In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 452 450. Pure people

Just as Snape finished speaking, there was a snake on the ground that Rufus and the other three people had never noticed, swimming like a snake, and the hemp rope surrounding them suddenly tightened!

Such an attack would not trigger the defense of the Iron Armor Curse at all, and Rufus and the other three were all focused on Snape at this time, and did not pay attention to anyone else hiding around them.

Unsurprisingly, the hemp rope, which was as thick as a baby's arm, tightly trapped the legs of Rufes and the three of them, and then suddenly dragged them towards the door, causing their entire bodies to lose their center of gravity. , even if they had reacted at this moment, they still couldn't wave the wand and use magic, they all fell to the ground!

And just as they fell, a young-looking hand stretched out from a corner and snapped its fingers lightly.

The next second, the wands that had already left their hands suddenly flew out of the control of Rufus and the other three, floating in the air!

And at this time, they finally saw the mantis stalking the cicada, the man who had been waiting in the dark with the oriole behind them.

Jon took off his invisibility cloak, revealing his true face.

"Jon Green!"

His face was no longer unfamiliar to every Death Eater. Rufes gritted his teeth with an extremely ugly look on his face.

Jon also looked at them with interest and asked Snape without looking back.

"Is this the elite of the Death Eaters? Why are they so vigilant? They feel much easier to deal with than Bella and the others."

Faced with Jon's undisguised disgust, Rufes and others blushed, not knowing whether it was out of anger or humiliation, but Snape's voice was still so calm.

"Compared with other trash, they can already be called elites. Do you think the strength of us people is really important in this war? No matter which side it is, it has always been Relying on someone."

Jon shrugged, not expressing his opinion on this.

"So you actually knew I was following you all along?"

"It's impossible for you not to hear such a loud noise. If you hear it, of course you will follow it."

While Snape was speaking, he threw the bottle of golden gravel in his hand to Jon. Of course, Rufes also saw this scene. He stared as if he wanted to crack his eye sockets even more!

"How dare you! Snape! Do you know what you are doing? You surrendered to Dumbledore!"

He roared angrily, struggling to stand up from the ground, and after Jon saw this scene, he just gently raised the wand in his hand, and the hemp rope that had controlled their lower bodies began to continue to lengthen, stretching their All parts of the body below the neck are tightly wrapped.

Snape acted very calmly when facing his accusation. He sat in the high-backed chair, the indifference on his face unchanged from the beginning, as if everything was under his control.

"I have never taken refuge in anyone, since that night. I know why the master always gives me such high courtesy. It is because the relationship between us is different from that between you and him. He and I cooperate. Everyone gets what they need, and now, I just want to end this cooperation."

"Betrayal! You shameful betrayer! Do you think you will succeed just because you surrendered to Dumbledore? You know how the master treats betrayers! He will make you live and die!"

Snape did not look at him, but simply waved the wand in his hand.

"Avada Kedavra."

The green light flashed, and the ferocious and furious face of Rufes was fixed on his face. The two Death Eaters trapped with him were not frightened by the death of such a companion. They were also angry at Snape. Cursing, until two green lights lit up one after another, the shack finally became quiet.

Jon held a glass bottle filled with golden gravel in his hand and looked at Snape with a strange expression. It wasn't that he had any objections to Snape's casual handling of his captives, but that Snape was really like this now. As if he had completely surrendered to Dumbledore.

The Death Eaters of Voldemort No. 1 were tricked to death by him, and the Death Eaters of Voldemort No. 2 were killed by him. What on earth was he thinking?

"The opportunity you have been waiting for is now?" Jon shook the bottle of sand, "Didn't you say there are not enough people? So the third wave of people you are waiting for are them?"

Snape finally sneered disdainfully after hearing Jon's words.

"Do you really know how many people I completed the deal with? What I just said to Rufis also applies to you. I have never taken refuge in anyone, and the same is true for Dumbledore. There is only cooperation between us."

Jon stared at Snape, and there were actually traces of his behavior in the original book. He felt guilty for Lily's death, so he always protected Harry, and was full of hatred for James. He also never treated Harry at all when Harry was safe.

But now, his various actions are a bit hard to see through.

"Okay, I suddenly realized that we haven't had a good communication. Just out of my personal curiosity, can you tell me what you want to do after doing so much? Mr. Snape."

Jon no longer used the sinister tone he had always used when communicating with Snape before, but instead used a rare honorific.

Snape didn't say anything immediately. He silently looked at the door in front of him that was always open.

Sunlight shines in through the doorway, but his position is exactly at the edge of the light. It is obvious that he can leave the shadow by moving a little forward.

But he always stayed there, just like when Lily wanted to help him get out of the shadows when he was a student, but he remained unmoved and always stood there.

"If Harry Potter was still alive, then you should be classmates with him."

Snape's voice was not loud, and there was no emotion mixed in it, as if he was just talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"So I can understand Lily's attitude towards you. Were you brought to the carriage by her hand, or was she actually putting part of her feelings towards Harry Potter in the year when her own children should have entered school normally? Put it on your body, otherwise this invisibility cloak would not fall into your hands so easily."

Jon glanced down at the invisibility cloak in his hand.

He didn't understand what Snape said, but Jon actually didn't mind. If Lily really made it clear that he would accept this witch whose scars in her heart could never be healed as her godmother, Joe would Endu had no objection at all.

It's not wrong to be willing to take the risk to snatch him away from little Barty, and to be Jon's reborn parent.

"Then what?"

"Then, there are actually some things that I can tell you, Jon Green." Snape looked at him and met Jon's eyes, "I have completed three meetings with two people these days. It’s a deal, and I can continue to make another deal with you now. I’ll give you an answer, and you promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you will protect Lily’s life!”

Jon's answer to this was a complete no-brainer.

"There's no need to make a deal with you, I'll always do that."

"Of course this is the best." Snape raised the wand in his hand and broke it with his own hands in front of Jon!

The outer skin of the birch wood broke, revealing the snake nerves that glowed faintly inside!

Then Snape reconnected the broken parts of the wand, then took out a bottle of glue-like potion from his pocket, and gently dropped a drop on it, and then the surface of the wand became intact again. .

After doing all this, he stood up with difficulty holding on to the armrest of the chair. Holding the wand in one hand, he came to the stove in the shed with the other hand and took out a handful of green powder from his pocket.

"My purpose is really simple, really really simple. After that night, I can join whoever can keep Lily alive, and I can work for whoever can ensure Lily's safety." Dog, so can you say it's an allegiance? Of course not, it's just a transaction."

Jon watched in silence as he sprinkled the powder in his hand on the stove. The fireplace, which had not been burning for several years, suddenly lit up with green flames.

Snape walked towards the fire.

"One final piece of advice for you, Jon. I don't know whether Dumbledore knows about this, but the man who has been entrenched in Northern Europe is crazier than all of you guessed. The blood theory is in his plan. What’s in front of him is nothing, if he really succeeds, then the whole world will change.”

Finally, his body disappeared in the flames, and he also revealed his last destination on this trip.

"Spider's End Alley."

Jon watched him leave without any intention of stopping him.

The task given to him by Dumbledore was only to protect Lily, and he never asked him to really capture Snape, so Jon actually always knew what he should do.

Moreover, Snape's departure had clearly determined that they would never have the chance to meet again.

Jon understood what he said about his purpose, and finally understood what Dumbledore meant when he said that Snape was an extremely pure person.

More than ten years ago, he had found Dumbledore and begged him to save Lily, and was willing to give everything he had for it.

Dumbledore agreed to this deal, but actually failed to do so.

Voldemort still found the Potter family and took away the lives of the Potters and their sons, but he actually promised to Snape and let Lily survive.

Jon didn't know what kind of mental journey Snape went through after that, but when he saw Voldemort, who had disappeared for a month and repaired the split soul, returned to England, Snape should have already decided that, The only person who can truly control Lily's life and death is the man in front of her.

Even with Dumbledore's protection, Lily, who had her whole family killed, would definitely want to take revenge at all costs. She would always put herself in danger and put her life at risk.

If he really wanted her to live, what Snape had to do at that time should not be to continue to complete the deal he had begged Dumbledore before, but to serve Voldemort wholeheartedly in Return of the King and let him make the promise he had made to him at the beginning. Yes, the promise of not harming Lily will continue forever, so that Lily's safety can be truly guaranteed.

It was because of this that Voldemort agreed to his almost rude request and gave orders to all his men not to endanger Lily's life under any circumstances. At the same time, he also fully utilized Snape and made him a He became the leader and role model of mixed-bloods, and also became a thorn in the eyes of pure-bloods. He also attracted the hatred of most people on Dumbledore's side, and has been sitting in charge of Hogwarts Castle for him, secretly letting Si Nap secretly helped him refine some unknown potion.

It was clear that Snape was completely exploited, and there was no waste at all.

So it was indeed an exchange of equal value between him and Voldemort.

And after the Triwizard Tournament, why did he fall in line with Wu Ping and was willing to return to the UK to help Dumbledore get something that has now fallen into Jon's hands? Jon guessed that it was Snape who He guessed the inside story of why Voldemort II was defeated by him.

The day after he was abandoned by Voldemort One, Snape might have begun to think that the bloodline theory was gone.

There is absolutely no point in him continuing to work for Voldemort, because the crazy Voldemort No. 1 is now controlling Britain. After abandoning Snape, will he still be able to do it in the war against the Witch Level? Ordering his men to keep their hands on Lily had an obvious answer.

Even if the sane Voldemort II could make a comeback, if Jon could defeat him once, it would definitely be possible to defeat him a second time.

So Snape reached a deal with Dumbledore at this time, and Dumbledore actually always saw Snape better than anyone else, so he knew what Snape was thinking about. , and did not doubt his intentions.

Now the result of the transaction between the two is the bottle of golden gravel in Jon's hand.

Jon raised the glass bottle in the air, and the sunlight shone into the bottle, and the tiny golden particles reflected a faint light.

Jon didn't know what was in the bottle, but he knew that Snape's willingness to complete the deal with Dumbledore meant that he hoped more than anyone else that the Wizards could defeat Voldemort in the end, that is to say The thing in the bottle was what he believed could be a real threat to Voldemort himself if it fell into Dumbledore's hands.

As for Snape's last piece of advice about Grindelwald

In fact, there are some things that Jon will discover much earlier than anyone else.

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