In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 244 242. The sorrow of the times

When the sun rose, the entire Hogwarts was silent.

Although the series of unexpected events at night had nothing to do with most of the students on the ship, the earth-shaking explosion still kept them from sleeping well all night.

Jon went to bed very late last night, but he was one of the earliest ones to get up.

It wasn't that he wasn't tired, but he wasn't in the mood for not sleeping.

At 9 o'clock, he sat cross-legged on the deck alone, silently looking at the direction they were driving from the south.

Hogwarts is still heading north, and Christmas is only a few days away. There is heavy snow on the sea, and the temperature has dropped to extremely low levels.

Jon was wearing a thick robe and holding a big umbrella on his head to protect him from the snow. When he was looking at the sea in trance, Nick came to him without knowing when.

"Are you still thinking about that knight?"

Ghosts don't need to rest, so Nick is not still struggling in the warm bed like others, making life and death decisions about whether to get up or not.

He learned about Jon and the others' experiences in the tower from Neville last night, so he could probably guess what Jon was thinking at this moment.

Jon nodded, not trying to hide his thoughts.

"Because Sir Stoker, he's not really a bad guy."

he sighed.

"He comes from a pure-blood wizarding family, but he has always called himself the title of the Muggle dynasty. He also has a deep understanding of many Muggle-related ideas and theories. In the magical world, even wizards who come from Muggle families are Not necessarily to such an extent that you can see that he is a person who pursues equality.

And he is very ideal. The ultimate goal of his ideal is to broaden the horizons of wizards and for a better future for the magic world. During this period, he even gave up everything in the world for his own ideal. In the end, it was the Dark Lord who held this ideal. To seduce him, he finally made the wrong choice. "

Jon whispered.

"I really don't think a person like Sir should end his life so simply. There are very few wizards in the magic world who can truly see the nature of the world through magic, but he has to fight for a fundamental evil. Die on the wrong political fight.

He is actually more suitable to be a professor in a magic school. I think he is capable of both astronomy and Muggle Studies. In that environment, it should be more conducive to his research and inspire more ideas. A young wizard.

I thought that maybe I could invite him to Hogwarts and ask Dumbledore to apply for the professor's position. Although Hogwarts may not be suitable now, the wandering life is more like a coercion for him. But he no longer gave me a chance to speak. After knowing that I would never return the contract to him, he believed that his ideal would never be realized again. I could feel that he was mixed up in this. A self-compensating guilt.

He actually always knew that he was doing something wrong by helping the Dark Lord, but his desire for the stars suppressed his sense of right and wrong. Until that moment, he planned to use his life to bury his ideals, and he also wanted to pay for his mistakes in this way. "

Jon's words seemed a bit nagging, because Nick didn't know what kind of person Sir Stoker was in the tower with him at all, but at this moment, through Jon's description, he also had a rough idea of ​​this Sir in his mind. With a clear outline and impression.

"It sounds like he is indeed a great man. But sometimes things are just like this. Maybe I have experienced it long enough and seen enough people and things. I don't have as many emotions as you, Jon. It would be a pity at best.”

Nick said softly.

"Those people who have left their names in history are not only because of their outstanding abilities, but also because they were born in an era that suited them.

But this knight with the same title as me was obviously unlucky. Just like myself back then, I was caught on the gallows, and he was forced to choose to serve one side in the war. The devil successfully defeated us, became the master of Europe, and fulfilled his promise, then he will definitely leave a strong mark in the history books of that new magical world, and maybe even create a new era. .

But now the times have obviously not stood on the same side as him. Before the Dark Lord really showed signs of success, he was already dead. This was not his own tragedy, but also the tragedy of this era. "

Nick patted Jon's shoulder. His illusory hand could not touch Jon's body, but the cold touch still gave Jon feedback.

"We are the winner in this incident, which means that we will continue to go forward. As for those who deserve to be remembered, someone will give them a fair evaluation in the future."

Jon looked at the calm sea and murmured.

"This is a victory for us, but for the entire magical world, losing a person like Sir Stoker is a failure for everyone..."

Nick sighed and did not explain Jon's words. They looked at the sea in the south together, as if the tower was still standing between the sky and the sea...

At the edge of the junction of the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea, a few days after Jon and the others left, some messy garbage was still scattered in the nearby sea, and occasionally a few black cats struggling in the water could be seen.

A few days later, the garbage drifted elsewhere with the circulation of ocean currents, and the black cats completely died in the seawater. Their bodies and the garbage started drifting with the waves.

During this period, more than a dozen wizards in black robes passed by on broomsticks. The two leaders of them looked like a pair of brothers. After confirming that there had been a tower here, they caught one who had experienced that scene. The mermaid, who escaped from the big explosion and dared to return to this sea area only in the past few days, used Legilimency to understand what happened here some time ago.

Hearing that a ship once docked here, but after the entire tower was blown up, the ship also disappeared, which made the two brothers' faces become even more gloomy.

They sent one of their men back to recover, while the others continued to chase north.

Just like this, several more weeks passed, and in the first month of the new year, the mermaids who returned to this sea area spontaneously searched for the body of Sir Stoker, who was very kind to them, on the seabed, but they still couldn't find it. Nothing was found.

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