In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 489 487 Consequences of Death

Dumbledore leaned against a fallen ceiling stone wall, breathing heavily, while squinting his eyes to see the gathering black mist.

The invisibility cloak had fallen off his body and lost its invisibility effect. The Resurrection Stone had become dim at this time. Even the Elder Wand was as old and dilapidated as a dry branch that was about to dry out under the sun.

Dumbledore did not show much surprise at this phenomenon. After studying the true power of the three Deathly Hallows combined, he knew that such a situation would arise.

Of course, this does not mean that these three items will be completely scrapped in the future, but that the God of Death has temporarily taken away its power, and it will take some time to recover.

But Dumbledore's current attention was certainly not on the Elder Wand in his hand. He watched the black mist condense from illusion to reality quickly, and finally returned to his face, which looked extremely pale, but his expression was completely different. Handsome man with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

He was smiling, a wild, showy smile.

"The God of Death is indeed very good, and the Three Sacred Artifacts are indeed very powerful. What next?"

He put his hands behind his back and started pacing around Dumbledore, like a circus animal trainer holding a whip and circling an old lion.

"Do you think the God of Death can kill me? You can't even imagine how powerful I am! You can't even understand it!"

His voice was high, as if he was delivering an impassioned speech.

"But you are going to die, Albus Dumbledore."

Voldemort's voice suddenly became lower, and his snake-like eyes stared at the old man.

"The God of Death can't take away my life! But it seems to like you very much."

"So, even if you can kill me once, is the power you use the so-called magic of love?"

He became excited again, snapped his fingers, and the countless damaged buildings around him began to slowly float up, and then reassembled into their original state.

"Nothing! Dumbledore! No matter what aspect, you have not defeated me! In the end, you will be the loser! It will only be you!"

Facing his sarcasm and ridicule, Dumbledore just calmly leaned against the stone wall. He didn't seem to have any emotional fluctuations and just looked at Voldemort like this.

"It is indeed a wonderful performance, Riddle, but before you die, I can know how you changed the resurrection method of the Horcrux, so that you can quickly complete the physical body at the place of death without consuming part of your strength. Resurrected?"

The expression on Voldemort's face suddenly darkened. He suddenly grabbed Dumbledore by the collar of his robe and pulled him in front of him!

"Old man! You are already a dying person, so there is no need to know so much! How did you know that I relied on a Horcrux to be resurrected!"

Dumbledore laughed, not as happily as Voldemort, but full of narrow-mindedness.

"Sometimes, you are always like this, Tom, I can call you that, just like when you were in school at Hogwarts Castle. You are very good at acting, but no matter how exaggerated your acting skills are, you are just trying to cover up It’s just something, isn’t this what you want to hide? Is using a Horcrux to live forever an ulterior secret?”

Voldemort stared hard at Dumbledore's blue pupils, as if he wanted to see something in them, to know how much Dumbledore knew about his affairs.

But even at this level, his Legilimency was unable to break through Dumbledore's mental wall and see through the biggest secret hidden deep in his brain!

Voldemort couldn't stand it any longer. He raised the wand in his hand, grabbed Dumbledore's collar with one hand, and wanted to kill the old man on the spot, and then dig out his brain to see what was hidden inside. At that moment, a dark green spell suddenly hit him from behind!

Almost at the moment Jon's death curse was lit, Voldemort's entire body was scattered from the entity to the illusory state of black mist, and Dumbledore, who had been holding on to his hand, fell to the ground.

Voldemort's figure did not condense directly, but rushed towards Jon like a storm and tsunami. But Jon, who appeared in front of the main hall door, didn't make any move. His body just suddenly flickered, a golden-red light lit up, and the next moment he appeared next to the fallen Dumbledore.

However, just when Jon was about to grab Dumbledore's arm and use Apparition to leave here, a golden-red light enveloped them, flickering for a moment, but still staying in place!

"He used that phoenix to escape last time. Now there is another phoenix. Do you think I will make such a mistake again?"

Voldemort returned to his human form and looked at Jon, the sarcasm on his lips not disappearing at all.

"Very good. Not only can I get rid of one today, but I can actually get a partner. I'm curious, if the immortal phoenix keeps enduring death, can it die?"

Jon did not answer Voldemort's words. He just calmly felt the anti-Apparition magic deployed here.

This type of magic has obviously been specially strengthened, and it can even prevent the special disembodiment of the Phoenix. However, what it prohibits is that the hall is connected to the outside world. Apparition in the hall is not restricted.

This restricted Jon's way of taking Dumbledore to escape from here, but it also gave him some leverage to face Voldemort here.

Dumbledore looked very tired, extremely tired, but he still turned to look at Jon.

"Are you sure you can get out?"

Obviously, he won't ask Jon why he came here to save him. When Jon appears here, it will be pure nonsense to ask these questions.

Jon just faced Voldemort and slowly grasped the wand in his hands with both hands. The golden-red flame around him ignited, and after adding the magic power stored in the ring, it burst out with extremely hot light.

"Whether I'm sure I can go out is another matter. I can verify first whether I'm sure I can fight him."

Dumbledore showed a helpless smile, leaned his back against the stone wall, and spoke softly.

"From now on, everything will be decided by you. As long as you consider the consequences clearly, I will support you no matter what you do, Jon."

The smile on Voldemort's face did not disappear. He waved the wand in his hand, and the next moment, black mist surged around him.

"I wonder if he has thought clearly about the consequences of death!"

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