In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 292 290. Cold Snake


This was Jon's only feeling after entering the ice pit.

The biting coldness seemed to have turned into a substantial white mist, lingering around him.

As he continued to fall, he first used a levitation spell to slow down his descent, and then tightened his robe, blocking all exposed skin.

The descent was not long, only about ten seconds passed before his feet touched the solid ice.

After landing, the temperature here was not as cold as up there, which made Jon, who had already been numb with cold hands and feet, breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't stop or hesitate. The second he landed, he immediately started running along the only passage heading inward.

Although there is still a lot of magic left in the gem, it cannot be consumed endlessly. Jon's entry into this maze under the ice does not mean the end, but the beginning of a fierce battle.

He couldn't waste the precious magic power in the gem on the road, so he didn't use flying, the fastest way of action. He just mobilized his own magic power to reduce the weight of his body, allowing him to run faster. , and save more effort.

"You will encounter a fork in the road ahead. When Gabri and I came here before, we chose the one on the left. But after that, we quickly encountered a three-way fork, and we didn't find anything behind it. No end has been found.”

Nick followed Jon, speaking quickly and recounting to him what he and Gabrielle had discovered in the maze.

Jon said as he ran.

"Then let's try a different way this time. Anyway, we don't know where the right way is, so we'll go right this time!"

They kept running forward, and there was no sign of the Death Eaters catching up behind them. However, Jon did not slow down his pace, but instead accelerated his pace.

He didn't let his smooth entry into this maze guarded by so many Death Eaters cloud his sanity.

The progress of things was a little too much in the good direction. Jon actually had two alternative plans for this invasion, but no accidents happened.

As expected, most of the Death Eaters were attracted by his Patronus, and none of the Death Eaters guarding the entrance could successfully stop him, allowing him to fire the Exploding Curse and the Crushing Curse. In this way, he burst into the maze.

This kind of success made Jon feel very abnormal. Even if there were mediocre Death Eaters, they would never be so incompetent.

It seemed like they were just pretending, but in fact their real purpose was to let him enter this maze, not to stop him.

This phenomenon made Jon a little more certain.

The main goal of this group of Death Eaters in the North Pole is not to guard the place where Voldemort once visited, they are just for themselves!

If their real purpose is to lure him into this maze, then they must rely on this place to deal with him.

So Jon not only did not relax after entering the maze, but became even more vigilant.

After running for nearly half an hour, he finally came to the first intersection that Nick said he and Gabri met.

Jon didn't hesitate and ran directly towards the road on the left.

Although this road is unknown, it is because of the unknown that there are more possibilities. If he wants to be safer, he can completely follow the path that Nick and the others have taken before, but then he will not be able to enter this maze. It's almost meaningless.

And just as Jon ran across the fork in the road, Bella, who had a cold face on the ice, looked at the Death Eaters who had made all preparations.

"Now that he's here, this is the last chance the master gives you."

Her voice was sharp and cold, and there was no trace of the French Chief Justice Roland. Even when she looked at her husband Rodolphus, her eyes were no different from those of other Death Eaters.

"At the same time, I also relay the promise made by the master. No matter who kills or captures the boy, he will become the next French Minister of Magic and the de facto leader of the French magical world!"

Her words made all the Death Eaters below breathe harder.

Everyone knew that Voldemort himself serving as France's Minister of Magic was only a temporary expedient.

His ambitions must not only stop in Britain and France, nor even in continental Europe.

Once he moves on to the next journey, he will definitely step down as the French Minister of Magic and let a reliable confidant control and manage this land for him.

Unlike Voldemort's lair and headquarters in the UK, France will not be overly influenced and controlled by him, which means that the next Minister of Magic will have great autonomy.

This also represents huge interests, which will not fail to make these Death Eaters excited.

But then Bella's voice changed suddenly, and she looked at everyone fiercely.

"But similarly, if our mission fails this time, you should also know what you will face!"

When she finished saying this, she looked specifically at Rodolphus. There was no sympathy or comfort in her eyes for her husband's loss of his brother, but more of a threat.

Even if the consequences of failure were not stated clearly, everyone present knew it.

What their master hates most is the incompetence of his servants. The Death Eaters led by Rodolphus have already failed once on the sea. If they fail again on the ice sheet of the Arctic, no one can obtain his forgiveness.

So after Bella made it clear the consequences of success and failure, the Death Eaters began their actions.

They were divided into three groups, led by Rodolphus, Bella and another leader respectively. The group led by Rodolphus directly used the ice pit that Jon had blown up and started descending on broomsticks. latent.

The other Death Eaters, led by Bella and another leader, apparated to another entrance and entered the maze from different directions.

After entering the maze, they began to go deeper along the maze, and every time they encountered a fork, they would separate into a three-person team. Eventually, all the Death Eaters were broken into pieces and began to move towards the maze in a network structure. Spread!

Of course Jon didn't know this.

After passing the first fork, he encountered another four-way road not long after.

Without any hesitation or entanglement, he chose a path and continued walking down.

But before leaving, he used Shen Feng Wuying to leave a shallow mark on the ice wall on one side.

After feeling that his breathing began to become rapid, Jon stopped running. Only when he really entered could he feel that this maze was really too big. If he just ran blindly like this, he would probably be there before he reached the end. Was exhausted.

"Actually, I'm very surprised who has the ability and energy to build such a place in the Arctic."

Nick expressed his doubts on the way.

Jon is actually thinking about this issue as well.

This maze is at the point where Grindelwald saw and where Voldemort had been, which means that he would not have dug it out by himself.

And for such a big project, Jon didn't think that Voldemort had the ability and mood to create such a place after only disappearing for a month.

It is very likely that this place was left by some wizard who came to the North Pole before, and his purpose in creating this maze is most likely the reason why Voldemort came here in the first place.

If it is a wizard who can carve out such a huge maze on these permafrost layers that have not melted for millions of years, it is absolutely impossible for him to be an unknown person.

And among the famous wizards in history, it is true that no one has ever been to the North Pole.

"Maybe it's like the Extis who created Azkaban. If no one discovers this place, no one in the magic world will know the power of the creator of this maze."

Jon walked forward as he spoke, but the next second, he suddenly stopped, and his whole body suddenly became motionless as if under a petrification spell.

Nick and Gabrielle who were following him were also stunned, but before they could ask, Jon made a silencing gesture to them.

As all their movements stopped, they heard a faint rustling sound.

The sound was not loud, very small. If Jon hadn't stopped them talking, almost no one would have noticed such a strange sound.

Nick and Gabrielle both held their breath, and the sounds became louder and louder, getting closer and closer to them.

Then, a thick and long creature crawled out from a corner not far in front of them!

After seeing the emerald green skin and the body as thick and long as a bucket, Jon instantly remembered an extremely dangerous magical creature he had seen!

He couldn't react so quickly at first, so he could only close his eyes for a moment, then moved his hands forward to cover Gabrielle's eyes, and at the same time spoke loudly to remind Nick.

"Don't look it in the eyes! Nick!"

However, he did not receive a response from Nick, and the only sound that came through was the "thumping" of the huge creature's movements, like the sound of hard rocks falling to the ground!

Jon's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. This voice not only confirmed his guess, but also let him know that his warning was too late.

Gabrielle, whose eyes were covered, looked very at a loss.

"What's wrong, Jon? Nick what's wrong with him?"

"Don't be nervous, Nick, he's fine, but don't open your eyes! Remember, don't open your eyes no matter what noise you hear, and then float up. You should still remember how high we are now. , just float one meter above the ceiling and wait in the ice. When I ask you to open your eyes, you can open them again!"

Jon quickly finished all the instructions to Gabrielle.

Gabrielle was also very obedient. After Jon let go of her eyes, she did not open them. Instead, she closed her eyes nervously according to Jon's request and floated upward until she floated into the ice. Then he stopped.

After letting Gabrielle hide in a safe place, Jon closed his eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

He tore off a piece of black cloth from his robe, and then calmly covered his eyes completely.

After seeing the body that he remembered so vividly and knowing that Nick could no longer answer his words, Jon knew exactly what he was encountering now.


He once killed one of his kind with a rooster in Hogwarts Castle!

A basilisk that can actually live in the Arctic!

This is a situation that Jon would never have imagined. Even magical creatures usually follow natural habits.

No matter how powerful the creature is, the basilisk is called the king of snakes, but it is still a snake.

As long as it is a snake, it must have the characteristic of hibernating in a cold environment. In nature, the only snake that lives in the Arctic is called the Arctic viper, but even if it is alive, it will hibernate for up to eight months a year. , and this is in Scandinavia, which is not as cold as the North Pole.

In such an icy environment as the maze under the ice, there is actually a basilisk that can move freely. This is something no one could have guessed in advance.

But although such an accident caught Jon off guard, it was not to the point of panic.

It's not like he's never seen a basilisk before, nor has he ever killed it before. Now even if there isn't the rooster, which is the best weapon against this kind of creature, Jon won't have any fear at all.

The rooster is gone, but he is not the same person he was more than a year ago.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

There was no scruple, whether it was Nick who was suspected of being petrified, or Gabriel who was hiding in the ice, the blasting spell would not cause any harm to them.


The sealed space of the maze caused this blasting curse to emit a huge roar that was not seen outside!

Jon couldn't see the target. He was just casting the spell directly in front of him. He didn't care whether he could hit the target accurately or cause damage to the target.

Because the purpose of this blasting spell itself is not to kill!

The basilisk's reaction was very fast, or the reaction speed of all snakes could be said to be top-notch.

After seeing the only target that could pose a threat to it, and raising the small wooden stick in its hand, it squirmed dexterously and wrapped itself around a raised ice block above the maze!

After the blasting spell caused the ground to shake, apart from shattering a piece of solid ice and creating fine ice fragments all over the ground, there was no other achievement.

This made the basilisk wrapped around the ceiling stare at Jon with cold eyes while shrinking its body like a spring.

Just when it planned to complete this distance at the fastest speed and swallow Jon directly into its mouth.

Jon waved his wand again, and a spell that he could apply no matter what the situation sounded from his mouth.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

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