In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 455 453. Summer

Naturally, the final result between Jon and Matthew was that they broke up on bad terms.

It is impossible for them to reach any consensus. Matthew himself cannot represent the opinions of MACUSA, and Jon cannot represent Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Jon's slap in the face like this will not have any serious consequences. Even if the Magical Congress of the United States is really crazy and decides to join forces with Voldemort, it will not bring about any changes.

As Snape said, the key to victory in the Wizarding War is always only a few people.

After a friendly exchange with Matthew, Jon walked towards the direction of Snape's house in Spider End Alley.

Lily has been staying in that position for a long time with his feathers on her body, and it should have a result now.

Although he could almost guess this result when Snape left.

When they arrived at Snape's house, the door was unlocked. Jon easily opened the door and walked into the messy living room.

There was only one person left standing in the room.

Lily stood in front of the closed curtains. The midday sun was blocked by the brown curtains, only revealing an orange color, like the sunset in the evening.

Against this background, the scene in the living room was like a mime that had come to an end.

The middle-aged man with greasy long hair and wearing a dark robe just fell to the ground. Under his body, there was a shocking pool of blood-red spreading in all directions.

Lily held the wand like this and stood in front of Snape's body like a stone sculpture. She was so motionless that people couldn't even feel her breathing. She just lowered her head quietly and looked at the corpse on the ground that had gradually Becoming cold.

Jon didn't speak either.

After he came in, he silently turned around and closed the door. He did not expose the stage play to the outdoors, but hid the final result from the sight of the two people.

This kind of silence lasted for a long time. Because the air remained quiet for a long time, people could even feel the dust flying in the air with their heart.

Until Lily's slightly hoarse voice sounded in this closed space.

"The most difficult thing to change in this world is people."

"Words are always powerless. Only the facts that have happened can make people learn lessons, but what is the use at that time?"

"Can the forgiveness of others really expose the mistake itself? It never does. A mistake is a mistake. No matter how you apologize, make up for it, or use another mistake to cover up the mistake, there is no way to correct the mistake that has already happened. this objective fact.”

"Wizards are all emotional, because magic requires us to be emotional, but before becoming a perceptual wizard, everything I came into contact with told me that objectivity cannot be changed by human subjectivity. Magic reversed this matter, but in the end it It’s not a panacea.”

She looked up at Jon. There was no excitement, no excitement, no hatred or anger on her face. She was still so calm, as calm as today and every day in the past. She and Jon were still there. Continuing to look for signs of Snape, he was now planning what kind of lunch he should have.

"Many people think I only live for revenge now, Jon."

She ended the words that she didn't know if she was talking to herself or not.

"But actually sometimes I think that what I want to do is not revenge, but to continue living for the dead. Those so-called James and Harry definitely want me to live happily, safely and happily. In fact, they are all deceiving themselves. How can we continue to live for the sake of the dead? What we should do is to let someone in this world remember them. So I want to find Wormtail, Snape, and Voldemort, and let them continue to live. Everyone knows that there is a living woman who is thinking about them all the time, and the reason for this is because they were once related to the death of a father and son, James Potter and Harry. ·Potter will be a name they can never forget in their hearts, because someone lives on their behalf."

"Now the progress has been completed by two."

Lily knelt down in front of Snape's body.

"Can you continue to do me a favor?"

Jon saw what she wanted to do, and nodded as he walked to Snape's body. The two of them lifted him up one after another, and then Lily used Disapparation.

The next moment, their figures disappeared from the room, and they reappeared on the sea cliff with countless tombstones.

The weather here is very good, with the humid sea breeze and warm sunshine shining on this cemetery, accompanied by the sound of waves lapping on the rocks.

Lily had obviously already memorized the locations of the two tombstones, one large and one small, in her mind. The spot where she took Jon to apparate without any mistakes was right in front of those two tombstones.

And right next to them, there was a small piece of scattered white bones. A skeleton stood on top of the white bones. The sea breeze blew the bones away, but it could still be vaguely seen that the owner of the bones was before the flesh and blood was completely corroded. He was kneeling in front of the two tombstones.

Lily did not let Snape's body kneel in front of the Potters' tombstones like Wormtail had done before, but just laid him flat in front of the tombstones.

The sea breeze blew her long red hair, and white seagulls sang like sad birds over the sea not far away.

"I didn't kill him."

Lily sat in front of the tombstone, hugging her knees and hiding the lower half of her face in her legs.

"He broke his wand before he came. From the beginning to the end, he never meant to hurt me. The reason why he found me was just to ask for death."

Jon was cleaning the bird droppings and stains on the surrounding tombstones one by one, while repairing some weathered stone monuments.

He didn't listen to what Lily said. A family should always have some private space together, and Jon knew when to keep the necessary distance.

"He has never been sorry to me, and there has never been anyone right or wrong between him and you. The only person he has ever sorry for is Harry."

"So I killed him for Harry, James. I hope you don't mind this, just like my attitude towards him. Whatever I did was wrong, it was wrong, and the same is true for you. But in the end he Those words he said, and the second time he called me a mudblood, I know what he meant."

"He didn't want me to have any bad thoughts about his behavior which was tantamount to suicide after begging for death, so he did everything he could to pave the way for his own death. He was very thoughtful. I accept his wishes, but actually even if he didn't perform like this, I wouldn't feel guilty or sad."

Lily said quietly, as if they were still sitting together as a family, James had just finished a glass of brandy and was grumbling, and Harry was happily sitting in the baby seat rocking the magic toddler sofa that Sirius had given him. Hammer, while Lily complained about her husband's faults and the people she encountered today.

"I understand very clearly that people cannot regard other people as things they have imagined and filled in, as that will subconsciously beautify or worsen them as much as possible. I miss and remember that Snape helped me with me when I was a child. We got along with everything, but it can only be a good memory. The Severus at that time was not the Snape who later entered Hogwarts. Just as I often tell you that humans are the most complex creatures, it is easy to communicate with them. Badness is never absolute, but badness should never be covered up by good.”

"I have promised you before, but now there is only one person left. He killed you with his own hands. I have no way to guarantee that I will definitely bring his body back like I did today. That man has done more crimes and is blameless. Forgiveness, our family is just a microcosm of his life. The Phoenix Society has become what it is today because there are too many people like me and you. But even with so many people together , we still can’t guarantee 100% that we can successfully kill him. This is very difficult, but many people are working hard to do it. Just like this cemetery is expanding every year, the tombstones are constantly changing as if they are growing on their own. many."

Lily spoke calmly, but at some point, two tears appeared on her face.

"The tragedies we have experienced cannot continue to happen. James, Harry, and the people who died for this should not continue to appear. There are many children waiting behind, waiting to see the magic and come into contact with it. To the peaceful magical world. Every corpse on this land carries more than the revenge they talk about, more than that hatred."

“There is still a future, all the hopes that each of us has for the future.”

"I hope you guys know that I feel the same way, always."

Just as Lily was talking, Jon was standing on the edge of the cliff.

He looked at the sea in the distance, his mind was extremely empty at this time, and he didn't think about anything. The sea breeze blew the fine hair on his forehead, and also blew the hem of his robe.

The midday sun is slowly shifting to the west, just like everything in the world is going on in an unchanging cycle.

"The sun is really nice today, isn't it?"

The body belonging to the witch originally named "Coulibaly" was leaning back on a bench, squinting at the sun that was setting slightly westward from the highest altitude.

Three meters away from him, a wizard was trembling on the ground. He didn't dare to raise his head, and he didn't know how to answer such a question.

"But no matter how good the sun is, it is still unfair." The witch's voice did not sound soft, but rather neutral and cold. "Not everything on the ground can feel its warmth. Big trees Yes, mountains can, oceans can, but they can’t do this piece of soil covered by grass under our feet.”

The wizard buried his head lower, as if he wished he could immediately merge into this land that had never been warmed by the sun.

"So why do some people just don't want to go to the sky, the clouds that always shine the sun, and make everything in the world feel its thunderstorms and storms, but instead want to get close to the soil on the ground?"

"I gave him the opportunity to be a cloud. I always have. This is a reward for his most correct decision. But he never knows how to cherish it, and he is even willing to die for such sludge?"

"Coulibaly" chuckled. He looked very angry, but there was no way for people to use the word "anger" to describe the expression on his face and the words he spoke.

The wizard knew that he could not remain mute. No matter what, he had to say something.

"Some people are unable to appreciate your compassion, Master! You have already treated them with all your kindness and righteousness! It is his own fault!"

The witch picked up a cup of black tea. Ever since he changed his identity, he seemed to like it. The warm water could soothe some physiological phenomena that could not be changed.

"I have no problem with him bringing it upon himself, but he gave that thing to Dumbledore."

"My subordinates must try their best to get it back!" the wizard gritted his teeth and said, "They must not have left the UK yet. We have found traces of their apparation. Although their landing point is strongly shielded, we believe in magic. Someone in the ministry will solve it!”

What he got was a cold reply.

"I hate empty words. You have been with me for a long time and you should know this. If you can really do such a thing, you will not treat me as your master."

The wizard's body was trembling, not knowing how to make a new promise.

The witch shook her head in disappointment, put down the tea cup, put on a wide-brimmed pointed hat and stood up from the chair.

"Give it to Dumbledore and give it to him. Now I don't care what you say to the other me. Use the fastest time to control the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. All the Silent people can be bribed and those who cannot be bribed. Let them have accidents on their own, and then replace them all with people who belong to us. The work of the Department of Mysteries remains the same as before. You can do whatever the Ministry of Magic gives you, but those things that have expired will be taken care of by me. If you encounter something special If the situation arises, just throw them behind the curtain of the Death Hall. You can do this little thing, right?"

The wizard replied loudly and firmly.

"There are countless purebloods who are missing your arrival! Our master is only you! Your orders are the direction that each of us will move forward."

He was flattering, and when he said this, he suddenly seemed to think of something again. After a cautious pause, he then asked hesitantly.

"But regarding Barty Crouch. We have tried to contact him, but he has never expressed his attitude. He is also deeply trusted by you. I don't think it is necessary for you to contact him. For a moment, let him know who his loyalty should be given to?"

"Coulibaly" only left a figure with his back facing the sun.

"No one needs to worry about him, just pretend that there has never been such a person."

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