In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 315 313Gabriel’s Age

Chapter 315 313.Gabriel’s age

The contents of the notes are very complex.

And most of the whole article is conjecture and hypothesis. After all, even Adrian himself, who made the rings and gems, has never used the true function of such things.

He could only rely on theory to deduce how to perfect the real Animagus if the ring met someone who could successfully use it in the future.

First of all, the initial preparation steps are no different from those of a normal Animagus.

Jon needs to find a single mandrake leaf and hold it in his mouth.

This process will last for a month, and if he accidentally swallows the leaves or spits them out, he must start again.

After this step is completed, he needs to take out the leaves on a full moon, fill a crystal vial with saliva, and soak the leaves in it to allow it to receive pure moonlight. If the day when the leaves are taken out according to the time is cloudy and the moon cannot be seen, it means that all previous efforts have been wasted and he must start all over again.

When all conditions are met, add a piece of your own hair and a silver teaspoon of dew to the moonlit crystal vial. The dew must be collected from a place where there has been no sunlight or human contact for seven days, and finally add a For the pupa of the Grimace Hawkmoth, place the mixture in a quiet, dark environment.

Then waiting for a thunderstorm night, Jon needs to recite a spell that is completely different from the normal Animagus, and then drink the bottle of mixture.

It sounds a little disgusting. A bottle of saliva that will last for who knows how long, even if it is produced by oneself, is not very acceptable.

But this is indeed the complete learning method of Animagus. All Animagus who can successfully transform have gone through this process.

According to Adrian's inference in his notes, there is no difference until the step of drinking the mixture on a thunderstorm night. The difference is that the final normal step is to hold the wand, aim at his heart and recite the spell. The transformation is finally completed.

As for ring casting, the final step is of course to use the ring itself embedded with gems to complete the spell.

But when it comes to changing magical animals, the change in appearance is only secondary. The key lies in the inner change of magic power.

No matter what kind of magical animal it is, even the lowest level slug, the magic it contains is completely different from that of a wizard.

The key to why normal Animagus cannot transform into magical animals is that wizards cannot essentially change their own magic power.

For example, the basilisk's direct gaze effect, and its fangs' direct poison to the soul, are all abilities brought to it by its own special magic power.

If a wizard wants to become a basilisk, he must evolve his own magic power towards that of the basilisk.

Otherwise, even if the appearance has changed, but without the various abilities contained in the magical animal itself, the change will be the same as the same.

It is precisely because of this that Slughorn told Jon from the beginning that the current Animagus in the magical world is a failed product of studying whether magic power can be changed.

To truly complete the transformation of magic power and turn everything represented by magic power into another form is an unprecedented attempt.

There is no reference object in history, so the notes left to Jon are only for reference. Whether it will succeed in the end is still unknown.

But no matter what, if there was such a possibility before Jon, of course he would try.

He had not thought about what magic should be attached to the gem he got from the maze. An Animagus that could transform into a magical animal was undoubtedly a good choice.

After making sure, Jon didn't stop. He immediately found Lily's office and asked her for a mandrake blade.

By chance, he went there just in time. Lily was using mandrake to prepare the potion to remove petrification. When Jon came in, she was pouring it on Nick.

Gabrielle informed the professors about Nick's situation the night she returned from the French Ministry of Magic.

Mandrake, as an important strategic material nowadays, is readily available in Wupingxian. After two days of preparation by Lily, the antidote was completed.

"Luckily it was Nick who saw the basilisk's eyes."

Lily's voice was a little serious. Just from Nick's current state, she could tell that Jon's experience in the Arctic was unimaginably dangerous.

"If you and Gabrielle's eyes met with that basilisk, it would be a big problem."

Jon held a mandrake blade that Lily had singled out for him in his hand. He put it directly into his mouth without haste, but watched from the side as she poured the antidote onto Nick's stiff body.

"Would Gabrielle have a problem if she also saw the basilisk's eyes?"

"She drank the dead soul water and turned into a unique ghost state, but this state does not make her immune to direct magical death. Whether it is the lethal effect of the basilisk's eyes or the death curse, It could kill her."

Hearing Lily's words, Jon couldn't help but feel a little scared.

He also felt that Gabrielle's state was obviously very different from that of a real ghost, so he had been asking her to avoid the Death Eater's death curse.

"When will Gabrielle return to normal?"

Lily replied softly.

"It shouldn't be long. As long as your performance in the Triwizard Tournament goes well, after we completely occupy Beauxbatons, we can retrieve her body from there and restore her to health."

Having said this, Jon suddenly thought of an interesting question.

"Then Gabri has been living in a ghost state for more than a year. When she becomes an adult, how will her age be calculated? Will her body grow with it?"

Lily carefully poured the potion along Nick's head and onto Nick's feet, and then said.

"Then it depends on how the escaped Beauxbatons principal Madame Maxime preserved her body. Generally speaking, she should have used magic similar to the freezing spell to inhibit the growth of Gabrielle's body. In this case When Gabrielle's soul returns to her body, it means that her physical age is still at the time when she drank the Dead Soul Water, but her true soul and mental age must be calculated based on the time she has grown and experienced. .”

Jon blinked.

According to this statement, if Gabrielle continues in this state of soul for ten or eight years, and then changes back, wouldn't it mean that her mental age is already an adult, and her body is still a child?

It seems interesting?

The next chapter is before one o'clock. I will post more in the early morning during special periods. There are two more chapters after that, just in case I can't post during the day.

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