In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 257 255. The biggest crisis

As a ghost, Nick has spent nearly a thousand years in this world.

Time is enough for a conscious creature to see many things clearly, and Nick is worthy of the time he has spent.

He met enough people, went to the Hogwarts library and read enough books in his spare time, and visited many places after leaving Hogwarts Castle.

With so much experience, Nick could actually teach Jon a lot, like right now.

His words made Jon gradually loosen his restraint when he was learning to be unforgivable, and things were indeed as he said.

The Unforgivable Curse is just a method of casting spells. Many dark wizards have fallen into darkness because of it, but there are also many great people who have used it to create their own glory.

Jon thought about what Nick said to himself, and no longer suppressed the emotion that he had never dared to release.

He looked at the crab fished out of the sea and used as a guinea pig tied to the target, and he couldn't help but think of the numb and lifeless eyes of the mucky students he saw in Hogwarts Castle.

Although that memory is still very clear, it happened more than a year ago. What really aroused his emotions was the scene before the collapse of the tower half a month ago.

The old man and his house-elf were standing on the top of the tower, between the dark clouds and the blue sea. The moment the rocket with all his dreams and wishes flew out of the sea, everything seemed to be in bubbles, in the giant sky. The sound and heat turned into nothingness that seemed to have never appeared before.

It's sad, but it's such an impressive image that doesn't leave a single trace of positive emotion in people's minds.

It is a kind of anger, an anger that the progress of the times has been destroyed, an anger that lofty dreams have been stifled by shameful greed.

This kind of anger can bring about many emotions. Those negative and unknown emotions are released in the suppression!

Jon's expression did not change at all, but became more and more calm, as calm as a deep pool of deathly silence.

He waved his wand and said the unforgivable spell indifferently.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The pale green beam shot out from the tip of the wand, crossing the short distance of less than 5 meters in the blink of an eye, and then accurately hit the center of the bullseye, the crab that was constantly waving its claws. .

The next second, the crab stopped all signs of life. There were no scars on its body, but it was as if its soul had been directly wiped out, and there was no more movement.

This is the best effect Jon has had since he started learning the Death Curse.

This poor crab has been tortured in his hands for a week. Jon's death curse on it in the past few days was not even as good as the coma spell. At most, it made it spit out a few bubbles, and then it was time to wave the pincers to show off. The demonstration, the struggling leg that should be struggling, showed no signs of being affected at all.

Now, it can finally die peacefully.

Nick, who was watching from the sidelines, praised Jon's performance with great excitement.

"Your talent is indeed among the top three among the students I have seen, Jon! As long as you can figure out the level in your heart, no magic will cause any difficulty to you. Just use In one week, a life has been harvested with the Death Curse. Even the most evil dark wizards I have ever seen were not quick enough to learn the Death Curse, let alone you are only 14 years old this year!"

Jon rubbed his forehead helplessly.

"Whether you are complimenting me or scolding me, I can't tell."

"Of course I'm complimenting you!" Nick comforted, "Don't forget what I said, don't be so burdened by the Unforgivable Curse. No matter how notorious it is, it is still a magic used by a wizard. As long as you control it, It, rather than it controlling you, then there won’t be any problems.”

Jon looked at the wand in his hand. The old chestnut wand had many traces of time, but it could also be seen that its previous owners had protected it very well and there was not much damage on it.

"But casting a spell on a crab is definitely different from casting a spell on a person. Now that it can be used during normal practice, there is no guarantee whether it will still have such an effect in actual combat."

Nick nodded in approval.

"You are right. There is a difference between practice and actual combat. But if you can use it in practice, then applying it to actual combat is just a matter of experience and habit. These two points can be solved naturally as long as you use them more. "

While they were chatting, the door of the Charms classroom was suddenly opened from the outside.

Neville stood outside the door panting, his face pale with some uneasiness, and he looked at Jon solemnly and said.

"You asked us to keep an eye on the two wizards hanging behind us, and now there are many more people around them!"

Jon's eyes immediately became sharp.

He knew that the two wizards did not stay away and always followed their ship from a distance, so Jon had actually expected the situation that was happening at the moment.

It's just that although some things can be thought of in advance, the solutions cannot be found so easily.

Until now, he can only choose soldiers to cover up the water and the earth.

"I'll go over and take a look."

Jon and Nick walked out of the Charms classroom together, and when they came to the cabin corridor, Fox flew onto his shoulder.

No matter what kind of situation it encounters, it is the biggest support for the entire ship.

With Voldemort's status and whereabouts unknown, Fox being on the ship was equivalent to Dumbledore being on the ship, and as long as Dumbledore was there, the Hogwarts was in absolute safety.

When we came to the deck, there were not many people gathered here. Most of the students were still in class. Only George, Neville and Colin, who had been assigned to follow the task, were still there.

Even without Neville and the others specifically pointing them out, Jon could still see the approaching group of wizards riding broomsticks who did not conceal their whereabouts behind them by squinting from a distance.

Because the distance was still far away, the number of people could not be clearly seen clearly, but judging from the dark area, there were at least twenty people in the group near the Hogwarts.

This couldn't help but make Neville and others nervous, and Jon's face was serious.

This can be said to be the biggest crisis they will encounter after going to sea.

How they will face more than twenty wizards, most likely the most elite Death Eaters under Voldemort, is an extremely serious question.

There is one more chapter, at least half an hour

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