In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 313 311 Two Souls

Chapter 313 311. Two souls

Voldemort's purpose of finding Sir Stoker seems to be completely opposite to that of going to the North Pole to find Slytherin.

In the contract that Jon got and tore up from the tower, Sir Stoker told him clearly that the fundamental reason why this magic was created was to distinguish the souls of humans and beasts in the bodies of blood-cursed orcs.

Voldemort induced Sir Stoker to make a contract for him in order to distinguish the two souls in his body and let one of them dominate.

Then he went to the maze under the Arctic ice, found the portrait of Slytherin, and told a big lie to ask his ancestor to help him fuse the remnant soul of the Horcrux.

After deducing this result, Jon felt that it was too confusing.

It's not that the logic of this matter is messed up, but that the soul in Voldemort's body is too messed up.

When he first left the tower, Jon thought that the souls that Voldemort used to distinguish through contracts were actually the remnants of one of his disobedient Horcruxes.

But looking at it now, he knew from the beginning that it would not be that easy to get the split soul back. Instead, he directly found the Slytherin portrait and went to find the split soul alone. A way to fuse the device back.

Then what is the soul that he wants to isolate with the contract?

Jon's face showed contemplation and confusion, and Dumbledore had obviously thought of this too.

The information they knew was consistent. Jon could think of the problem. It was impossible for Dumbledore to not figure it out.

"Mr. Slytherin, can the magic you taught Riddle to fuse and split the Horcruxes also allow him to merge with other souls?" Dumbledore asked.

Slytherin shook his head decisively.

"There is no such possibility. There is no possibility for two unrelated souls to fuse together. If someone can do this, then he will be invincible. The stronger the soul, the stronger the wizard's will will be, and the magic will be stronger. The stronger it is, the more it can really integrate unrelated souls, it means that a wizard's will can reach an unlimited height, which is absolutely impossible."

After hearing his explanation, Dumbledore's face showed contemplation.

He actually knew more than Jon. After all, that night in the correctional facility, although Jon broke the contract on the sea, the person who really faced Voldemort was Dumbledore.

After the contract was torn up, he saw with his own eyes Voldemort's behavior at that time, which was obviously the behavior of two different consciousnesses fighting for the right to speak in a body.

The consciousness that had always been in control was threatened by another compartmentalized consciousness after the contract was torn apart. It had even taken over part of Voldemort's body, which is why he resorted to self-mutilation such as stabbing his own palm with a knife.

This means that there is no way for the two souls in Voldemort's body to fuse. If there is no way to fuse, it means that one of them must not be Voldemort himself.

The information obtained from Slytherin can at least confirm one thing, that is, the soul that has always been in control of the body must be Voldemort himself, otherwise he would not be able to fuse the soul in the Horcrux.

Only what originally belonged to him can be reunited.

Then, who is that soul that is not Voldemort?

For Dumbledore and Jon, is this soul an enemy or a friend?

There is no reasonable answer to this question yet, but the significance of Slytherin's portrait itself is not just as simple as bringing them information about Voldemort.

As one of the four founders who once built Hogwarts Castle, this man can be said to be a living fossil.

Of course, in the magic world, there is no saying that modern magic is definitely weaker than ancient magic. Just like the evolution of the lock-picking spell Open Sesame - Door Opening - Alajo Opening, from violence to concealment, this is a process of continuous progress, and the current one is definitely worse than It worked well before.

But before Hogwarts was established and the academic school completely became the mainstream, wizards were mainly passed down through the master-apprentice method. This resulted in a lot of partial magic that has not been studied or has not been studied in depth in modern times and has been lost.

Slytherin would definitely know some magic like this, just like he could design a detailed soul fusion plan for Voldemort.

Secondly, it is about the orthodox identity of Hogwarts.

With two Hogwarts existing in the wizarding world today, a magical portrait of Slytherin himself admits that it would be absolutely significant.

It can even compete with Hogwarts Castle itself, because anyway, it was the four founders who decided to build Hogwarts first, and then Hogwarts Castle appeared.

It's just that the bet about the Triwizard Tournament between Dumbledore and Voldemort included the legality of the only Hogwarts.

Now even if Slytherin comes forward and declares, it still depends on the final result of the game. After all, as long as the blood oath is not broken, there will only be one Hogwarts after this Triwizard Tournament.

At this moment, Jon remembered something again and looked at Dumbledore.

"Professor, was it you who asked someone to mention the competition I signed up for last night?"

Dumbledore shook his head when he heard him ask this.

"Whether it is the students or Minerva, they all want to secretly throw your name into the Goblet of Fire, but in fact I know that there is no need at all, the Dark Lord himself will have people help you sign up. "

Jon blinked.

"You mean, he is sure that I will die in the North Pole, and then as long as he throws my name into the Goblet of Fire, the cup will definitely choose me. When the time comes, I will be selected, but there is no way to participate in the competition, which is equivalent to Is there one person missing in this game that was supposed to be played by two teams of four people?”

Dumbledore replied.

"This is just one aspect. I guess that although he thinks you can't escape from the North Pole, even if his judgment is wrong, it doesn't matter to him that you come back alive successfully. This game is held in Hogwarts Castle. , if he wanted to deal with you again, he would have a lot of time to make some small moves. But what he didn’t expect the most was that not only did you come back alive, but you also killed his most capable subordinate, and you did it in front of him and everyone else. So many people in Europe were killed in public, and that was what made him most angry."

Voldemort's insidiousness and cunning are reflected in all aspects, and the most important thing now is that he already knows Jon.

Dumbledore's voice became serious and solemn.

"So next, he will definitely try his best to kill you. After the Triwizard Tournament officially begins, I will not leave the arena, but you must also be careful."

Seeing that many people have misunderstood, let me emphasize that Voldemort is definitely not possessed by a time traveler. This explanation is the same as me forcing a private setting to cover it up. There is nothing novel or interesting about it. I definitely won't do it. Written like this, the truth must be something I derived based on the setting of the original work. Moreover, even if Voldemort's various methods are clever, they are not like what a normal time traveler can do.

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