Jon and Lily found a hotel near Spider's End Lane and stayed there.

Lily was indeed not as impatient as Jon imagined, and seemed to be ready for a protracted battle with Snape here.

They did not use Apparition to frequently travel back and forth between the UK and France. Not to mention that the goal would be too obvious, and no one could guarantee that the Magical Transportation Department within the British Ministry of Magic could resume normal work.

After a night's rest, Lily went out early in the morning after breakfast and started wandering along Spider Tail Alley like a walk.

Instead of using her original identity, she and Jon drank Polyjuice Potion and transformed into two middle-aged Muggle men, acting as if they were traveling here.

Jon actually regarded this trip as a trip. Originally, the job Dumbledore arranged for him was to take good care of Lily and not worry about anything else. The previous trip brought the Dursleys back to France. The task is already considered overtime.

And Lily's movements didn't look like she was looking for Snape, it was more like she was reacquainting herself with this city that was already a little strange to her.

After getting married with James, she never came back here again, let alone living in exile in the UK for more than ten years, which gave her no chance or time to revisit her old place.

Jon's previous memory was somewhat wrong. The Snape family lived in Spider's End Lane, but Lily's family did not live in this narrow alley before, but in a house not far outside the alley. .

Now this kind of house has changed its owner, but Lily and Jon just looked at the house from a distance for a moment and then left. It seemed that she did not want to disturb the current owner of the house and went in to visit. the meaning of.

At nearly 11 o'clock in the morning, they came to an emerald green lawn that looked out of place in this almost entirely gray city.

There are some children playing on the lawn, which seems to be peaceful and peaceful.

Lily did not go any further, but sat down with Jon on a nearby bench to rest. She looked at the children playing on the lawn and whispered to Jon.

"Interested in hearing my story? Jon."

Jon raised his eyebrows. In fact, he could feel that Lily's mood was significantly different since arriving in the UK.

It was not only the hatred to hunt down Snape, but also mixed with a kind of remembrance and sadness.

He snapped his fingers.

"Of course, but we'll have to wait first, Professor."

He got up and walked to a nearby dessert cart, ordered two cones, then returned to the bench and handed one to Lily.

Lily looked at the dessert he handed over and was obviously hesitant. She didn't know whether to reach out and take it. As a result, Jon stuffed it into her hand without any explanation.

"Hey! Professor, don't be so restrained. You're going to tell me a story, so now we don't have to limit our identities to teachers and students, right? Besides, of course we have to taste something bitter before we know it. Balance it with sweetness.”

Seeing Jon blinking at her as he spoke, Lily didn't hesitate anymore, took the cone that Jon put into her hand, took a brief taste and continued.

"Actually, when I took you out of that orphanage, Jon, I felt like you didn't look like an ordinary boy."

Jon ate half of what he was holding in one bite, and he said vaguely.

"That proves that Professor you are still capable of taking a part-time divination class."

"Maybe, or maybe I was thinking that if Harry were to live, he would actually be able to attend a magic school the year he accepted you into Hogwarts."

When talking about this, her voice sounded calm.

But if someone meets her eyes, they can see the pain in her eyes that have lost focus.

Jon's playful and smiling face at the beginning gradually became more serious. He knew that Lily's current depression could not be appeased by his simple words of witty words. All he had to do now was to be a qualified listener. Just listen.

"I was actually very grateful to Snape until I was completely disappointed in him."

Lily's voice was low and calm.

"My parents are both Muggles. When I showed my magical talent at home when I was young, I was actually at a loss. I was only nine years old at the time and thought I had some strange disease. It was at that time that I started , I met Snape, who was the same age as me, right here, on this lawn that was incompatible with this city."

"It was he who told me everything about magic and let me know that I was actually a wizard, not some freak as Petunia said. You should have discovered it when you picked up the Dursleys, Petunia Ni doesn’t like me at all. In fact, we had a very good relationship when we were young, but it was only when I realized that I was different from others that our relationship became cold.”

"This matter also has something to do with Snape. After all, we are more like the same kind of people, which makes her feel as if she has become redundant. Snape was very disdainful of this at the time. He told me that Petunia was He was jealous, jealous that we could perform magic and go to Hogwarts. That was the first time I taught him a lesson. He didn't seem to care much about it, but talked to me in a lively way afterwards. It reminds me of the wonder of magic and the wonder of Hogwarts.”

"I learned a lot from him. We talked about almost everything and became the best friends. This situation was the same even when we arrived at Hogwarts. Even though I was sorted into Gryffindor and he I was assigned to Slytherin, two houses that were like rivals, but we still maintained the closest relationship. Even though many friends around me were trying to persuade me to stop interacting with Slytherin people, His friends are also trying to persuade him to ignore Gryffindors, but they have never hindered us."

"What circumstances later caused this to change?"

She looked at the green lawn, as if recalling all that had happened in the castle.

"He began to be exposed to poison spells and curses when he first entered Hogwarts when he was eleven years old. He knew more of these dark arts than even some seventh-year students. But at that time, I didn't think it was a big deal. The Unforgivable Curse is black magic, but black magic is not limited to the Unforgivable Curse. At that time, even in Gryffindor, there were many students who used poisonous curses to play pranks on people. But Snape was His talent in black magic is really high. In the fourth grade, he was able to create new curses by himself, which is the throat seal you once used. But at the time, I still thought it was nothing, until he started Being in contact with some people I really don't like, Avery, Mulciber, and later even Evan Rozier, Wilkes, and Bellatrix who was killed by you. Lestrange and others were staunch supporters of the bloodline theory before Voldemort took power."

"At the same time, his research on black magic became more and more in-depth. It was not just limited to jinxes and poisonous curses, but began to develop into more dangerous curses. I gave him a warning and asked him to do his best. Stay away from his so-called friends. Those people actually had contact with Voldemort outside when they were in school. Some of them are like Lucius Malfoy, who joined the Death Eaters directly after graduation. Team, Snape, who was on campus at that time, still maintained a good correspondence relationship with him."

"Snape's response to my words was very perfunctory. He said that his friends were actually nothing. He would make them change their views on people like me in the future, but he integrated into their society and at the same time became more obsessed with black magic. Research. I was bored to death during that time. I didn’t know whether Snape knew what he was doing, or if he really joined Voldemort’s army like Lucius Malfoy and others. In the ranks, should I still regard him as a friend?"

Jon had already finished the cone in his hand. He did not open his mouth to remind Lily that if she didn't take care of the cone in her hand, the cream would completely melt because he knew that this story had reached its turning point. .

"Finally, during a bullying session where he was humiliated, he called me that title." Lily's voice was very calm, sounding like she didn't actually have much hatred for the title, "Just when I was spitting When I was holding James to help him explain to the people around him, he called me a Mudblood."

"I was very angry at that time, so I responded to him by calling him a snot guy. From that moment on, I began to realize that there was really no way for us to be together. He had already chosen another path. , a path that I couldn't accept and couldn't accept. From that time on, I broke up with him, but he didn't seem to realize this. After that day, he apologized to me, saying that he didn't He didn't mean to call me that. I didn't accept it because that's not what he wanted to apologize for and change."

"Later on, I got together with his nemesis James. To be honest, I never thought I would accept James before the sixth grade. He seemed so arrogant, arrogant and intimidating in school. Violence. But in fact, he has always seen it more clearly than me. He has always understood that Snape will never look back. He resents the half of his father's blood that brought him, so he recognizes Prince so much. His surname is a symbol of pure blood. It is precisely because of this that he is obsessed with black magic and Voldemort's theory. He is so close to the real pure-blood wizards. Even in Hogwarts, he has always been with the Death Eaters. We all kept in touch. He was very nice, but he was only kind to me. I had no right to accuse or resent him. At that time, what I thought was that since we could no longer be friends, we should go our separate ways. Road, the future will no longer involve each other."

Lily lowered her head. She didn't look anywhere else, because the next story would involve the biggest scar in her heart.

"After graduating from Hogwarts, James and I got married. Although we didn't join the Order of the Phoenix directly, we had a deep relationship with Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. At that time, Voldemort was already in the UK. They were a huge force. They tortured and killed muck wizards and wreaked havoc everywhere. James and I were also targeted by him, but we were lucky enough to escape. And at that time, just as I expected, Snape did not change at all. After graduating from Hogwarts, he directly joined the Death Eaters and became Voldemort's lackey. Being able to become that person's subordinate is not just as simple as expressing one's support and allegiance to the blood theory. of."

"Those are a group of terrorists, and if you want to blend in with the terrorists, you will naturally have to get blood from your subordinates." When talking about this, Lily's voice began to become obviously cold, "I heard a lot in those few years. There are stories about him, such as which massacre of Muggles he participated in, which Muggle area he launched an attack on, or what more glorious achievements he made for his master. James has never regretted it. The things he did to Snape when he was a student, he had already started to move closer to those people before he started targeting Snape, but James knew that I was not qualified to accuse Snape, so he never He didn’t ask me to say anything ugly with him.”

"Then what happened that night happened."

In her always calm voice, it was obvious that she could not control the slight trembling when she said this sentence.

Jon also remained silent.

"Voldemort came to my house, James stood in front of Harry and me, and then he died." Lily's hands were clenched tightly, and the joints were obviously white because of too much force.

"I knew I had no way to resist. I begged humbly, begging that man to let Harry go and kill me so that Harry could live. At first, he was extremely impatient. I was very excited and nervous. , I can feel the magic in my body producing some strange changes due to my emotions, and those changes are connected to Harry, and maybe I can save Harry's life!"

"But at that moment, things suddenly went wrong."

Lily suddenly trembled and said in disbelief.

Jon also held his breath at this time. As the only person alive that night, Lily must have known what happened to cause all this turn.

"He seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person. He no longer looked impatient, but was very calm, surprised, and excited. Then, instead of using magic, he grabbed a broken table leg on the ground. It just knocked me out."

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