In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 447 445. Not enough people

Jon immediately thought that this neat old man with a clean appearance, especially with his hair so well taken care of, could never be Snape.

But Polyjuice Potion, a transformation potion, did not require Snape to take care of his hair before transforming. As long as he drank the potion himself, that would be fine.

So Jon didn't give up his suspicion because of this, but turned to look at Lily.

Lily didn't look at Jon. After she saw the old man, she pretended to be nonchalant and patted the grass clippings on Jon's clothes.

"Don't look. It's him. Even if he turns gray, I can recognize him at a glance."

Jon thought silently in his heart, if Snape heard this, he didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

"Then what are we going to do now?"

Lily sat back on the tablecloth, as if she was controlling her inner emotions.

"Wait a minute, there are too many people here, and it's easy to accidentally get hurt if there's a fight."

Jon couldn't help but look at Lily a few more times. No matter how much hatred was squeezing her heart, Lily's heart must not have changed. She was still a kind person after all.

However, just when Jon took out a small piece of cake from the meal basket, smacked his lips and prepared to enjoy a pre-dinner snack, Lily suddenly continued to speak.

"We are too far away from him. It would be easy to arouse his vigilance by approaching so rashly. Didn't those little girls just call you to come over and play? You should join them now."

Holding the spoon, Jon, who had just put the cream dotted with half a strawberry into his mouth, froze as if he was petrified.

Did you agree to take a vacation?

You still have to play with the naive little girl, right?

As if she felt Jon's eyes that instantly turned resentful, Lily smoothed a few strands of hair behind her ears.

"Thank you for your hard work, Jon."

Jon had no choice but to stand up from the tablecloth and put the missing piece of cream cake in his hand back to its original position.

"Okay, okay, then let me meet these little girls!"

He calmed down the expression on his face, and the next second he showed a sunny and cheerful smile of a boy next door, and then headed towards the direction of the bench where Snape was sitting, where a group of little kids were gathering. Walk somewhere.

When Jon got closer, he realized that this place was actually a sandy area, and seven or eight children were piling sand here.

"Hi! Do you still need a reliable helper to join in? Although I don't have the tools in my hands, I'm sure I am a professional."

Jon was arrogant on the inside, but acted like a social cow on the outside, greeting these children with a bright face.

The three little girls who had invited Jon were immediately happy when they saw that he was willing to take the initiative to join.

"Haines is building a castle! If you are willing to join, we can give you the right to name the castle! What is your name?"

"Alpa Brak, just call me Alpa." Jon walked into the sand naturally ("Wait, didn't we agree to call it Haines Castle?" A boy followed with a sad face. explain).

"Alpa!" A little girl held Jon's hand enthusiastically, "Alpa Castle is a great name!"

"Just call him Haynes, I like that better."

While Jon was dealing with the social interaction among the children, he glanced out of the corner of his eye at the old man Lily identified as "Snape" sitting five meters away from him.

He took the toy shovel from the boy who regarded him as a good brother because Jon recognized the name Haynes, and at the same time determined that he had not revealed anything, and the old man could not tell anything even at a close distance. Exception comes.

However, just when Jon was about to turn his attention to the sand beneath him and look at the building that the children called a castle but was actually more like a mud house with a painful look on his face, a clear and obviously sarcastic voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"The captain of the Hogwarts, Dumbledore's favorite student, and the champion of the Triwizard Tournament would actually play in the sand here with a group of Muggle children."

There was no movement on Jon's face. It was as if he didn't hear the words. He first glanced in the direction of Lily. Lily was very cautious. She only occasionally turned her head to pretend to be a caring mother. Looking at this pile of sand, he spent the rest of the time busy on the tablecloth preparing lunch.

The children around them didn't seem to hear anyone talking at all, and were still planning their castle with great interest.

Jon did not look at the old man who was absolutely 100% sure to be Snape sitting on the bench. He used a toy shovel to collect the floating sand on the surface of the sand.

"Your talking habits are destined to never find a wife in your life."

He couldn't see the expression on Snape's face at this moment because he didn't look up, but the brief silence was enough to show that this sentence had a lot of lethality on Snape, even if Jon didn't name him.

"I said, what do you want to do here like playing hide-and-seek? Do whatever you want to do. I also want to go to the beach to play before summer is completely here."

Jon turned sideways and lowered his head, preventing Lily from seeing his mouth moving in the distance, and avoiding her from discovering the communication between the two.

Snape was finally able to speak honestly, but his voice was still as low as ever.

"There are not enough people."

Jon transported all the sand he produced to the group of children and fished like a paddle monster.

"There aren't enough people. Can't you see how many Aurors and Death Eaters are looking for you in the alley in your hometown? How many more people do you want them to come to?"

"There are only two groups now."

Jon was shocked.

"You still want several groups of people to come to you. There is no one else in the magic world except the two groups who are looking for you, right?"


Jon was a little unhappy being ridiculed by this old bachelor.

"It's just shallow. Stop giving me riddles. Why are you deliberately showing off your presence here today? Do you want Professor Potter to know that you're not dead yet?"

"Some people have discovered where you live. Don't think of them as fools like the British Ministry of Magic now."

After Snape said these words, he calmly stood up from the bench. It seemed that the purpose of his appearance was just to give Jon and the others such a reminder.

"Honestly, can you tell me why you are willing to help us again? Don't tell me that you have always been on our side and were working as a spy before."

Snape did not answer Jon's question immediately. He stood up from the bench, looked at Lily from a distance, who had already noticed, and then left a message for Jon before disappearing. Promise.

"Wait until you catch me. Then I can answer your question."

After saying this, he disappeared.

When he disappeared, no one around except Lily and Jon noticed him. Even the children on the sand who were excitedly creating castles didn't notice that the old man sitting on the bench was gone.

But Lily couldn't stay any longer. She dropped her lunch that had not just been prepared and walked quickly to Jon.

"What did he find?"

Jon shook his head.

"No, I felt like it was time for him to go out and relax today, so he left directly."

Lily's expression was ugly. Today was equivalent to Snape appearing in front of them and leaving in front of them.

Jon comforted her a few words, and then the two returned to the camping tablecloth. No matter what happened, lunch had to be eaten.

But obviously Lily's mood will not get better in a short time. They don't even know whether Snape has noticed them yet. Who can guarantee that he will come here next time?

Although Jon could secretly guarantee it, he obviously couldn't say it openly.

Jon enjoyed the picnic happily, while Lily looked absent-minded.

After lunch, there was no need for them to stay here any longer. The two packed up their things and returned to the hotel where they would change every three days.

It's just that Jon didn't go in with Lily, but took a walk around the hotel in the name of recuperating after a meal.

The goal of his walk was very clear, which was to choose some buildings around which he could see the main entrance of the hotel where they lived. It didn't take long for Jon to make a discovery.

It was an old-looking house on the outside, and the gray exterior walls matched the style of the city. However, the mailbox outside the yard was filled with postcards and letters, and even the delivery port was blocked. But the door of this house was not locked, and the blinds on the inside of the windows were half-open, and people could be vaguely seen walking around inside.

Someone lives but no one receives the letter. This is very similar to the habit of wizards. There is no mailbox in normal wizard families at all, because they use owls to deliver letters and the recipient can be found at any time, so if there is a wizard If Jiuzhan Magpie Nest moved into a Muggle house, they would most likely ignore the mailbox.

However, this is just a doubt and cannot prove anything, but Jon does not need more proof, as long as he has suspicion, it is enough.

He wandered to an uninhabited alley, then took out the invisibility cloak from the pocket of his robe and put it on his body. Then he returned to the suspicious house. After sneaking into the yard, Jon leaned against the wall and took out the cloak from his pocket again. Something in the shape of an ear.

Put one end against your ear, and the other end stretched into the crack of the door under the influence of magic power.

Some of George Fred's inventions are already finished products, such as the retractable ears that Jon is using now, which can provide him with great help.

And after the other end of the telescopic ear reached behind the door, the sounds in the room were clearly transmitted to Jon's ears.

"I've really had enough! Your food tastes terrible, Kevin! At least you can pack something back from those Muggle restaurants! Why are you putting us through this?"

"If you don't want to eat it, don't eat it! There are two carrots in the kitchen and you can nibble them! Don't forget what we are doing. Those two people are very alert. If they find out that we throw away garbage, there will be a lot of garbage. Bringing a box will definitely alert them!”

"A carrot is a carrot! It's better than eating this plate of shit! Rufes? What are you doing in the kitchen? Bring me those two radishes!"

"Sorry, I've already bitten them. If you still want to eat, I see there are some onions in the basket."

"You idiot! Do you want me to eat raw onions? Give me one of the carrots in your hand!"

"Your voice is too loud. Don't wake up the family upstairs."

At this time, there was a "click-click" sound like chewing radishes.

"Then add another stun spell to them. I really don't understand. Are they crazy? They actually asked us to follow Dumbledore's people. This is England. If anything is discovered immediately, it shouldn't be Those Aurors?"

"Don't question the decision above. We just do it. And don't you know what the level of the Aurors and our colleagues are? They are about to bring the city into chaos in the past two days."

"I just want to know how long we have to suffer here! You don't want to cook next time. I think it might be healthier if we just eat the ingredients raw!"

"Stay until Snape shows up. If you want to hold some raw beef and chew on it, you can go now."

Hearing this, Jon carefully retracted his telescopic ears.

The people in the back room will only have endless chatter and no more valuable information.

Jon didn't need other information. He could judge a lot of things based on this alone. He climbed over the fence deftly and returned to the alley to take off the invisibility cloak.

This group of people is obviously related to Voldemort but not from Voldemort. They just talked about Aurors and their colleagues. Now the only wizards who are blatantly operating in this city are Death Eaters besides British Aurors.

It means that these people are actually Death Eaters!

But they were obviously not working for Voldemort, so whose orders were they following?

Jon pondered the obvious question, which was certainly easy to guess.

Death Eaters will only be loyal to one person, and if it's not the current Voldemort, it can only be another one!

What Jon didn't expect most from this discovery was that the other Voldemort II had reconnected with a group of people so quickly to continue serving him.

He originally thought that in the state where his soul was burned by the fire of Nirvana in Hogwarts Castle, he would have to be honest for at least a year and a half, but it turned out that only less than a month had passed.

So is this group one of the two groups Snape mentioned?

If not, besides Voldemort 1, Voldemort 2, him and Lily, will there be other people who are looking for Snape in this city now?

Just when Jon was thinking about this problem, as if fate was deliberately trying to fulfill his suspicion, a familiar figure suddenly walked past him in a hurry.

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