In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 324 322. Vacation Beach

The silence in the Malfoy living room lasted for a long time.

Draco's eyes were wide open and his mouth was open. He seemed to have something to say, but he couldn't get a single syllable out of his throat.

Narcissa was stunned. The polite smile on her face had completely froze, as if those words were so lethal that her entire facial nerves were necrotic.

After Brandon said these words, he looked into Lucius's eyes silently. Lucius's eyes tightened instantly, his face twitched slightly, but he also made no sound.

Emil, who was sitting next to Brandon, watched the changes in the expressions of the three Malfoy family members with cold eyes, and an imperceptible sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

That smile seemed to be mocking, but also seemed to be pity.

"Master, what do you mean?"

Lucius looked at Brandon, his questioning tone did not reveal much doubt, but seemed to be emphasizing something.

Brandon said with a smile and a nod.

"Yes, this is what the master means, we need this victory."

"Of course we need this victory! But what about my son!" Lucius stared into his eyes, "I don't care about Draco helping Emil win! What I care about is that he won this victory. In this game, can you guarantee your own safety?"

Facing Lucius' increasingly irritable attitude, Brandon remained calm. He tapped his arm with his fingers and said softly.

"That's why I'm here, Lucius. The master's order is to let Emile win the championship, let Draco live, and let that little kid named Jon Green die!"

Jon is enjoying the sunshine.

Basking in the sun is indeed a rare pleasure, especially when it is on a golden beach, where the breeze carries the waves and constantly beats the sand, bringing you a refreshing and moist air.

This is their third day in Nice. The Mediterranean climate makes it sunny in summer, making it a rare holiday destination.

There are a lot of tourists at the beach this season, and with Jon and Hermione here, it is impossible for the Weasley family and the Longbottom family to appear any different from normal Muggle attire.

Except for the fact that Arthur was overly enthusiastic when he chatted up the parking lot attendant at the beach and asked him how to maintain things like cars, which got him strange looks, they didn't encounter any problems at other times.

"Ron is watching other people fishing." Hermione complained to Jon while helping Ginny bury her in the sand. "According to what you said before, what is he now? A fishing guy?"

Jon took off the sunglasses on his face. He circled around and found that Hermione and Ginny were the only ones beside him.

"Where's Gabrielle?"

"Even if Mrs. Weasley helped put some powder on her face, it couldn't cover up the fact that her face was a little too transparent. Just now I saw Ron secretly said something to her, and she dived underwater, as if to those The fishing uncles are causing trouble."

Jon couldn't help but was speechless for a while. He had heard of fish caught underwater before, but today he could actually see fish caught underwater.

"Well, at least she can have some fun for herself, as long as she doesn't get taken for a water ghost."

After lying back on the beach chair, before Jon could put on his sunglasses again and continue enjoying the sun, Neville and Charlie Beale walked up to Jon holding a roll of cushions.

"Hey, look what we found in the store, Jon, want a poker?"

Jon put down his sunglasses and sat up from the recliner.

"What will you play?"

Charlie skillfully opened the envelope of cards and washed them in his hands.

"Bill and I know some Muggle games, such as bridge."

Neville and Jon looked at each other and shrugged.

"That's such a coincidence. We used to play mahjong, cards or wizard chess when we were bored on the carriage."

Hermione was still piling sand with Ginny, and the four of them were just fine.

From Bill, Jon learned that Arthur was fascinated by the speedboats rented and sold on the beach, and was studying with Neville's father how to spend money to rent one and have a good time.

Fred and George were visiting a Muggle department store. They privately exchanged the gold galleons that Durmstrang had given them for some francs (the euro began to circulate after 2002) and prepared to buy some items that could inspire them. Small objects.

They are not embezzling public funds. Muggle things can indeed bring them many wonderful ideas. For example, their half-finished broom Hunter is modified from a TV antenna.

Mrs. Weasley was supposed to be with the twins at first. She planned to buy some daily necessities in the department store and deliver them directly to her home. However, in order to hide the fact that she had money on hand, the twins probably soon found an excuse to have sex with her. Separated.

While Jon and the others were playing cards, Ron suddenly ran over from the fishing area in a panic, holding a large cardboard box in his hand.

Panting, he sat down next to Jon and the others, and then the top of the cardboard box was opened, and Gabri, with her hair covered with algae, poked her head out from inside and looked around nervously.

Jon and the other four, who were holding cards in their hands, looked at them with strange expressions.

"What happen to you guys?"

"Almost, almost Gabriel was discovered." Ron said with a scared look on his face.

Gabrielle muttered as she picked the algae out of her silver hair in disgust.

"I saw an uncle hadn't caught a fish for so long, so I thought about catching one to help him hang it on his hook, but before I could hang it, his hook caught my robe!"

"I was on the shore at the time. The Muggle thought he had caught a big fish. He didn't even pull up the line yet, so he started to show off loudly to the people around him."

Ron looked helpless. As he spoke, Gabrielle grabbed a corner of her robe and showed it to Jon and the others.

"He even tore my robe! I couldn't take off the fishhook. If my robe hadn't been torn, I would have been fished out of the sea by him!"

Jon and Hermione had strange expressions on their faces. They looked at so many people on the beach around them. If Gabrielle was really fished out in public, the news would be good tomorrow.

Ginny, who was lying in the sand, comforted her.

"It's good that we haven't been discovered, otherwise we will be in big trouble. There are so many parents and they have no way of using the Oblivion Curse."

"But even if they only caught a piece of cloth, the Muggles were shocked." Ron said fearfully, "They seem to have called the Muggle Aurors over, thinking that there were corpses under the water, so I took them with me When Gabrielle escaped, those people were discussing how to salvage it."

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