70, and of course the top combatants present were above this age.

But Grindelwald obviously didn't care about this, his voice was still slightly cold.

"Voldemort from another human world has already come to us, which means that there is not much danger in that world. Of course, the one who needs to go there must be someone who knows enough about Voldemort himself and has had a head-on confrontation. After all, he has to deal with his Horcruxes. Meeting him face to face may not be any easier than meeting him in person. And the only person who meets this requirement is of course Jon."

"But just asking Jon to go there by himself is obviously not enough. Hogwarts in another world can be a help, but because we don't know the development of that world, we don't know what Jon's position is there. , what kind of reputation does it have, and whether it will gain the trust of Hogwarts, so this also requires someone who is familiar enough with the people of Hogwarts before the world changes and can gain absolute trust. You can make your own internal decision on this choice.”

After saying this, Grindelwald stood up and left the meeting room. He had already made the final decision on Wu Leveling, and the rest would naturally be left to the people within the Order of the Phoenix to make the choice.

He didn't confirm that he would just let Lily go, but in fact there weren't many people here who met the requirements.

There is a 70-year limit, and Jon must go. He is 16 years old this year, which means that the people traveling with him cannot be older than 54 years old. Among the members of the Order of the Phoenix present who can be absolutely trusted by the people at Hogwarts, only Sirius, Lupin, Kingsley, and Lily fit this requirement.

Faced with such a situation, although Sirius, Lupine and Kingsley also wanted to go, they would never compete with Lily as long as she was there.

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