In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 318 316. Weasley’s invitation

After spending most of the school year at sea, the third-year students at Hogwarts have begun the end-of-term exam week.

Although they spent most of their time studying on their own, they did not lack what they should have learned.

The exam week lasted until the beginning of July, and a sumptuous end-of-semester dinner was held at the end, which represented the end of Jon's third-year student life.

In the public opinion field of the wizarding world, the battle between Voldemort and Dumbledore is still fiercely going on. However, with the establishment of the Triwizard Tournament bet, there has been basically no armed conflict in France.

The Witch Flat Line actually controls all areas except the French Ministry of Magic and Beauxbatons. It also temporarily performs the duties of the provisional government. It is an administrative organization restructured by a part of the French to handle French government affairs.

Except for the pure bloods in France who have been liquidated, and the pure bloods who have obeyed Voldemort's rule but have not done any bad behavior have received minor punishments and major punishments, most of the others have taken refuge in Paris, waiting for the pure bloods. The possibility of a comeback.

For these people in hiding, the list has all been recorded by Inista, the leader of the French Provisional Magic Council.

Regardless of whether they have ever persecuted Muggles, they will eventually be punished in the strictest way.

Generally speaking, the situation in France has temporarily stabilized. It is precisely because of this that after the summer vacation at Hogwarts begins, they no longer have to hide in school like before and cannot go anywhere.

Due to the suspension of the war, there were many idle people in the Order of the Phoenix. Lupine and Sirius received the task of taking care of these students during the holidays. They could take them out to play near Lyon, and they also took on security work.

Neville and Ron, students who still have families, can naturally go home to spend the entire holiday with their parents.

Like Lavender and Luna, if their parents are in exile overseas and temporarily send them to Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall has also contacted their families abroad and can come to France to settle down temporarily. It means they can go home.

The situation is developing in a good direction bit by bit.

Before Ron and Neville left school, they also sent invitations to Jon and Hermione. The two of them were planning a trip to France this summer and wanted Jon to go with them.

They had invited Jon and the others to their homes before when they were on the carriage, but Jon declined because of other things. However, Justin and Lavender went to Longbottom's house. This time Jon refused again.

He finally had a rare moment of leisure during this holiday. Apart from studying how to learn the Animagus, he had nothing else to do. He agreed to go on a trip with Ron and Neville's family, which was regarded as a trip to the Triwizard Tournament. Relaxation before the start of the game.

So at the beginning of the holiday, Jon and the others agreed to go to the Weasley's house for a few days, and then meet up with the Longbottom family in mid-July.

In addition to Jon and Hermione who were invited to go there, Gabrielle will also go with them. Hanton and Ariel are staying in Lyon, and Lupin has also planned to organize a stay in a week. Students at school go on a summer trip.

Nick was not with Jon and the others. It seemed that an old ghost friend who had been in Hogwarts found him. They didn't know where they went to catch up with each other.

The person responsible for picking up Jon and the others was Bill Weasley, the eldest son of the Weasley family.

He graduated from Hogwarts a few years ago and has experienced the transition from the castle period to the carriage exile period. Now he has joined the Order of the Phoenix and is a mainstay like his father.

When they first met, Bill gave Jon the impression of being a member of a rock band. He had a long ponytail and an earring with a small fan-like thing hanging on it. He looked cool.

He was very enthusiastic after meeting Jon.

"Nice to meet you, Jon. I should be able to call you that, right? My name is William Weasley, but everyone in my family calls me Bill, and you can also call me that. Our family has been around since Ron was still in school. I heard about you when I was in the first grade, and I asked him to invite you to his home at that time, but I didn’t get the chance until now."

Jon shook hands with him and said in a slightly slurred voice.

"Hello, Bill."

He still had a new mandrake blade in his mouth, which he got from Lily last night. He put it in his mouth under the light of a full moon, even if a month was not enough At the end of the trip, he can also temporarily return to Lyon, and if the weather meets the requirements, he can proceed to the next step.

After these days, Jon has become roughly familiar with speaking and living with a foreign object in his mouth. Although it is still a little weird, it basically doesn't feel abnormal anymore.

Bill showed full enthusiasm for Jon, of course because his name was now spread throughout the European wizarding world.

After more than a month of fermentation, almost everyone who is not a wizard hiding in the deep mountains and forests knows that a boy named Jon Green killed two members of the Lestrange family in front of Voldemort.

This is because the cause of Rabastan's death was suppressed by the British Ministry of Magic and was not spread. Otherwise, Jon would probably be given the title of "Lestrange's Nemesis".

Bill did not neglect Hermione and Gabrielle, and took the initiative to help them move their luggage to a room with a fireplace.

As Wupingxian gained a foothold in France, the Weasley family also temporarily ended their life of hiding in England and moved their family to France.

Ginny, Ron, George, Fred, Jon, Hermione, and Gabrielle lined up in front of the fireplace one after another, listening to Bill tell them the final location of the floo powder after using it.

"No. 3 Burrow, don't pronounce it wrong. Charlie once said it was No. 1 before, and ended up returning to the old house in Devon. It took a lot of effort for him not to be squatted there. The Aurors found out and ran back."

Through the way of naming, Jon can easily guess that the Burrow No. 2 in front of it should be the place where the Weasley family lived when they were hiding in England, and the Burrow No. 1 is naturally their original home.

They held the suitcases in hand and walked into the fireplace one by one. Then they read out their destination and were taken to the Weasley house in the green flames.

It's a little late to get home. There's a big chapter ahead. If you can't wait, go to bed first.

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