In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 329 327. Auditorium

Today's lunch is very rich.

Even with Draco's critical eye, he had to admit that this standard could already be called a banquet.

Beauxbatons students were specially arranged to a long table not far from the high platform, and Draco and Emile, who were selected as warriors, sat on both sides of Voldemort respectively to show that they were selected. of glory.

In addition, there are reporters from all over Europe who have arrived at the castle with students returning to school in recent days.

They were also arranged on a long table. Even when they were eating, these people all brought cameras and quills, and the flashlights lit up from time to time. It was like there was something worth reporting before the Triwizard Tournament even started. The news happened.

Draco knew what they would write in tomorrow's press release, which was nothing more than about the cold reception Dumbledore and his team received today.

The eldest son of the Malfoy family is looking forward to this.

After the long talk with Emil and his son that afternoon, his fear of this game had diminished a lot, but the impression that Jon left on his heart that night was too deep.

It almost became a nightmare, and he woke up several times because he dreamed that the sharp fang finally penetrated not Aunt Bella's throat, but his own throat.

Now that he could watch the boy named Jon make a fool of himself, Draco could get great psychological comfort just thinking about it.

Even if the occasion allowed, he wanted to sneak out and see what the faces of the wanted criminal students would look like when they found that no one greeted them or entertained them after they arrived at Hogwarts Castle. Angry and humiliated expression.

In fact, even Draco, at the long table full of reporters, looked at the sumptuous lunch in front of him, and few of them were in the mood to use their knives and forks.

The schools that need to participate in the competition have not yet arrived, lunch has already started, and no house elf has been arranged outside the castle to greet them. Anyone can see that this is Voldemort's threat to Dumbledore. .

After the blood oath was made, the Triwizard Tournament could no longer be canceled, but the host venue for this tournament was Hogwarts Castle. Regardless of whether Voldemort had no right to occupy the castle, he now had actual control over it. He must be the one holding this castle.

It's equivalent to this being his real home court. As long as it doesn't involve disrupting the progress of the game, if he wants to cause trouble for Dumbledore and the others, he can easily do it.

No matter what the position of the reporters here is, the most exciting thing for journalists is to encounter the current situation. If both sides are in harmony, then who would be willing to subscribe to the newspaper to read this?

It is this kind of tit-for-tat that is the best selling point to attract attention.

Among the students at Hogwarts Castle, whether they were pure blood or mixed blood, they were all talking about it. Most of them had a self-satisfied smile on their faces. Voldemort's actions brought them great shock. Vanity.

According to blood theory, those wanted criminals are all mudbloods, and some of them even escaped just a year ago.

The students who have been educated with this hierarchical concept since the beginning of school have always had a sense of superiority that they should have. However, Jon's performance that night before was like a heavy hammer, which made their superiority worse. It felt like countless spider web-like cracks.

What Voldemort did just now seemed to patch up their already cracked sense of superiority, while continuing to maintain the arrogance of their bloodline.

The atmosphere in the auditorium was extremely relaxed.

This was like an ordinary first-of-school party, a party for wizards who supported bloodline theory.

However, not long after people at each long table picked up their butterbeers, a huge roar suddenly came from the elegant door of the auditorium!

The closed wooden door was pushed open from the outside by an irresistible force, and a breeze that penetrated the corridor blew into the auditorium with an aura that could not be integrated into this school at all.

The originally noisy environment gradually disappeared and eventually turned into complete silence.

Jon held the wand in one hand and stood in front of the door. There was no expression on his face. He just stared straight ahead calmly, and that direction was where everyone in the auditorium originally did not dare to go. Look directly at the place.

Standing next to him was the smiling Dumbledore. Compared with Jon, he seemed to be in a good mood, but this joy was definitely not for this unique "entertainment".

Behind the two people, stood more than twenty Hogwarts carriages and Durmstrang students.

Their faces didn't have the humiliation or anger that Draco expected, and they couldn't even see the slightest bit of frustration.

The breeze that flowed into the auditorium from the corridor blew up the hems of their robes carefully selected by Lily, the dark blue edged sweaters with V-necks, and the white collars of their shirts. Everyone at Mag checked carefully before setting off. Wearing red and black ties, this group of wanted criminals looked more calm than anyone sitting here.

Hermione raised her head slightly, revealing her delicate collarbones and white neck. Her long chestnut hair was blown by the breeze. She looked at everything in the auditorium with an attitude and gaze that she had never seen before. The film reflects the sky's dome.

Almost none of the students in the auditorium still recognized her. It's not that the former Hermione didn't leave much of an impression on them, but now she was completely different from the little girl in ragged clothes who was hanging in front of the hall. Don't.

George was also looking at the ceiling of the auditorium that reflected the blue sky. Everything here was different from what Arthur Molly told him, but this had never changed.

"I once told you, Tom, that you were the best student I ever had, but maybe I should have taken it back a long time ago."

Dumbledore looked at the man sitting in the middle of the long table on the high platform.

"Since you have signed the blood oath, since you want to carry out this competition smoothly, and since you have chosen Hogwarts Castle as the venue for the competition, what about the sincerity and etiquette you should show as the initiator of this event?"

His calm voice echoed through the auditorium.

No one knew how Voldemort's expression changed now, because no one dared to meet his eyes.

But Jon could see it clearly, because Voldemort had been looking at him when he entered the door.

Hearing Dumbledore's words, the man who had almost become the nightmare of all European wizards and wizards did not show any anger or disgust. There was actually a smile on his sharp-edged, young and handsome face.

A smile that seemed to be sarcastic, but actually very subtle.

"Dumbledore, maybe it's too early for you to take back those words. Why don't we wait and see."

His voice was very soft, but everyone in the entire auditorium heard these words, and when he spoke, his eyes did not shift to Dumbledore, but always locked on Jon.

When he finished speaking, he clapped his hands gently.

The next moment, a long table appeared horizontally in front of Jon and the others.

The table was less than five meters away from the door of the auditorium. It intersected at a right angle with the long table where the students of Hogwarts Castle, Beauxbatons and the reporters were sitting, and formed a right angle with the long table where Voldemort and the professors of Hogwarts Castle were sitting. The long table faces each other directly.

What he just said sounded like he was giving in to not welcoming Dumbledore and his party, but in fact most people heard some special meaning from it.

But no matter what he was expressing, it didn't stop Jon and the others from sitting on the long table.

When everyone sat on the chairs, the same sumptuous lunch as the other tables appeared on the table. Obviously, Voldemort would no longer deliberately show differences in dining standards here.

The atmosphere in the auditorium obviously changed after Jon and the others entered.

The cheerful conversation was gone. Even if there were still students talking, they were only chatting in low voices, making the entire auditorium become a bit dull and depressing.

All their previous illusions had been shattered, and the appearance of Jon and the others was like piercing their vaginas with cold reality. There is no so-called embarrassment, and there will be no embarrassment at all, because these people have never regarded them as the real owners of this castle.

While those mixed-race students who glanced at the Hogwarts carriage and the Durmstrang students from time to time were whispering to each other, a sixth-grade mixed-race student looked in the direction of the auditorium door in a daze.

"What's wrong? Cedric."

Beside him, a girl asked in a low voice with concern.

The boy named Cedric only came to his senses at this time, and he shook his head as if nothing had happened.

"It's nothing, I just thought about some things at home."

This little incident was not discovered by other people. Even if they were discovered, no one would care about such a student who can only be regarded as a second-class citizen in Hogwarts Castle.

This dull lunch ended quickly. This time was not the time to officially announce the competition. Although representatives from the four magic schools were already present, three other wizards assigned by the International Federation of Wizards were still there. It won't arrive until the afternoon.

Therefore, after lunch, Voldemort did not have any more long speeches or deliberately sarcastic words to vent, but simply left the auditorium.

Jon and the others did not stay here for long, or in other words, Voldemort did not leave them here this time, but sent a person to receive them.

"Ah, Severus, it's been so long since we last met."

Dumbledore spoke words of remembrance, but neither his tone nor his eyes seemed to be at all nostalgic, but as plain as the stagnant water in a well.

Snape didn't seem to care about his attitude. His empty eyes seemed to always be so cold except in front of his master.

"It seems that there is no need for us to meet in the first place, Dumbledore. There is no room for you in the castle, and you probably won't live here. So now I will take you to the place where your carriage should be parked."

After he finished speaking, he took the initiative to lead the way.

It seemed that the Vice-Chancellor of Hogwarts Castle, Voldemort's most trusted subordinate, really didn't have much intention of chatting with Dumbledore. He didn't say a word on the road and just led the way in silence.

Jon has actually always been somewhat curious about Snape's position in this world.

In a normal world line, he should be a miserable double agent, following Dumbledore's orders to lurk among the Death Eaters, and eventually even paid his own life for it.

But that was when Lily was killed by Voldemort in order to protect Harry Potter.

The current situation seems to be that Lily failed to protect Harry and therefore did not die in the hands of the Dark Lord. This also gave Snape no reason to betray the Death Eaters.

After all, he had been attracted to Voldemort's thoughts since his student days. He not only hooked up with the purebloods in his college, but also with the Death Eaters who were several years older than him and had long since graduated from Hogwarts. The disciple Lucius had a correspondence relationship.

However, according to the specific process that Jon knew, Snape should have had a hunch that his master might not fulfill his promise to let Lily go when Voldemort went to find the Potter family.

So that night he humbly went to Dumbledore and begged him to save Lily's life. For this reason, he was despised by Dumbledore because he didn't care about the lives of James and Harry.

If the point where history changed was the night when Voldemort went to find Harry Potter, then Snape should also have gone to Dumbledore that night.

So, did he make a deal with Dumbledore?

If the deal was reached, then why did Dumbledore later let Slughorn go undercover with Voldemort?

If the deal had not been reached, how could Voldemort not know about it and not only forgive Snape, but also hold him in such high esteem?

Jon felt there was something fishy going on, but judging from the current situation, he couldn't see any problem.

It's even more impossible to ask Dumbledore directly. Jon has no way to explain how he knew that Snape came to see him that night. At most, he can only ask indirectly about who Severus Snape is. What kind of person.

But even if you want to ask insinuatingly, it's not now.

Snape led a group of them out of the castle and walked along the edge of the black lake towards the Forbidden Forest. Finally, they stopped in a secluded area that was already considered the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest.

The Hogwarts carriage is here, and Hagrid is sitting in the driver's seat looking at the dense woods in a daze.

"Your activity area is limited to this. You cannot enter the castle or the Forbidden Forest without permission. In order to prepare for the next competition, the entire Forbidden Forest has been blocked. Even if you want to go in, there is nothing you can do, but I still I would like to remind you that if the rules are violated, then we have the right to enforce our rules on those who break the rules."

Snape said the last part in a cold voice.

Four thousand, let’s fight again tomorrow

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