In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 443 441. Who to interrogate?

Slughorn fell silent after hearing Dumbledore's words.

He looked at the carriage students around him who were blushing and shaking their fists in anger. Those mixed-race students from the castle who were bold enough at this moment to vent the flames in their hearts looked at the helpless ones in the corner who also stood up with the others, their eyes frightened. With some emotions that seemed to be ignited, Zhong looked up at the hemps on the gallows on the high platform.

He understood what Jon said to Dumbledore, just as Dumbledore understood what Jon wanted to express at that time.

What they have to do at this time is not only to break the oppression of blood, but also to pull down those in high positions, to make their faces close to the soil, and feel the power of the mudbloods they call them.

It is also necessary to deeply imprint the concept of resisting oppression in the mind of every student.

In the past, Hogwarts, or any other magic school in Europe, only taught students magic knowledge, but now they have to learn something different.

And while Dumbledore and Slughorn were talking, George and Fred had already put the strong rope around Flint's neck!

At this time, the normally pampered eldest son of this pure-blood family was completely frightened.

He never thought that he would really die here, and he never thought that Dumbledore would actually dare to kill him!

But now he couldn't believe it, because he had been dragged to the scaffolding on the high platform, and his neck was completely tightened at this time!

Hogwarts did not prepare black cloth for him, which was used to weaken the fear of death row prisoners, which violated their original intention of preparing Flint's execution.

After everything was prepared, the two Weasley brothers did not take on the job of executioner. Instead, Flitwick waved the wand in his hand indifferently, and then moved on to the scaffolding that originally held Flint's body. The top wooden board was suddenly evacuated!

Flint was hanged in public.

Amid loud cheers and celebrations, he became the first pure-blood wizard to be put on trial and the first to be hanged in this war to overthrow oppression!

Looking at the dead body still hanging on the gallows on the high platform, the eyes of the pure-blood students who were being controlled and awaiting trial were full of fear!

It is true that Flint is a villain. Even among many purebloods, the crimes he committed are considered despised by most pureblood families.

But even if the remaining people don't have a lot of information like Flint, they still have to look at everything from 70 to 100. No one's buttocks are clean, otherwise they wouldn't be included in this public trial.

Soon, Flint's body was dragged down, but the gallows on the high platform was not removed, but was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

Just as the purebloods in the audience were trembling as they awaited trial, and the students who participated in the first public trial in the history of the wizarding world were excited.

The second prisoner brought up was not a pureblood.

It was a boy wearing a linen robe, with a panicked expression, and he looked about seventeen or eighteen years old!

The students on the carriage may not recognize this person's identity, but the mixed-bloods and mucks in the castle in the audience all know that there is only one kind of person in Hogwarts Castle who dresses like this.

That is the hemp species who are only allowed to live in the basement, and are slaves who can only work for high bloodlines throughout their lives!

Isn't this a trial for purebloods? Isn't it a carnival of revenge for the hemp types? Why did he come up under the hemp seed who was also rescued from Hogwarts Castle?

Except for a few people like Cedric who noticed that this mongrel student's round face was different from others, and his hands that had obviously not done much menial work noticed the key to the matter, most of the other mixed-race students With a lot of confusion.

The Mock students looked at the wizard who was brought to the high platform in shock. Of course, they all knew who this person was.

Mag's voice sounded in the square.

"Pape Henderson, a seventh-year student at Hogwarts Castle Seed House, who also serves as the prefect of boys, yes or no?"

Henderson's whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and he was trembling and had to be dragged by George and Fred to stand up.

"Yes, I am not guilty. I am enslaved. I am forced."

He answered in a low voice, and the students sitting behind him could only see him opening his mouth, and then he didn't know what he was saying.

Fred shrewdly put his wand to Henderson's throat and used the Amplifying Charm.

"Answer again, are you Pappy Henderson?" Mag asked again.

"Yes, I am"

Now his unstoppable crying voice could finally be heard by everyone.

But at this time, the students in the carriage also showed doubts. They also didn't understand why the person who continued to be interrogated was actually a hemp student, an object of slavery and oppression.

After confirming Henderson's identity, Mag stopped looking at him. Instead, he turned to look at the corner of the auditorium below, where the rescued Mazong students were originally located.

"Rene Riley."

She said a name, and then under the gaze of everyone present, a boy who looked about the same age as Jon stood up from his seat tremblingly.

"I-I'm here, husband, madam."

He was so nervous that he didn't know what to shout, but Mag obviously didn't care about this, and neither did the other wizards in the audience. Instead, they all stared at him and didn't understand why he was called.

"Come up, Mr. Riley."

Her voice was still so serious, but it was obviously less cold than before.

The boy named Riley seemed to have sensed this. He timidly left his seat and walked to the high platform in front of everyone present.

"Do you know this Mr. Henderson?"

Mag's voice spread throughout the square, and everyone else in the square was also watching this scene.

Riley just raised his head and glanced at Henderson, then lowered his head in fear again.

At this time, Henderson looked like he had lost his soul, his eyes were lifeless.

"Recognize, recognize."

"Now turn around, Mr. Riley, face everyone here, and tell everyone what Mr. Henderson did to you when you first entered Hogwarts Castle."

Riley was like a timid hamster hit by the spotlight. His face was full of timidity, and he hid his left hand behind his back. Even if he turned around and looked at everyone in the audience as McGonagall said, But his head was still lowered.

"No, no, he didn't do it."

"Tell the truth, Mr. Riley, on this high platform, every word spoken by everyone will be recorded." McGonagall said solemnly, "It is impossible for a temporary lie to be exposed forever."

Riley seemed to be about to cry. He didn't dare to speak out, and he didn't dare to go against Mag's words, so under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, he finally spoke again.

(force majeure)

He began to cry, the sobs interrupting his story, but no one urged him.

It wasn't until more than a minute passed that Mag said in a deep voice.

"Then what?"

"Then, Administrator Dolokhov hung me up in his office, stripped me naked, and whipped me on the back."

"Your hand was still broken at that time?"

"Yes, it is."

"After enduring Dolohov's punishment."

"Henderson Henderson was also insulted and he was very angry. Then he started to hit me. He kicked me on the head, scolded me, and stepped on my broken arm. He said it was all because of me, pure-blood master. Only then will they scold him.”

"Is the back of your arm okay?" Mag took a deep breath before asking.

"The arm. The arm will never be better again." He was crying, but it was obvious that he was enduring it, trying not to let his crying voice burst out.

Everyone in the audience was silent, and the Mugs who were rescued from the castle lowered their heads. They also heard Riley's story. Many people even knew about these things, but no one knew. What kind of expressions are showing on their faces now.

For a moment the only sound in the square was Riley's muffled sobs.

"Is there more?" Mag continued to ask.

Riley sniffed. He seemed to be a bit broken. He had already said the words before, and the result would be the same whether he said it or not.

"Also the year before last, after the lower grade students were rescued from the castle. All the mud and hemp seeds left behind were punished. Henderson was very angry, very angry, because the administrator Dolohov was gone. , this is his backer, the one he promoted. He started to hit me, and also hit Crook, Dorje, and Heath, but he hit me the hardest, and then he kicked me in the lower body! I fainted from the pain, and when I woke up, there was nothing down there! Henderson didn’t dare send me to the school hospital to report to others, and he was afraid that I would bleed to death, so he used a magic trick. He helped me stop the bleeding, but, but I am no longer a complete person! Wuwuwu”

He seemed to be unable to suppress it anymore, his emotions completely collapsed, and he burst into tears!

Riley collapsed on the ground, and the only sound in the square was his crying and a few unnoticed sobs coming from the corner.

Compared to what happened to Asiya, and compared to the killed adult hemp seeds that were read from the parchment, the tragic situation of the people around them reminded them more of their own experiences.

Riley is a typical representative, but he is not the only victim!

At this time, most of the hemp types lowered their heads. Even if they felt sadness and pain in their hearts, they did not dare to show it openly.

As the presiding judge, Mag looked at Riley, who was holding her arms and crying, and at the hemps below who had to hide their sadness even now. She couldn't read the words behind the parchment.

So the rest of the process was taken over by Flitwick. Mag took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped it. Even though he had read all this many times, he still couldn't help but shed tears.

"Is there a girl named Mayawati Andersson who enrolled in the same year as you?"

Riley's face was covered with snot and tears. He gasped for breath and answered in a vague voice.


"Why was she no longer here?"

Riley's eyes suddenly showed a look of extreme fear. His body trembled and he collapsed on the ground, covering his face and crying again. It seemed that he could not answer Flivy's question no matter what.

Flitwick knew the fate of this girl. He clenched the hand holding the parchment tightly, gritted his teeth and called out to the Mock student again.

"Krummy Scheppert, you answer! You don't need to go on stage, just stay in your position and say loudly, what happened to Miss Anderson!"

The girl whose name was called turned extremely pale and stood up from her position with a trembling body.

"She, she was sick at the time, very sick."

"Did she die of illness?"

"That's what the professors above said."

"But what's really going on?"

"The real situation." Her lips trembled, as if she didn't dare or didn't know how to speak.

"Tell everyone, tell everyone, what happened to your classmate?" Flitwick asked in a very serious tone, raising his voice.

"She, she was very sick! But at that time, the new administrator who replaced Mr. Dolohov was going to send her to the infirmary! But, but Henderson, he said, Mudblood Life is worthless, Professor Carlo’s side. There is a shortage of teaching materials there!”

She almost summoned up all her courage to shout these words out loud and closed her eyes at the same time! Tears couldn't stop flowing from it!

"Andersson was sent to Professor Carlo! She never came back! Never again! Henderson was appreciated by the new administrator for this, and he continued to be the prefect in charge of all of us! "

After this incident was told, it seemed to arouse the pain of all the hemp types present who were still suppressed and numb!

They no longer suppressed their cries or lowered their heads. Everyone was crying. Everyone was muttering to themselves about the pain they had suffered. Everyone was confessing what they had seen and experienced over the years. , everything that can't be stopped!

And it was in this cry that the students in the carriage and the mixed-race people who were brought over from England finally realized their depressed mood.

In this public trial, it was never said that purebloods were being tried.

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