In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 450 448. Big Bang

When Jon returned to the hotel, it was still dark. He made the trip very quickly and could still get some sleep when he came back.

When it dawned the next day, Lily didn't even notice that Jon had gone out once. They finished breakfast together and discussed the next strategy against Snape.

People on the lawn still had to watch, because they (actually only Lily) didn't know if Snape noticed something when he left, or if it was just a coincidence.

But of course now we can't just look at the lawn like this. After Jon tentatively proposed what they should do if Snape actually discovered their traces and left the city later, Lily fell into Thought for a while.

This is indeed a question that Lily is not willing to think about.

Because all their preparations to stay in this city are actually based on the fact that Snape will not leave easily, and if he really leaves from here, then the whole of Britain is so big, Snape And as a powerful wizard, who can find him if he really wants to hide?

Maybe Voldemort still has a way. After all, Snape must have the Dark Mark on his body, which is Voldemort's representative. If he wants to find it, Voldemort should have a way.

But for Jon and Lily, who were already in the enemy camp, this was a task even more difficult than climbing to the sky.

Just when Lily was almost at her wits' end about this problem, near noon, a loud noise suddenly sounded underground near the spider's tail!

Even while staying in the hotel, Jon felt that the whole house was shaking. At the same time, Lily and Jon looked at each other for the first time.

Excluding any kind of war between Muggles in the city, such an explosion can only be produced by a super-wide blasting spell!

People around the hotel began to panic. They stuck their heads out of the windows, trying to look in the direction of the explosion to understand what happened.

Jon and Lily ran directly out of the hotel door together. They were very close to Spider End Alley. The source of the explosion was under a house. There was smoke there, as if the whole house was about to collapse. .

The streets were filled with screaming Muggles running away. Many people thought it was an explosion in a natural gas pipeline and tried their best to stay away from the explosion area.

But Jon and the others could clearly feel that a Muggle expulsion spell had been placed here, which would cause Muggles who came into contact with this area to subconsciously find a reason for themselves to leave here immediately.

Just when Jon and Lily avoided the flow of fleeing people and came to the street where the explosion occurred, a body wrapped in black mist suddenly rose into the sky!

In the entire magical world, there is no need to use a broomstick to fly, and there are only two people who can create such a momentum.

One is Voldemort himself, and the other is Snape!

This also reflects Voldemort's previous preference for Snape. There were so many loyal Death Eaters who served him, but he was the only one who taught this magic to Snape.

But Jon also saw with keen eyes that the black mist that was disappearing in the air was obviously filled with blood dripping down, and Snape was seriously injured.

Behind Snape, four or five figures riding broomsticks also rushed out of the smoke. They were all wearing pitch black robes, which were the exclusive attire of Death Eaters.

Jon was actually not surprised that Snape was found first by Death Eaters.

From what happened to Karkaroff in the original book, we can actually see that as long as Voldemort himself wants to find him, it is impossible for someone with the mark of the Dark Devil to escape.

What's more, Snape has never left the UK and is hiding under the nose of the British Ministry of Magic.

Lily obviously saw this scene too.

But facing the Death Eaters and Snape who had already flown into the sky, she had no way of catching up. Of course they didn't bring something as conspicuous as a broomstick when they came to England this time, which meant they lost the ability to fly. .

She could only look at Jon at this.

"You should follow them first to ensure your own safety, and then contact me after you find their whereabouts!"

Of course Jon had no objection to this decision, he just looked at Lily with a little worry.

"Professor, is it okay for you to be alone?"

Lily waved her hand and said.

"Don't worry about me. I won't let myself die so easily before I complete my revenge."

With her words, Jon didn't hesitate anymore. He used the levitating spell, lifted into the air, and flew in the direction where Snape and the Death Eaters disappeared.

Of course, he didn't completely believe Lily's words, which were more like raising a flag, but the feathers he left on Lily hadn't been taken back yet. Even if something unexpected happened, Jon could still come back as soon as possible. , so that there is no backup left at all.

Snape and the Death Eaters flew very fast. The broomsticks they used were the latest competition-level supplies produced in the wizarding world in recent years - Firebolts, which could accelerate up to 150 miles per hour in ten seconds.

But as Jon has grown in magic and improved in magic, he has become more proficient in controlling the floating spell than before. Of course it is impossible to catch up with them immediately, but just hanging from a distance like this But it's not difficult.

And while taking off, Jon put the invisibility cloak on his body, so that the Death Eaters would not even notice that there were others following behind.

Snape certainly couldn't disapparate.

Now that a month has passed since the end of the Triwizard Tournament, the British Ministry of Magic must have restarted the Apparition surveillance of the entire island of Great Britain. Unless he can directly Apparate across the continent, otherwise this will only further expose his position. .

If he really wanted to escape tracking, the best way would be for him to get rid of the Death Eaters chasing behind him, then find a safe floo network or portkey, and then make a long-distance transfer.

But it is not easy to get rid of the following Death Eaters riding Firebolts.

And Jon also had a premonition that Snape had actually foreseen that he could not hide for long. He had escaped from France and what he had planned all along was about to begin.

During this invisible tracking process, Jon saw several looming broomsticks between him and the Death Eaters close to the ground.

There were others chasing after them, and they also hid their figures. However, the Disguise Curse was not very effective when used during the day, and Jon discovered the problem!

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