In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 302 300. I’ll go out with you

Slytherin didn't mess around directly, and didn't even look at what Jon wanted him to see.

Although he is just a portrait now, he still has the wisdom and thoughts of the old man who founded Hogwarts Slytherin School thousands of years ago.

Compared to Jon, of course he should trust and be close to Voldemort who has his own bloodline, but of course this trust will not be absolute.

All the information he learned from the outside world was hearsay. Whether it was the version he heard from Voldemort or what Jon said to him now while holding up a history book, he just passively accepted everything they wanted him to know.

In this case, with his mind, he would not absolutely trust any one of them.

Listening to Jon's story, and at the same time seeing all the content related to the signing of the Statute of Secrecy recorded in the book "Hogwarts: A School History", Slytherin in the portrait frowned slightly.

"Hiding all information about wizards and turning the wizarding world underground can indeed put an end to the witch-hunting movement. But is there no one who opposes this bill? People who have already gained benefits will not give up what they have gained so easily. "

Jon nodded and said.

"There was opposition, but not when this bill was first established. The seventeenth century had reached the peak period of the witch-hunting movement. All wizards were disgusted with this persecution. At the beginning, negotiations with Muggle leaders It was just an attempt, but if it is according to what you said, the Muggle wizards who launched the witch hunt together with Muggles must have destroyed the possibility of peace talks at that time, so this bill was signed. The bill was signed in 1689 years, and it was not officially implemented until 1692. I think it is very likely that within these three years, the Ministry of Magic at that time cleared the obstacles of the court wizards and church wizards, and finally ensured that the Law of Secrecy could be truly implemented."

"In the 1930s and 1940s, some wizards were tired of the existence of the Secrecy Act. They believed that wizards should not live in the shadow of Muggles like mice, so they launched a war. He wanted to completely break the secrecy. The law allowed wizards to become masters of Muggles. But in the end that person's approach was stopped by Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where I am now."

As Jon spoke, he turned the page for Slytherin so that he could see the records about Hogwarts at that time in that period of history fifty years ago.

Dumbledore, who defeated Grindelwald, was still a transfiguration professor at the time. Such a deed would certainly leave a mark in the history of the school.

After telling this period of history, Jon knew clearly that the next content was the real focus.

"After that, the magical world entered a period of peace, but this peace did not last long. Thirty years ago, your junior, Tom Riddle, suddenly rose up and proposed the theory of pure-blood superiority. He believes that the purer the bloodline, the stronger the talent of a wizard, and the more power and wealth he should have. But in fact, he is only a mixed blood, and the so-called pure blood theory is just an excuse for him to gain power and win over more people. That’s all. But it was this kind of ambition that made him once again start a war in the magic world."

"In the beginning, the war was limited to the United Kingdom, and he was not strong enough to overthrow the British magical regime. But after he came to this labyrinth in the Arctic, which is where you are, he seemed to have completely changed. A man who was more rational and powerful. Then relying on such changes, he defeated Dumbledore, occupied the entire UK, and transformed Hogwarts Castle and even the entire British wizarding world into a taming ground for hemp students. They don't even have the qualifications to learn magic with a wand, so they can only sign a slave contract and work day and night like house elves."

"Now he has invaded France again, and the next step is the whole of Europe. He wants to be the master of all wizards in the world. After Professor Dumbledore experienced a failure, he established another one with the professors who were willing to follow him. So began the exile and rebellion at Hogwarts."

"This is the truth, sir. In the past, it was wrong for the mucks to launch witch hunts in order to gain power. Now, is it right for the purebloods to propose the theory of blood superiority in order to gain power?"

Jon looked into the Slytherin's eyes.

"If you feel that your junior is doing the right thing, then I have nothing to say, but if he is really right, then why did he deceive you?"

Slytherin fell silent.

He said nothing more, but looked at the book held by Jon, his eyes thoughtful, as if he was trying to discern the authenticity of Jon's words.

Jon didn't say any more. He had already said everything he could, and all that was left was to see who Slytherin would believe.

Voldemort is indeed a very deceptive person. This can be seen from his student days at Hogwarts. Except for Dumbledore, who was always wary of him, all the other professors who taught him, including Silla, Ghorn and the then Headmaster of Hogwarts were all deceived by his amiability and thought that he would become a pillar of the wizarding world in the future.

But no matter how extravagant he was, what was false would always be false, and lies could not withstand scrutiny. As long as Slytherin's trust in Voldemort was not blind, he would definitely be able to discover the problem himself.

After thinking silently about the portrait of Slytherin for a long time, the old man with the goatee looked at Jon again.

"What Tom once said to me is indeed questionable, but what you show me now cannot make me believe that the so-called history is just a muddy pond, and anyone can pour a few basins of dirty water into it. , not to mention that I’m not sure whether the history book you showed me is fair and accurate.”

His answer was not what Jon expected.

It would be strange if Slytherin just said that he believed everything he said without saying a word.

"Then what do you want me to do to believe that what I say is true?" Jon asked seriously.

Slytherin looked at everything in the bedroom calmly, and then he spoke softly.

"Take me away from here, let me see the magical world outside with my own eyes, and I will decide for myself who to believe."

Jon didn't hesitate at all about his request and agreed decisively.

"No problem, sir! I can take you out of here as long as you want."

No matter what Voldemort got from Slytherin here, as long as he is taken out of here and he sees with his own eyes that everything Voldemort said is a lie, all the problems will be solved.

And even if it's just a portrait, as the founder of Hogwarts, Slytherin itself represents a very significant meaning!

I live in the north of Jiangsu Province. I went to bed at 5 a.m. yesterday after writing. But when I woke up in the afternoon, I found that something had gone wrong. I was a little confused. I was preparing to stock up on things just in case. That’s it for today. I’ll probably have time later. I have been staying at home and writing every day.

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