In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 393 391 Betting every second

Chapter 393 391. Betting every second

Barty Jr. knew exactly what he was going to do next.

The biggest problem now is no longer that the principal's office was invaded by Dumbledore's people, but how to hide the fact that Voldemort has lost contact.

Both Barty Jr. and Snape understand very well that the reason why the purebloods have been able to fight against Dumbledore and his team for so long, and still have the upper hand most of the time, is because of their master's super strength. .

And now, especially when Dumbledore is still in Hogwarts, if they learn that no one in the castle or the Ministry of Magic can contact Voldemort, then no one can guarantee that What Dumbledore could do that no one could stand against.

But although little Barty felt panicked about this matter, he was not afraid at all.

Because Voldemort disappeared for no reason more than once. They had experienced such a month more than ten years ago. At that time, everyone knew about his disappearance, which almost led to the annihilation of the entire Death Eater army, and the grassroots began. Falling over to the former Ministry of Magic, all diehard loyalists were captured and thrown into Azkaban.

Fortunately, Voldemort appeared in time and became stronger than before, thus reversing all the losses in that month.

And this time, Barty Jr. and Snape, the only ones who knew the inside story, would certainly not let such a thing happen again.

Soon after the Yule Ball, Barty Jr. and Snape summoned all the newspaper reporters currently in Hogwarts Castle, as well as the three union referees, and informed them of what happened last night. Thieves broke into Hogwarts Castle.

"The castle is tightly guarded. I think everyone who lives here during this period knows better than anyone else, and which party the people who have the ability and purpose to sneak into the school at this time belong to, even if there is no clear evidence yet. The answer, but the real answer is actually already in your minds."

Little Barty's face was serious, and he stared closely at Matthew, who was sitting in front of everyone.

"This is undoubtedly a blatant violation of the rules and order of the Triwizard Tournament. Regarding this competition, we generously invited some people to come in, but in doing so, we did not inspire those people's ambitions. It was like the host opened the door and was enthusiastic. It's like entertaining a group of thieves. They seem to be sitting honestly on the seats we prepared for them, but in fact they have already browsed the entire room and stolen the owner's belongings."

He didn't mention anyone's name explicitly, but if you carefully observe who is missing at the scene, you will know who Barty Jr. is scolding.

"As the fairest referee of the game, I think you should say something, Mr. Graves."

As Barty Jr. finished speaking, everyone looked at Matthew.

Matthew frowned, feeling baffled by this incident.

"I am the referee of the Triwizard Tournament, not the fight between the two of you. There are still four days until the start of the second competition event. Whatever happens between you has nothing to do with us."

"But it was with the help of a ball held for this game that they committed this despicable evil!"

Little Barty's voice echoed in the auditorium. He spoke loudly and suppressed all the whispers below.

"I have explained this matter to my master. He is dismissive of what these thieves have done, but the master may not care, but we people cannot ignore it."

He lowered his head and looked at Matthew.

"I'm not embarrassed, Mr. Graves. You just need to help bring the message to that person. Tell him that we don't know what he did. When the final reckoning has not yet come, we will wait and see." .”

After saying these words, Barty Jr. left the auditorium, and Snape followed him, also frowning.

"You can hide this from Dumbledore by doing this?"

"How do you think we should handle this matter?" Little Barty said coldly, "Pretend that you don't know anything and that nothing happened? That is the stupidest thing. Tell them clearly that we have lost our confidence. We are now What we have to do is to speak out about this matter loudly, let everyone in the magic world know, and let them know that we know, this is the best way."

Snape obviously didn't agree with it.

"But after you said it so loudly, you didn't do anything, so what's the point? Doesn't it make it more obvious that we don't have the confidence, and we are just fierce and cruel?"

"That's how you feel when you already know that the master has lost contact with us. Let's make a hypothesis. If the master still keeps in touch with us, then do you think he will do something like this after knowing about this matter? What kind of action will be taken against Dumbledore and his party?"

Snape was silent for a moment, taking in the perspective of what had happened.

"Master will not do anything to Dumbledore or his students."

Little Barty looked at Snape with interest.

"How did you come to this conclusion?"

"The master attaches great importance to this Triwizard Tournament. Everything he has done before is to make way for this competition, and now there are only a few days before the start of the second project. As long as nothing happens that touches his bottom line, Then he will just pretend to turn a blind eye and let the game continue."

Snape's answer confirmed to Barty that he was not some brainless idiot.

"So our reaction now is the most correct one. Speaking out the matter loudly and letting everyone know will make Dumbledore suffer at least in public opinion. But then we will not take any clear countermeasures against them. Only we I know it's because we can no longer contact the master, but others will never think of this. They will only think that the master is still the same as before, swallowing this sigh of relief in order to continue the Triwizard Tournament. "

"How can you be sure that what Dumbledore asked people to do in the principal's room did not touch the master's bottom line?"

Little Barty said softly.

"I'm betting. We started planning this incident, and all Dumbledore and the others did was just go with the flow. I'm betting that they had no way to make a more critical plan at yesterday's ball and could only follow our plan. The plan is to make an extension. And we found that those four things were not missing in the principal's room, right?"

"You're taking a risk." Snape looked at him deeply.

But little Barty said nonchalantly.

"From now on, the moment we know our master is lost, every second we take a risk, there is no difference."

What happened in the castle, Matthew quickly found Dumbledore.

Dumbledore listened carefully to Matthew's story and finished what little Barty said in the auditorium, with a very surprised expression on his face.

"I have no idea what happened last night."

Matthew expressed full trust in Dumbledore's words.

"Of course I also believe that you will not provoke them to do anything at this time. For you, you can only continue the Triwizard Tournament safely. Winning the game is already the best result."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement, and behind him, all the principals nodded in agreement.

"Then what did Crouch mean by what he said? Did someone really take advantage of last night's dance to break into the castle, or did they just want to find a reason to cause trouble for us before the second game?"

When Dumbledore asked questions, Matthew also gave his own opinion.

"No matter what it is, I don't think they will do anything that will affect the following games. You know, Albus, he attaches great importance to the Triwizard Tournament. He will definitely not give up halfway."

Dumbledore looked thoughtful.

"Maybe not before, but now that the Beauxbatons and Castle warriors are all behind in scores, no one can guarantee whether he has changed his mind."

Hearing him say this, Matthew looked solemn.

"I can assure you, Albus, that I will ensure that the rest of the game goes on normally. As long as the blood oath between you and him is not broken, there will be no problems."

"Of course I trust your word."

Dumbledore smiled at the right moment.

Then they exchanged a few words, and after Matthew finally reminded them to be ready for the second game on January 1st, they said goodbye and left.

The office fell into silence again.

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and frowned slightly.

"Is this what we've been waiting for?"

Slytherin answered his words calmly.

"According to our estimate, if Riddle comes to see you in person today, it means that he still cares about the layout of the principal's office. If he doesn't come, it means that he doesn't care whether we know his progress at all."

"But now he has someone come, and it's Matthew Graves."

Dumbledore said absently.

"So, what does he want to do? To capture the castle, and what happens after capturing the castle? To win the Triwizard Tournament? But does he really want to win?"

No one could answer his question, and the air fell into silence again.

As long as there is news, reporters from these magic newspapers will of course report it, and soon Barty Jr.'s remarks appeared in the major magic newspapers the next day.

But in fact, this information that has not been officially confirmed did not cause much turmoil in the magical world, because the day the newspaper was published was already December 27, only three days before the start of the second event of the Triwizard Tournament. time.

Compared to who was breaking into Hogwarts Castle, more people were more concerned about the progress of the game.

It was in this environment that the first day of 1995 arrived, and the second event of the Triwizard Tournament was also officially announced by Matthew on the grass beside the Black Lake.

py! py!

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