Adrian Fox.

This name only appeared in his mind a short two or three times, but in these two or three times, Jon had it deeply etched in his mind.

It’s not because of anything else, it’s just because his biggest reliance now, whether it’s a floating spell or a variation of the universal spell-removing spell, the necessary ring and the gems on the ring were all created by a wizard with this name!

This man was once a good friend of Slughorn, but after creating the ring and several gems, he passed away without even having the chance to see whether the work he had completed had any real effect.

Jon never expected that he would find the laboratory he left behind in this underground maze in the Arctic!

"What's wrong? Jon."

Gabrielle, who was floating above him and still confused, asked doubtfully.

Of course she didn't know Adrien Fox, nor did she understand what the name meant to Jon.

Jon also came to his senses at this time, he took a deep breath and said softly.

"I'm fine."

Then he stretched out his hand towards the door and tried to push it open.

However, the ordinary-looking wooden door remained motionless, as if it was locked, and there was no way to open it directly.

After the other three rooms were destroyed by the basilisk, the entrance to this laboratory is still so well preserved. Of course, it is unlikely that the basilisk will show mercy. The most likely possibility is that the laboratory itself has left some part of the protective capabilities.

After Jon tried to push the door directly to no avail, he tried waving his wand to use the unlocking spell on the door handle, but it still had no effect.

Then he took off the ring that he had always worn around his neck, put it back on the index finger of his right hand, and finally used the hand with the ring to push the door open.

This time he didn't encounter any resistance and pushed the door open so easily!

Jon showed an expression that was as expected, while Gabrielle looked at the ring on Jon's hand in surprise. Jon had never taken it out before even if he used it.

"Who gave you this ring? Have you been proposed to by some girl?"

Jon slapped her head angrily.

"This was given to me by one of my teachers. You had not yet come to Hogwarts at that time. At such a young age, there are many things going on in your mind."

Gabrielle held her head with an aggrieved look and followed Jon into the laboratory.

This place has obviously not been damaged like the other three rooms, and all the furniture inside is still neatly placed around it.

There is a small bookcase in the corner, but except for a few empty vases, there are no other books on it. There is also a single bed at the corner of the two walls. The bed is covered with mattress sheets and a Quilt.

Directly opposite the door was a set of tables and chairs, with some old parchment still on them.

Jon wandered around the bookshelf first, and after finding nothing more than a few vases, he came to the desk and began to open the parchments arranged in a mess.

These were obviously some experimental notes, but the contents were very fragmented. It took Jon a long time to study to figure out that he had come to the North Pole and wanted to find more gems that could be set in rings and used to cast spells on himself.

The importance of gemstones to a ring is similar to the core of a wand, but compared to most materials that belong to magical creatures can be used as a wand core, the requirements for ring gemstones are extremely demanding.

Adrian has been researching for a lifetime, but he only found a gem on Mount Olympus that can conduct magic power from the wizard's body. However, the weight of the stone can only allow him to divide it into three stones at most. Compared with what he originally conceived, Gems above double digits vary widely.

Yes, at first he planned to design the gems to be more finely divided, and embed such stones in the ring to make the magic that the ring can cast more diverse, but unfortunately it was ultimately limited by some reasons of the wizard himself. , coupled with the limited raw materials, so only five gems can be made.

When Adrian came to the North Pole, after using up the stone from Mount Olympus, he began to go out and continue to search for suitable materials, and finally made a discovery under the maze of the North Pole.

Jon rummaged through the scattered materials on the table, and could only roughly tell that Adrian did successfully make a gem in this maze, but for some unknown reason, he couldn't take the gem away. .

Because the information was incomplete, Jon did not find the reason, but he was certain that there was indeed a gem left here.

This couldn't help but make Jon extremely excited. Ever since Slughorn handed him the ring, Jon knew better than anyone how huge the improvement the ring itself had brought to him.

If he hadn't had the ability to cast spells on himself, just the dangers he had experienced would have caused a normal wizard to die hundreds of times.

Each additional gem represents a new spell position for Jon. He can rely on this gem to develop new magic that can improve himself, which represents another level of strength for him. of crossing.

But Adrian left too little information here. The scattered information was more like a pile of useless scraps. Apart from letting Jon know the purpose and results of his coming here, there was nothing more. Much information provided.

After Jon looked through all the information on the table, he opened a drawer next to the table, and in the drawer, he made a new discovery!

An extremely valuable discovery!

"Look at this!"

His voice attracted Gabriel, who was wandering around the room, trying to find out where they were in the long corridor and the maze.

She floated to Jon's side and looked at the parchment found in the drawer with him.

That's a map!

A map depicting most of the maze route.

Adrian had obviously lived in this maze under the ice for a long time, and he didn't know how he got along with the basilisk, but it seemed that no conflict broke out between the two parties.

It was during this time that he not only found a suitable stone under the ice to make a ring gemstone, but also drew a map along all the routes of the maze.

Although the drawing on this map is a bit crude, it is not an ordinary drawing. It has been cast with special magic. Although it is not as magical as the Marauder's Map in Hogwarts, it can still rely on the map itself. Continue positioning on the picture.

Their current location is the northwest corner of the entire map, and the area of ​​the maze depicted on the map is extremely huge.

It took Jon and the others nearly half a day to get from the entrance to where they are now, which is only about one-tenth the size of the entire maze.

There are also two or three targets clearly marked on this map. There is no other explanation for what these marks represent. What is certain is that one of these marks must be the gem that Adrian did not take away from here. !

With this, it not only provides Jon with a route to walk in the maze, but also gives him a precise goal.

Even though he had entered the maze, Jon still hadn't figured out why Grindelwald asked him to come here specifically. But now with the news about one of the ring gems, he at least had an accurate direction. .

It can be said that this map is his biggest gain after entering the maze.

Afterwards, Jon carefully checked everything in the entire room. After making sure that there were no other more valuable discoveries, he had no intention of leaving here immediately.

At present, this secret corridor is safe for the time being, but Jon did not rest during the day. He traveled all day, and then had a fight with a group of Death Eaters in the evening. After entering the maze, he ran away first I exercised nervously for several more hours, and just killed a basilisk.

This has made Jon's body feel exhausted. There happened to be a bed and a quilt in this laboratory. He used a cleaning spell and lay down on the bed with peace of mind. Then he "hired" child labor to make Jon who didn't need a rest Bree helped guard the corridor outside the door, and slept peacefully like this.

Jon was indeed very tired. When he woke up, he looked at the time on his pocket watch and saw that it was nearly ten hours later.

Gabrielle was so idle during this period that when Jon came out of the laboratory to find her, she was squatting in the room that originally belonged to the basilisk canteen to observe the bears and wolves in the ice.

"Do you want to try what Xiaobai No. 2 tastes like?"

Jon's seductive voice sounded in Gabrielle's ears, which made Gabrielle stunned, and a line of crystal clear saliva subconsciously appeared at the corner of her mouth.

But then, she struggled and shook her head.

"In no mood!"

"The bears in these ice cubes are dead to begin with. It's fine if we dig out one and cut off its palm and taste it."

But even if Jon said so, Gabrielle still couldn't accept eating a creature of the same kind that she had been friends with before.

Even after listening to Jon say how delicious the bear paws would be as long as they are roasted on the fire and sprinkled with cumin, salt and chili powder, she said "sad" from the corner of her mouth again. It made me drool, but in the end, I still insisted on not being overwhelmed by the delicious nature.

Jon could only regretfully take out the dry food Eric had prepared for them from his pocket and give part of it to Gabrielle.

Of course, Gabrielle will not feel hungry in her ghost state, but she is not a real ghost after all. She has been using her sense of taste to taste something, which is always good for her future state.

After eating and drinking, they got ready to go again. Jon carried Nick, who still looked frightened, on his back, holding a map in his hand and leaving in the completely opposite direction from where they entered this secret corridor.

After reaching the end of the corridor, Jon followed the same method as he entered here, used the universal dispelling spell on himself, and then left with Gabrielle.

Returning to the cold maze, this time they no longer had to wander around like headless flies when encountering a fork in the road. Instead, they directly followed the guidance on the map towards the nearest marked point.

"Why does Nick always have this expression? Can I help him change it?"

Gabri, floating behind Jon, tried to have some fun with Nick.

"If you can find a way to mess with his face, of course you can change it as you please."

"He's as hard as a rock, I can't squeeze it! Give me a quill, please, Jon."

Hearing Gabrielle's request, Jon shook his head decisively.

"You can take it yourself if you want. If I give it to you and you doodle on Nick's face, he will definitely scold me loudly when he recovers."

"He definitely won't know now. As long as I don't tell you and you don't tell me, no one will know."

Gabri floated around Jon, she had been wanting to paint a bastard on Nick's face for a long time.

But as Nick's loyal friend, Jon still sternly rejected her (in fact, he knew that although Nick was petrified, his perception of the outside world was still there.), and protectively placed Nick on his back horizontally. In front of her, to prevent Gabrielle from causing trouble secretly.

Just when Gabrielle kept begging Jon and they had just passed a fork in the road, a very bad feeling suddenly arose in Jon's heart!

This premonition came out of nowhere, like a sudden panic, but there was obviously nothing around!

He did not take this panic seriously. This intuition-like perception had verified its accuracy many times. Grindelwald also emphasized to him that this intuition was actually a manifestation of his prophecy talent. .

So Yin immediately stopped playing with Gabrielle, stopped Gabrielle with a solemn expression, and stopped his own steps.

Gabrielle could feel the seriousness of the matter from Jon's expression. She immediately shut her mouth, grabbed Jon's clothes obediently, and followed him closely.

After a cursory glance around, Jon found nothing unusual, but he still did not move forward. Instead, he still looked in front of him, holding the wand in his hand, and carefully began to step back.

Just when he took the second step back, a sudden change occurred!

On the ice walls on the left and right, and directly in front of him, there was a distortion of the air, and three figures suddenly appeared!

At the same time they appeared, the spells also sounded!

"Avada Kedavra!"

The miserable green light instantly illuminated the passage of the entire maze, and three life-killing curses that almost blocked all of Jon's escape routes tore through the cold air like violent snakes!

Jon, who has always been blessed by the floating spell, the moment his brain reacted, his body began to maximize the distance and position at a speed that normal people could not achieve.

But even so, he narrowly avoided two life-killing curses. The death curse shot from the left side still hit his body accurately.

Nick who was petrified in front of him!

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