In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 464 462. The Great Trial

The next day is the first day of November.

Fox suddenly appeared in Iniesta's office early in the morning. He didn't bring anything. He just stared straight at the newly established interim minister of the French Ministry of Magic after apparating to the ground. .

After receiving Fox's gaze, Iniesta seemed to know exactly what he wanted to do.

He took a deep breath and stood up from his chair.

"Go back, I know what to do."

So, on November 1st, all the British wizards from the Order of the Phoenix and the French wizards from the French Ministry of Magic were organized in the Witch Line!

The "Starlight Newspaper", which is a special propaganda tool within Wupingxian, also received Dumbledore's instructions and delayed the sale of daily newspapers this morning. Instead, it printed a batch of new newspapers before noon and then put them on sale. To all the wizards who should have received it this morning.

Before lunch, almost all the wizards in France saw the bold and bold headline on the front page of "Etoile".

[A trial from the public! 】

The content of this report is not long. It just tells one thing in the most concise words, which will be held tomorrow.

After the Triwizard Tournament ended and all cities in France were completely recovered, those who had only dealt with a small part, and most of them were temporarily detained in wizard prisons, were various thugs who supported the theory of blood and practiced it. We are finally about to accept the final judgment.

This public trial will begin tomorrow in the conference hall of the French Ministry of Magic where Voldemort was once announced as the French Minister of Magic. This is a completely transparent conference room that allows everyone who comes to the French Ministry of Magic to You can observe everything that happens inside.

Even wizards and wizards who are unable to come to the Ministry of Magic in person can tune into the wizard-specific frequency band at home and witness the trial through the radio.

Many wizards will only feel excited after hearing this news.

Those scum who want to create inequality and use their illusory bloodline to oppress will finally pay the price they deserve!

There was also a small group of people who clearly sensed that this public trial, which had been held on a trial basis in Hogwarts before but had been delayed for so long in the French wizarding world, revealed something different.

There is no need to prepare anything in advance for a public trial. As long as the public can participate in the trial, it will be a success.

But Dumbledore and the others had shown no sign of starting a public trial before. Instead, it was already November, and without any announcement, the public trial was suddenly about to begin.

This obviously reveals something unusual.

But regardless of whether he felt the special meaning of this trial, the next morning, the trial came as scheduled.

On the morning of November 2, except for the employees of the Ministry of Magic who had to ensure the basic operation of the French wizarding world, all other wizards gathered in this transparent conference room that was once used to hold parliamentary meetings.

All the high-level officials of Wuping Line have already gathered here, and on the high platform right in front that everyone can see, a brand new gallows has been set up!

Except for sitting at the front, Dumbledore Iniesta, who is the presiding judge of this public trial, and other Wu Pingxian management, all other seats in the back are for whoever comes first can sit down, even if there are no people around. If you have a seat, you can stand directly on the two sides. If there is no room on both sides, you can still gather outside the glass conference room. However, if you can't squeeze in to the innermost part of the conference room, the wizards who can no longer see the public trial can also hear it through the wizard radio. The sound of the public trial.

In short, as long as people come here, there will always be various ways for them to witness this trial.

Jon also came to the scene of the public trial. As the biggest contributor to the victory of the Triwizard Tournament, he was certainly qualified to sit at the forefront, next to Dumbledore.

The host of this public trial within the French magic world is none other than Iniesta himself, the minister.

"No one in this world can guarantee that they will not make mistakes, but there are some mistakes that we as humans should never make!"

The amplifying spell spread his voice throughout the venue of the public trial. At the same time, his opening words were heard all over France, and even in other places in Europe that were paying attention to the internal situation in France.

"For their own selfish interests, some people have put forward the theory that the so-called pure bloodline of wizards is superior! They artificially divided us into three, six or nine levels, and made themselves superiors, in order to gain absolute power! This war This is where the root of the war arises. But even if right and wrong can be reversed, even if justice can be trampled on, there are still some truths that they can never twist! And let us peel off these hypocritical faces that whitewash ourselves for oppression, Face up to everything we have encountered in the past two years, publish all the evil deeds of the criminals who created this war that should not have happened, and then hand it over to all of you for trial. This is the meaning of our gathering here today! "

His voice was sonorous and powerful, not only allowing everyone present to hear his speech, but it was also enough to mobilize everyone's suppressed hearts that had not yet been repaired by the short-lived peace.

There were cheers and applause all around, and Iniesta had no more tirade.

At this point, no matter how many words you say, it won’t be as touching as the bloody reality!

Although France fell to Voldemort for a short period of time, less than two years, the blood theory still caused extremely serious damage to this originally stable and stable magical society, so the wizards were locked up in prisons and waiting. There are not a few criminals on trial.

With the experience of previous public trials held at Hogwarts, it is not difficult to conduct this trial for the public, because this most straightforward and simple act of displaying evil in the eyes of the general public does not require any The trick is to bring all the evil things these people have done and the people they have persecuted to the stage and tell them publicly. That is what this trial is supposed to do.

Although Jon missed the public trial in Hogwarts, he did not miss this time in the French wizarding world.

The first people who were brought to the pedestal were the MPs who were willing to be his lackeys for profit when Voldemort first became the Minister of Magic in France, and who colluded with Bella who originally pretended to be the wizard's chancellor.

These people have all been screened, and many of them said at the beginning that they were wrongly accused, and that they chose to support Voldemort not willingly, but because they were under Bella's Imperius Curse.

But in this matter, Wu Pingxian would certainly not use Legilimency or Veritaserum on them out of some humanitarian idea. As long as these two methods continued to be used, he would ask them if they were lying in what they just said. Whether your behavior is sincere or not, all cover-ups will be in vain.

And these people are divided into many different situations.

Some of them actively chose to side with Voldemort from the beginning, causing the whole of France to fall into bloodline oppression, and some of them were indeed controlled by the Imperius Curse and did things they didn't want to do at all.

Among them, the largest number of people were controlled by the Imperius Curse at the beginning and made actions to support Voldemort. However, the Imperius Curse against them was later lifted, and they were forced by the actions they had already taken. , coupled with the benefits and power brought to them in the early days of Voldemort's rise to power, they changed their minds from forced to voluntary at the beginning.

Except for these people who were really controlled by the Imperius Curse from beginning to end, people in the other two situations were all brought to the high platform of judgment!

The first person to take the stage was the official who had been following Bella and had been recruiting hemp and mixed-blood wizard talents for her.

He can almost be said to be the first person in the entire French Ministry of Magic to know Bella's true identity, and he is also the first French wizard to willingly surrender to Voldemort.

This person secretly followed Bella's request and relied on Bella's scam of supporting the Hemp seed by the Wizard Justice, who usually pretended to be "Roland", to continuously recruit outstanding Hemp seed wizards, and then either killed them directly or sent them to England to work as Slaves were either tortured to death using various means!

This person knew from the beginning that he would definitely die for the crime he committed. He tried to commit suicide many times from the moment he was caught by Wu Pingxian. He was afraid of retribution and more torture later, which made him unable to seek death. As a result, All were stopped.

And this public trial for all wizards in France was much more radical than the one piloted in Hogwarts.

Instead of letting other people preach the crimes of the tried prisoners, they were given veritaserum from the beginning so that they could answer all questions on the high platform!

And when this official who served as Bella's accomplice and aided the evildoers personally named all the people he had killed and stated their tragic endings, the whole scene was completely boiling!

It's just limited to words or summaries of things passed down by others. After all, it still can't really make people feel anything. Only when the people who have done these evil things tell all the things themselves and express bloody expressions about the compatriots they betrayed and killed. Young people who are full of ideals and vitality are doing all this just to gain better enjoyment for themselves. Only after reaching a higher status can people feel the trembling feeling rising from the bottom of their hearts.

It turns out that there is really no limit to how bad people can be. It turns out that some people don’t have any psychological burden or pressure at all when they commit these evil deeds that can make people feel numb just by hearing them.

Just like the public trial at Hogwarts, the first person to be brought to trial in this trial for the entire France was Iniesta's choice after careful consideration.

Noises continued throughout the conference. On the high platform were not only the prisoner's own statements, but also the grief-stricken and helpless cries of the families whose children had been deceived by him.

The most touching scene in the world is this. Before Iniesta finally started asking everyone present to vote on the trial, all kinds of voices saying, "Don't let him die so easily" were heard from everyone in the venue. Ringing everywhere!

Through the truth serum, everyone present heard that the former official of the French Ministry of Magic was not actually afraid of death. He had tried to understand his own life many times in prison. What he was really afraid of was that he would experience it. The kind of torture that is worse than death!

Since he is afraid of something, then the public trial will give him something.

After everyone present raised their wands and used the tip of the wand to flash lights of different colors to vote, the official was finally determined to be punished with 27 rounds of the Cruciatus Curse!

Each of these Cruciatus Curses is a life he persecutes to death. In the end, even if his willpower surpasses everyone else and he survives these 27 Cruciatus Curses, he will be hanged on the gallows.

After being sentenced, all executions begin on the spot!

27 rounds of the Cruciatus Curse will be used on him in turn by nine members of the Wizarding Line. This kind of torture that directly hits the human soul has always been spurned by normal wizards and is unwilling to be used openly by the magic world.

But this time, no one frowned or had any objections. On the contrary, after the first Cruciatus Curse fell on the official, and he screamed in pain, the cheers became even more intense, and even It seems like the ceiling is about to be knocked down!

No one could withstand so many Cruciatus Curses.

Just after the fifth Cruciatus Curse was fired, the official's eyes were already filled with white eyes, and he lay motionless on the ground as if he had lost his soul. Only his heavy breathing still showed that he was still alive.

But since it was agreed that it would be 27 rounds, it would be impossible to miss even one round.

By the time of the 13th shot, he had completely stopped breathing. He was tortured to death by such punishment and died of what he feared most.

But the remaining 14 rounds of the Cruciatus Curse still fell on his body according to the results of the trial. Since the verdict has been determined, it must be executed, regardless of whether the person being executed is still alive.

This is one thing that Dumbledore and Iniesta want to make clear to everyone in the first public trial, and it is also the main tone they set.

Jon was sitting in the front row, so he could clearly see the fat pig-like official from the moment he fell to the ground. Every time he received the Cruciatus Curse, his body was shaking violently. Interesting changes.

Perhaps in the future, after they have won all the victories, someone will turn over this account and accuse this punishment of being inhumane.

But in the face of things that have lost their humanity and cannot be called human, inhumane means are the most humane response to the victims.

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