In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 241 239. Black Meteor

High in the sky, in the black mist.

Voldemort's handsome face showed an unprecedented pallor.

His left hand began to shake uncontrollably, forcing him to take out a sharp broken blade from his black robe, and suddenly pierced the palm of his hand!

Scarlet blood splashed out and fell from the sky to the ground!

However, the self-mutilation behavior that was bound to have an effect in the past cannot stop another restless soul at this moment!

"Idiot! Don't hinder me at this time! I can kill him right away! I can kill him right now!!!"

His expression suddenly became extremely distorted, and that handsome face was so terrifying that it was terrifying!

"Trash! He should have died 10 years ago! It's only been delayed until now because of your incompetence!"

The sharp blade shimmering with cold light penetrated Voldemort's palm and became firmly stuck in the bones of his hand, but its owner had obviously taken care of it flawlessly.

The ferocious half of the face was in sharp contrast with the coldness of the other half. The surrounding black fog repeatedly changed between suddenly tightening and relaxing. This made Dumbledore keenly discover that the problem with Voldemort now was definitely not him. Disguised!

The red flame instantly burst into light as dazzling as daylight in the dark night, dispelling the darkness in half of the sky, and breaking through the prison set by Voldemort above!

It wasn't until this moment that Dumbledore really used his full strength.

He knew very well that facing Voldemort at this moment, if he really let go of the head-on confrontation, it would most likely be the same as the battle in the Hogwarts Astronomy Tower 10 years ago.

Wu Pingxian's action this time was just to rescue the Mazong wizards in the correctional center. As long as this purpose was successful, they would have achieved the greatest victory.

The basis for the success of all these actions is that Dumbledore can contain Voldemort. Once he loses again, it will not only be him who will die, but everyone who comes here will not be able to leave.

Therefore, Dumbledore's principle at the beginning of this battle was to delay time as long as he could survive.

But now the situation has obviously changed dramatically!

He clearly heard everything Voldemort said just now. What happened at sea could only mean that Jon had made some new discovery!

With such an excellent opportunity, Dumbledore would definitely not give up!

Before, Voldemort wanted to keep him and kill him, but now Dumbledore saw the hope of killing the dark lord!

A crisp cry sounded in the clouds!

Along with the melodious singing, Fox, whose feathers emitted a golden-red light, rushed into the black mist surrounding Voldemort!

The red brilliance enveloped the whole world, blooming like an epiphyllum in the middle of the night!

"Vulcan clears the way!"

The high temperature filled every corner, burning the rocks on the top of this black fortress into red, as if they were stones soaked in magma.

Voldemort could no longer maintain his figure floating in the sky. He began to fall from the sky at a very fast speed. The much thinner black mist still protected him in the middle, like a dark meteor falling from the sky!

In the fortress, the wizards who were waving their wands all stopped at the shocking scene in the sky.

Everyone knew very well what the black meteor meant. The French Aurors and British Death Eaters guarding the correctional facility had disbelief on their faces, and at the same time, they also felt unparalleled fear in their hearts!

Voldemort lost!

That was the only information they could get from the scene.

And contrary to them, the wizards on Wupingxian burst into violent cheers!

The red color shining into the black fortress made everyone extremely excited. They shouted Dumbledore's name, and then raised their wands and pointed them at the Aurors and Death Eaters who were still in a daze!

"Put down the wand!"

Lupine, whose robe was torn into rags during the battle, and the hand holding the wand was still trembling and dripping blood, yelled.

The wizards shouted together.

"Put down your wands!"

The guards who had come back to their senses were panicking. Each of them knew that the situation was over. If their master died, no one of them could hold the fortress alone.

But few people really intend to put down their wands and surrender. They all know that as the most direct oppressors and collaborators, if they surrender like this, what will be the reckoning waiting for them.

Without hesitation, the Aurors and Death Eaters who were still defending the fortress turned around and fled!

The die-hard Voldemort loyalists who came to France from England rushed towards the place where the black meteor fell like crazy, while most of the other people jumped from the windows, after breaking away from the anti-Apparition magic of the fortress. Teleport away from here immediately.

Their actions caused the wizards on Wupingline to fall into a brief commotion. Some people tried to chase the escaped wizards, while others wanted to open the cells immediately and release all the trapped hemp wizards.

But the commotion was quickly stopped by Iniesta who stayed here. As long as Voldemort is no longer a threat, the remaining people will not pose a big resistance to them at all, so they need to do what they do now. The only thing is to rescue everyone imprisoned in this correctional center as soon as possible.

Just when the situation in the correctional center had become one-sided, Voldemort also fell from the sky to the ground.

He was not so bad that he would be killed directly by Dumbledore, as the French Aurors who escaped thought.

But the situation is not much better.

Nearly half of his body was no longer under his control. His left hand, which still had a dagger in its palm, kept trying to snatch the wand in his right hand. The aura on his body was obviously extremely sluggish!

In the sky, Fox was like an eagle eyeing its prey. Even though Voldemort had fallen to the ground, it was still pursuing him!

The sharp beak at the front was aimed at the location of the black mist, and it fell straight down like the tail of a meteor!

"Idiot! If this continues, we will all die! Is this the result you want to see!"

Voldemort, who was making different movements with extremely uncoordinated movements on both sides of his body like a madman, roared and shouted.

The moment Fox's sharp beak touched the edge of the black mist, the distortion and disharmony on his body suddenly stopped!

Without a moment's hesitation, he raised his wand high!

"Avada Kedavra!"

A miserable green beam of light spurted out from the tip of his staff. At such a short distance, Fox had no way to avoid it, and just hit the unforgivable death curse head-on!


The dazzling brilliance of Fox's body instantly collapsed, and his originally unstoppable body was blown away far away like a rag doll.

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