In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 431 429. Fight to the death

"Is this the position you gave me?"

Lily tightened her grip on the wand in her hand, as if she wasn't satisfied with Snape's broad answer.

Snape said indifferently.

"So I said three questions. Telling you that I will not leave the UK is already my greatest sincerity. Otherwise, what do you think? Do you want me to just throw myself into the trap like this?"

Lily just stared at him quietly, as if she had no more objections to Snape's words, but was waiting for him to ask his second question.

Snape only had one face in the flames, but Jon looked at that expressionless face, and for some reason he always felt that he must be twisting his fingers nervously and uneasily.

"I really want to know, do you know what James did to me back then? And when did you get together?"

Jon secretly covered his face.

Snape's two questions made all his previous ulterior motives in vain. If a normal person thought about it, he would understand that if he really hated and resented Lily, he would not ask at all. , and won't care about these problems.

Lily didn't know if she had thought of this, but when Snape asked the question, the expression on her face still didn't change at all. She just stared indifferently at the human face made of green flames.

"You actually still care about this? That's why I said, you never listen to other people's words, and you have never changed. Of course I know what James did to you, so my feelings about him at that time have always been the same. Very bad, no matter how hard he tried to attract my attention and pursue me, I never thought about what kind of future we would have with him."

When Snape heard this, he clenched his teeth as if subconsciously, and said in a calm voice as much as possible.

"Then why later..."

"The best thing about him than you is that he knows how to change. No one makes mistakes, but if you make a mistake, you must know how to change it, especially after it is pointed out by others. James changed it, Not just because he knew I didn't like it, but because he recognized that what he had done before was wrong, he sincerely apologized, and was willing to correct it. It was precisely because of this that I accepted him at that time. Am I clear enough in my answer?”

Snape lowered his head, and the flames formed by the floo powder became a little blurry, making it impossible to see the expression on his face at this moment.

But what Jon was sure of was that the Hogwarts vice-principal in front of him, who was once ranked below one person and above ten thousand people in the UK, would not look very good-looking.

No one would show a good face when his sweetheart exposed the gap between him and his enemy so decisively and directly.

After a long time, he raised his head again. There was no special emotion on his face, but he simply completed the second transaction he had promised.

"If you want to find me, I suggest you go faster, because my previous master has not discovered my importance yet. If you wait for him to find me, you will not be the only ones who want to find me. "

After hearing this information, Lily's face darkened.

"Is this considered a message?"

Snape held his head high.

"Why not? How long do you think you can hide my escape from prison? As long as this matter gets out, you will not be the only ones who want to find me. You know in advance what kind of competitors you will have. , isn’t this a very important thing?”

Lily took a deep breath. She didn't dwell on this matter for long, but continued to ask.

"What about the third question?"

Snape did not remain silent. He asked softly a question that sounded simple enough.

"We are destined to fight to the death, right?"

Lily didn't answer immediately. She just stared at those eyes and asked coldly.

"What do you think?"

This already gave the answer, and Snape did not need to ask any more questions.

He closed his eyes, then opened them again two seconds later.

"Then come on."

He seemed to stand up from his chair, but did not give the location information of Lily's third transaction as agreed.

But the picture shown by the Floo powder was expanding, not only Snape's face, but also several objects around him and the background.

Then the flame suddenly went out, and the whole room fell silent, leaving only the dust in the fireplace still floating in the air.

Jon stood up from his chair consciously. He knew that the time for eating melon was over and he had to get back to business.

"What a shame. He actually broke his promise. He agreed on three questions and three location information, but the last one just left without saying anything!"

He said this on purpose. He just wanted to test Lily's mood now and see if she needed any further relief.

Lily just walked back towards the fireplace.

"He did not breach the contract. The last information has been given to us. I know where he is now."

Jon blinked and followed Lily's pace. This time they disappeared into the fire of the fireplace again. When they reappeared, they had arrived at a magic joke shop on a bustling magic street.

Diagon Alley, the busiest street in the British wizarding world, could not change its status among wizards even when Voldemort ruled Britain.

After Jon and Lily walked out of the fireplace, they discovered that this was the store's storage room, and the receiving fireplace was hidden behind a pile of barrels and wooden boxes.

This was exactly what Dumbledore had entrusted to Lily before she left, the place where she could obtain legal status in the UK.

"If we waste time here, then if we go to find Snape, won't he definitely run away?"

Jon asked quietly.

Lily did not alert the clerks and shopkeepers who were busy outside. Instead, she searched in the storage room and soon opened a hidden compartment under a small phoenix mark. There were several simple pictures hidden in the secret compartment. parchment.

"As he said himself, it is impossible for him to throw himself into a trap after escaping from prison. Since he dares to reveal his location to us so confidently, it means that he is not afraid that we will find him next."

Lily handed one of the parchments to Jon, which was a piece of legal and traceable identity information for a mixed-race wizard in the British wizarding world.

Dumbledore was very well prepared, and Jon even suspected that he had already planned to let him come to England with Lily. Even the identity information they had obtained now was that of a mother and son.

Jon memorized the contents on the parchment and then asked.

"So we have to be prepared for a protracted war?"

"He told us that his previous master would soon discover his importance and come to him. Then it is best not to expose our next actions, otherwise it will only leave us with more trouble in the future."

Her words completely put Jon at ease. Now Lily is at least not blinded by hatred. She has always been clear about what she wants to do and how to do it.

In this way, Jon doesn't have to interfere with her decision. He just needs to follow what Dumbledore said and rescue Lily when encountering an absolutely dangerous situation. At other times, he can just follow An Xin and be a The people who eat melons can at best serve as thugs.

After obtaining the legal certificate to operate in the UK from this magical joke shop, they did not stay, and then left Diagon Alley and came to a gray city through apparation.

No matter where you are in the city, you can see several large chimneys, making people feel like black smoke is constantly billowing out all the time.

The city is located on the edge of a dirty river. There are many fish and potato chip wrappers scattered near the river bank. The river water is also black and there is no sign of any life inside.

A typical industrial city with an extremely poor living environment. Just living here would probably not make you feel good every day.

"Where is this place? Professor Potter." Jon couldn't help but ask as he breathed in the tar-smelling air.

"Cockworth, my former home."

After hearing this answer, Jon raised his eyebrows and did not continue to ask.

Then, with Lily leading the way, the two of them soon arrived at a shabby Muggle alley called Spider's End Lane.

There are rows of dilapidated brick houses in the alleys. The windows on the houses look dark and lifeless during the day.

The dirty river is right next to the Spider Tail Alley. The stench from the river water is not very strong, because the alley itself is smelly enough.

Lily led Jon to the last two-story house at the end of the alley, where they stopped.

This house doesn't look like anything special compared to the surrounding buildings. The door is not locked and you can walk in with a gentle push.

Realizing that Jon was observing the surroundings, Lily took the initiative to speak.

"This is Snape's home."

Jon couldn't help but subconsciously think about the meaning of this sentence. Although Snape's home sounds very inconsistent, after all, he did not jump out of some stone. This so-called home , the place where his parents gave birth to and raised him.

After taking another look at the dirty alley where the house was located, information about Lily and Snape came to Jon's mind.

If he remembered correctly, Lily and Snape should have lived in the same alley and were childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

But soon he had no time to think about this anymore, because Lily had already walked into the room without any protective measures, and Jon could only speed up his pace to follow.

The house was in a mess, and all the furniture had obviously been rummaged through by someone and randomly discarded everywhere. Even the murals on the wall seemed to have been inspected by someone, hanging crookedly on the wall.

"Has this place been searched by Death Eaters?" It was easy for Jon to guess what happened here before. "Snape was taken away by us, and the Death Eaters thoroughly searched the place where he once lived. It’s a normal thing, but if that’s the case, is it possible that they will still have Aurors left nearby to monitor this place?”

Just as Jon was looking toward some hidden spot in the alley suitable for hiding and observing, Lily had already finished checking the fireplace filled with half-burned wood.

"He met us here before." Lily looked towards the direction facing the fireplace, which was the background that Snape finally revealed before ending the Floo powder transmission screen.

"If he dares to come back here again and does not return to the master who abandoned him, it means that there are no Aurors around to monitor him."

With that said, Lily picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet with a new date and threw it next to the fireplace.

The front page of the news has long stopped reporting on the Triwizard Tournament. As the final loser, the British side naturally wants to try to downplay the impact of the lost Triwizard Tournament on the British wizards. The easiest thing to do is to try to If you don't mention this matter, one day, people will be attracted by other things and take the initiative to read it.

The recent news is basically news about job changes within the Ministry of Magic.

First of all, the chief of staff of the Auror Command was replaced. Everyone was speculating that Draco's poor performance in the Triwizard Tournament must have angered that gentleman. Lucius was also angered by this, and he lost the His position in the Ministry of Magic is now idle at home doing nothing.

Then there were other important departments, and they were basically replaced. Even Slughorn, who had worked "responsibly" as the director of the International Magical Cooperation Department for the past two years, was "leveled out" from the position of director. "Arrived at the Secretariat of the Office of the Minister of Magic.

These revealed very unusual signals, and what was even more unusual was that the second edition of the Japanese version of the Prophet also vaguely revealed that the great gentleman recently seemed to want to establish a brand new magic school in the UK. rumors.

The newspaper report on this matter was as rigorous as if the reporter who wrote the article had seen the new magic school being built with his own eyes.

But Jon, who saw this news, didn’t believe even half of the letters written above.

Voldemort's desire to establish a new magic school is simply nonsense. At most, it is just an excuse to appease the mood of wizards in the UK.

Let’s not talk about whether he still has the energy to build a magic school now. Even if he does build it, what about the students?

All the pure-blood and mixed-blood young wizards who were suitable for school were brought to France by Dumbledore!

Will Voldemort's newly established magic school now have to recruit first-year students and start teaching again?

This is obviously impossible. The so-called establishment of a new magic school sounds very exciting for a while, but wizards are not fools. They will quickly realize that this rumor is a joke.

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